What is the Importance of Sports?

A school, which is alive and pulsating with life, gives as much importance to sports as classroom teaching. As a matter of fact, education without sports activities is incomplete. Holistic development of a student is possible only when he is physically fit and emotionally balanced and this is achieved through sportsSports are an important part of every society, country and individual. In one way or the other everyone is involved in sports of some sort whether one is playing, or watching. There are two kinds of sports- individual sports and team sports. In a team, all members play together and everyone help the team to win. The performance of the team, as a whole, is more importer than individual performance. ADVERTISEMENTS: Sports, not only bring people together, but also set…
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253 Words Short Essay on Our School Peon

Mr. Santosh Chand is our school peon. He is a middle-aged man. He is a model of simplicity and obedience and self-effacement. He gets up early in the morning and starts working. He does whatever he can for the school.He lives in the quarters allotted to him by the school authorities. These quarters lie in a corner of the school campus. The quarters comprise a thatched hut, a bathroom and a toilet. He lives in this one-room hut with the other members of his family. His family comprises his wife and two school going children. His children are given free education in the school.He grows some vegetables for himself and his family in the vacant plot near his hut. He is very conscious of his duties. He has been serving…
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7 Major Components of the Communication Process

Communication is a social process in which two or more persons exchange information and share meaning. It is a two-way process and takes Place over time rather than instantaneously.There are seven major components of the communication process: 1. Source: The source is the individual, group or institution interested in communicating something to another party. In institutional communication, an individual may send the message on behalf of the institution. ADVERTISEMENTS: For example, the principal of a school may send a message to the parents or to the government. The source is responsible for preparing, encoding and entering the message into the medium for transmission.In institutional communication, the source is often the head of the institution giving directions to teachers, non-teaching staff or students. Image Source: raconteur.net 2. Encoding: It is the…
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5 Major Components of a Curriculum

A curriculum has five major components:(1) A framework of assumptions about the learner and the society such as learners’ capacity and ability, aptitudes and potential for learning, motivation, needs, interests and values as well as society’s orientation to nurturing or using the individual gainfully.(2) Aims and objectives (i.e., why education should be provided and towards what direction). ADVERTISEMENTS: (3) Content or subject-matter with selection of what is to be taught and learnt, scope of the subject-matter and its sequence.(4) Modes of transaction which deals with the process of teaching-learning and includes methodology of teaching, learning experiences both within the institution and outside, learning environments, teachers’ material as well as students’ material.(5) Evaluation methods and techniques for students. Image Source: bvsd.org ADVERTISEMENTS: Curricula differ from each other on the basis of…
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19 Important Principles of Supervision as Identified by Burton and Bruekner

Burton and Brueckner (1955) have identified some principles governing the activity of supervision which are relevant even today. These are as follows:(1) Administrate is generally concerned with providing material facilities whereas supervision is generally concerned with improving the setting for learning.(2) Administration and supervision are co-ordinate, co-relative, complementary and mutually shared functions and cannot be separated from each other. ADVERTISEMENTS: (3) Supervision is aimed at providing all conditions considered to be favourable to learning.(4) Supervision should take into account the ultimate aims, values and policies with special reference to their adequacy.(5) It should takes into account facts and laws with special reference to their accuracy. Image Source: cepicc.it ADVERTISEMENTS: (6) It should be carried out with an experimental attitude and should be aimed at constant re-evaluation of aims, values, policies,…
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What is the Importance of School Library to Students? – Answered!

Importance of School Library are given below:Library is the heart of a school’s academic activities. The instructional programme of a school is tremendously influenced by the quality of its library. The teaching-learning process will be lack-lustre without a good library. ADVERTISEMENTS: Library is indispensable for student-centred teaching and learning processes such as project method, dalton plan, self-learning or seminars.According to the Secondary Education Commission, library will be the hub and centre of all the intellectual activity in the literary life of the recognized school and play the same part vis-a-vis all the other subjects as the laboratory plays for science subjects or the workshop for technical subjects. Image Source: iolani.orgIn fact even in case of science and technical subjects it will have a very important role. A library provides stimulation…
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What is the Importance of blackboards in schools?

The Importance of blackboards in a school are given below:Blackboard is the commonest and the most important of all visual aids. It is very difficult to imagine a classroom without a blackboard. It is, in fact, such a commonplace of classroom teaching that it is rarely used as effectively as it should be.It plays a very important role in making the instructional process effective. It is difficult to imagine a blackboard which is too big. A blackboard 8 to 12 feet long and 3 feet in height is satisfactory. ADVERTISEMENTS: The bottom edge of the blackboard should be 3 feet above the floor on which the teacher stands.There are many varieties of a blackboard: (a) The Wall Blackboard: This is the most widely used and economical type of blackboard. It…
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Various Types of Trait Approaches to Leadership – Explained!

Trait approaches to leadership are given below:The earlier studies on leadership were guided by the thought that effective leaders had some unique set of qualities or attributes that distinguished them from their peers. These traits were assumed to be enduring and relatively stable. ADVERTISEMENTS: Hence the earlier researches sought to identify leadership traits and focused on developing methods of measuring such traits and using the methods to select leaders.The earliest writers brought forward a long list of traits of leadership such as physical and nervous energy, a sense of purpose and direction, enthusiasm, friendliness and affection, integrity, mastery of knowledge, decisiveness, intelligence, teaching skill and faith (Tead, 1953); physique, skills, perception, knowledge, memory, imagination, determination, persistence, endurance and courage (Barnard, 1938). Image Source: images.flatworldknowledge.comSubsequently, some researchers found a significant theoretical…
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6 Methods Used for the Implementation of Human Rights throughout the World

Important methods of implementations of human rights are listed below:(a) World Council for Curriculum and Instruction (WCCI) organized many national and international conferences on Human rights and it also published Handbooks, Guidelines for guidance for all persons in Human rights education. ADVERTISEMENTS: (b) The Universal declaration of Human rights was followed by many other declaration like international Congress on Human rights in Tehran in 1968, International congress in Vienna organized by UNESCO in 1978, seminars on teaching of Human rights at Geneva in 1988 and United Nation conference on Human rights in Vienna in 1993, UN decade 1995-2004, 100 clause in programme of action of Vienna declaration related to the education and training work for the promotion and implementation of Human rights.(c) UNESCO has played a leading role in promoting…
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What are the Methods of Teaching used by the Idealist Teacher?

In the educative process, the idealist emphasizes experience rather than nature, the self rather than facts. Therefore, to him education is always the development from within. He regards the classroom as a meeting ground of personalities.By the intercourse in the classroom the less mature self is stimulated to participate in the experience of the more mature self the idealist teacher issues an invitation to the pupils to come and share in the wider and deeper and more interesting experiences and thereby become broader, and deeper “selves”.The method of teaching used by the idealist teacher is not based on logic of facts the main objective of the idealist teacher is to help the student to obtain a deeper insight than what he already possesses, and to realize that behind all his…
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