24 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers on “Natural Resources” (India)

1. Kaveri water dispute is in between:

(a) India and Pakistan

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(b) Punjab and Haryana


(c) Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh

(d) Karnataka and Tamil Nadu

Image Source: sindhu.ece.iisc.ernet.in

2. In respect of water crisis, there have been conflicts/disputes between two countries, or states of the same country. Which of the following has never been the case of water conflict?


(a) Cauvery water dispute between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka

(b) Yamuna-Betwa dispute between U.P. and M.P.

(c) Sutlej Yamuna Link (SYL) canal dispute between Punjab and Haryana

(d) Jordan, Tigris-Euphrates, and Nile river basins dispute among Jordan, Syria and Israel


3. The method of rainwater harvesting which can be adopted by individual house owners is

(a) Construction of recharge trenches

(b) On channel storage of water

(c) Creation of new water bodies

(d) Roof-top rainwater harvesting

4. Which one of the following is not an ideal solution for tackling water shortages?

(a) Controlling population growth

(b) Conserving water in irrigation

(c) Controlling water pollution

(d) Drilling large number of deep bore wells

5. When fluoride concentration in H2O exceeds about 1.5 mg/1, the disease that may be caused, is

(a) Dental caries in children

(b) Fluorosis

(c) Polymyelitis

(d) Methemoglobinemia

6. Which of the following is not a method for water conservation?

(a) Rainwater harvesting

(b) Groundwater extraction

(c) Improving irrigation efficiency

(d) Avoiding water wastage

7. Given below are some statements:

A. About 60% of human body is water

B. About 96% of total fluoride in human body is found in bones and teeth

C. Most adults consume about 1 to 3 mg of fluoride daily

D. Soft water usually contains 10 ppm fluoride and hard water contains no fluoride. Of these the correct statements are:

(a) A, B and D

(b) A, B and C

(c) B, C and D

(d) A, B, C and D

8. The teeth are likely to be pitted, more susceptible to cavities and wear, when the fluoride concentration is:

(a) More than 2 mg/1

(b) More than 40 mg/1

(c) More than 20 mg/1

(d) More than 4 mg/1

9. Fossil fuel and metallic minerals are:

(a) Renewable resource

(b) Inexhaustible resources

(c) Non-renewable resources

(d) None of these

10. Khetri (Rajasthan) is famous for:

(a) Coal mines

(b) Copper mines

(c) Granite stone

(d) Marble stone

11. In our country the percentage of land under forest is about:

(a) 20%

(b) 19%

(c) 25%

(d) 30%

12. Which of the following statements about the forest is not correct?

(a) Forest reduces soil erosion

(b) Provides recreational opportunities

(c) Provides economic development

(d) None of the above

13. Forest and wild life are

(a) Renewable resource

(b) Non-renewable resources

(c) Inexhaustible resources

(d) None of these

14. Which of the following is not true about deforestation?

(a) Population explosion is one of the reasons for deforestation.

(b) Cleaning of forest for agriculture causes deforestation.

(c) Deforestation is taking place only in developing courtiers.

(d) Cash crop economy of third world is a cause of deforestation.

15. Deforestation generally decreases

(a) Rainfall

(b) Soil erosion

(c) Draught

(d) Global warming

16. Which of the following is not a viable protection against deforestation?

(a) Reduce the consumption of forest and related products

(b) Boycott products of companies involve in deforestation

(c) Privatisation of forest land

(d) Environmental education

17. Extensive planting of trees to increase cover is called

(a) Afforestation

(b) Agroforestation

(c) Deforestation

(d) Social forestry

18. Which of the following is responsible for desertification?

(a) Deforestation

(b) Mining

(c) Overgrazing

(d) All of the above

19. Forests prevent soil erosion by binding soil particles in their

(a) Leaves

(b) Roots

(c) Buds

(d) Stems

20. The major cause for land degradation in our country is

(a) Soil erosion

(b) Pollution of soil

(c) Water-logging

(d) None of the above

21. Nitrogen constitutes about 78% of the atmosphere

(a) By weight

(b) By mass

(c) By volume

(d) None of these

22. Carbon dioxide constitutes about 0.03% of the atmosphere

(a) By volume

(b) By weight

(c) By mass

(d) None of these

23. Which among the following is a sedimentary type of cycle?

(a) Sulphur cycle

(b) Nitrogen cycle

(c) Oxygen cycle

(d) Carbon cycle

24. The percentage of total world’s precipitation, which is lost to the atmosphere through evaporation, approximates to:

(a) 57%

(b) 7%

(c) 37%

(d) 43%


1. (d); 2. (d); 3. (d); 4. (d); 5. (b); 6. (b); 7. (b); 8. (d); 9. (c); 10. (b); 11. (b); 12. (d); 13. (a); 14. (c); 15. (a); 16. (c); 17. (a); 18. (d); 19. (b); 20. (a); 21. (c); 22. (a); 23. (a); 24. (a)


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