Salman Rushdie essay

For many years, school textbooks and other various kinds of scientific and encyclopedic publications with a fair amount of contempt and undisguised derogatory irony informed the then Soviet readers that the word "ISLAM" in Russian means "humility, obedience, obedience." At the same time, by direct and indirect ways, it was “proved” wrongly, as if: "... and in fact, such a name is not accidental at all; ISLAM is really nothing more than a religion of subservience, mutual oppression and comprehensive deprivation ..." Today, by the will of fate, seizing the opportunity to tell the truth, we have the right to rightly clarify that in reality the name of the last of the world religions means: "... surrendering to the Will of the Most High Allah, surrendering yourself to the Power…
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Seven exceptions to the rule when an agreement without consideration will be perfectly valid and binding

Consideration being one of the essential elements of a valid contract, the general rule is that “an agreement made without consideration is void.” But there are a few exceptions to the rule, where an agreement without consideration will be perfectly valid and binding. These exceptions are as follows:1. Agreement made on account of natural love and affection [Sec. 25(1)]:An agreement made without consideration is enforceable if, it is (i) expressed in writing, and (ii) registered under the law for the time being in force for the registration of documents, and is (iii) made on account of natural love and affection, (iv) between parties standing in a near relation to each other. Thus there are four essential requirements which must be complied with to enforce an agreement made without consideration, as…
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7 Important Differences between Public Corporation and a Government Company

7 Important Differences between Public Corporation and a Government Company are mentioned below: Public Corporation: 1. Public Corporation is an instrument of the State 2. It is created by the statute.3. Once a public corporation is established for certain purpose, it is a very hard to change its sphere and nature of business, unless and until the Parliament or State Legislature amend the original statute. ADVERTISEMENTS: 4. The object of the establishment has some more objectives, such as services.5. Examples: ONGC, RTC, LIC, FCI, Damodar Valley Corpn., etc.6. Prerogative writs can be issued against them.7. Public Corporations are under the control of: Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: (i) Judicial control;(ii) Governmental control; and(iii) Public control. A Government Company: ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. Section 617 of the Companies Act, 1956 defines a Government company:…
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What is the Importance of Methods Study in Productivity Improvement

As a productivity improvement step, Method Study helps to produce the same output using fewer resources or to produce more with proportionately less inputs. It reduces, if not eliminates waste. Method Study ensures creativity, innovativeness, optimal decision-making power, good organization practices and better communication. The following issues are the essential elements when carrying out a Method Study:1. Economic considerations2. Technical considerations ADVERTISEMENTS: 3. Human reactions Role of Method Study: To summarize the above discussions, we can safely say that role of Method Study is:1. To appraise the purpose and objectives of the organization2. To assess the tasks of the organization ADVERTISEMENTS: 3. To evaluate the communication and control structure of the organization4. To optimize the use of resources of the organization5. To improve procedures, methods and processes of the organization6.…
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Useful Notes on “Capacity Planning”

Capacity planning is done to estimate the requirements of machines and manpower so as to achieve the production targets. In helps to determine capacity and adjustment of capacity matching resource availability, to cope with demand fluctuation.With a stable demand pattern, the task of capacity planning becomes easier, while with a fluctuating demand, the task becomes complicated for obvious efforts required to the optimal utilization of available resources or new resource acquisition, as maybe case.Excess capacity would minimize productivity; whereas, under-capacity would put strain on customer services and long-term growth and profitability of the organization. For effective capacity planning, production and operations managers need to consider factors like, machine standards, production cycle time, labour productivity, multiplicity of shifts, plant efficiency, scheduling delays, maintenance problem, power failure, absenteeism problem, other eventual manufacturing…
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Short Essay on “Civil Law”

The term ‘civil law‘ denotes the law of the land. It is termed civil to mean the law of the civitas or State. The name is derived from the jus civil of the Romans. That was the law peculiar to a particular State, e.g., Rome. Holland uses the term “positive law”.He observes that “a law, in the sense in which that term is employed in jurisprudence, is enforced by sovereign political authority. It is thus distinguished not only from all rules which, like the principles of morality and the so-called law of honour and of fashion are enforced by an indeterminate authority, but also from rules enforced by a deter­minate authority, which is cither, on the one hand, superhuman, or, on the other hand, politically subordinate. In order to emphasize…
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8 Most Important Techniques Used by Pressure Groups for Securing their Interests

For securing their aims and goals, interest groups use peaceful persuasion as well as pressure techniques. When the interest groups, use pressure tactics for securing their interests these are called pressure groups.As such, ail methods by which influence and pressure can be exerted upon the decision-makers are the methods of interest groups. Such techniques as strike, gherao, bandhs, demonstrations, passive resistance, work to rule, which are usually described as means of direct action, fall within their scope.Interest groups are opportunistic and down to earth pragmatic in the selection of methods for serving their interests. Henry A. Turner observes, “Individual interest groups generally function in a pragmatic and opportunistic fashion, using any method or technique which they believe will serve their purpose effectively. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Undoubtedly, dictating most pressure…
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7 Exceptional Cases where the Law of Supply does not Operate

There are certain exceptional cases, where the law of supply does not operate. They are discussed below: (1) Rare Goods: The law is not applicable in case of rare art pieces of painting. The supply of such things is fixed. Whatever may be price of such commodities, the supply will remain the same. Image Source: (2) Labour Market: ADVERTISEMENTS: The law of supply does not hold good sometimes in the labour market. A rise in price of labour (wages) sometimes leads to a fall in amount of labour supplied in the market.The reason is simple. First, with the rise in wages, labourers are now able to earn the same amount of income by working for a smaller number of hours. Secondly, with the rise in general level wages, there…
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24 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers on “Natural Resources” (India)

1. Kaveri water dispute is in between: (a) India and Pakistan(b) Punjab and Haryana ADVERTISEMENTS: (c) Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh(d) Karnataka and Tamil Nadu Image Source: sindhu.ece.iisc.ernet.in2. In respect of water crisis, there have been conflicts/disputes between two countries, or states of the same country. Which of the following has never been the case of water conflict? ADVERTISEMENTS: (a) Cauvery water dispute between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka(b) Yamuna-Betwa dispute between U.P. and M.P.(c) Sutlej Yamuna Link (SYL) canal dispute between Punjab and Haryana(d) Jordan, Tigris-Euphrates, and Nile river basins dispute among Jordan, Syria and Israel ADVERTISEMENTS: 3. The method of rainwater harvesting which can be adopted by individual house owners is (a) Construction of recharge trenches(b) On channel storage of water(c) Creation of new water bodies(d) Roof-top rainwater harvesting…
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Legal Provisions of Order VI of Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (C.P.C.), India – Pleadings Generally

Pleadings are statements in writing drawn up and filed by each party to a case, stating what his contentions will be at the trial and giving all such details as his opponent needs to know in order to prepare his case in answer.“Pleading” is defined in the Code of Civil Procedure as meaning plaint or written statement. (Order VI, Rule 1). ADVERTISEMENTS: Plaint is the statement of a claim, in writing and filed by the plaintiff, in which he sets out his cause of action with all necessary particulars.Written statement is the statement of defence in writing and filed by the defendant in which he deals with every material fact alleged by the plaintiff in the plaint and also states new facts which may be in his favour, adding such…
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