Salman Rushdie essay

For many years, school textbooks and other various kinds of scientific and encyclopedic publications with a fair amount of contempt and undisguised derogatory irony informed the then Soviet readers that the word "ISLAM" in Russian means "humility, obedience, obedience." At the same time, by direct and indirect ways, it was “proved” wrongly, as if: "... and in fact, such a name is not accidental at all; ISLAM is really nothing more than a religion of subservience, mutual oppression and comprehensive deprivation ..." Today, by the will of fate, seizing the opportunity to tell the truth, we have the right to rightly clarify that in reality the name of the last of the world religions means: "... surrendering to the Will of the Most High Allah, surrendering yourself to the Power…
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Short Essay on “Civil Law”

The term ‘civil law‘ denotes the law of the land. It is termed civil to mean the law of the civitas or State. The name is derived from the jus civil of the Romans. That was the law peculiar to a particular State, e.g., Rome. Holland uses the term “positive law”.He observes that “a law, in the sense in which that term is employed in jurisprudence, is enforced by sovereign political authority. It is thus distinguished not only from all rules which, like the principles of morality and the so-called law of honour and of fashion are enforced by an indeterminate authority, but also from rules enforced by a deter­minate authority, which is cither, on the one hand, superhuman, or, on the other hand, politically subordinate. In order to emphasize…
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8 Most Important Techniques Used by Pressure Groups for Securing their Interests

For securing their aims and goals, interest groups use peaceful persuasion as well as pressure techniques. When the interest groups, use pressure tactics for securing their interests these are called pressure groups.As such, ail methods by which influence and pressure can be exerted upon the decision-makers are the methods of interest groups. Such techniques as strike, gherao, bandhs, demonstrations, passive resistance, work to rule, which are usually described as means of direct action, fall within their scope.Interest groups are opportunistic and down to earth pragmatic in the selection of methods for serving their interests. Henry A. Turner observes, “Individual interest groups generally function in a pragmatic and opportunistic fashion, using any method or technique which they believe will serve their purpose effectively. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Undoubtedly, dictating most pressure…
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7 Exceptional Cases where the Law of Supply does not Operate

There are certain exceptional cases, where the law of supply does not operate. They are discussed below: (1) Rare Goods: The law is not applicable in case of rare art pieces of painting. The supply of such things is fixed. Whatever may be price of such commodities, the supply will remain the same. Image Source: (2) Labour Market: ADVERTISEMENTS: The law of supply does not hold good sometimes in the labour market. A rise in price of labour (wages) sometimes leads to a fall in amount of labour supplied in the market.The reason is simple. First, with the rise in wages, labourers are now able to earn the same amount of income by working for a smaller number of hours. Secondly, with the rise in general level wages, there…
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What is the Relevance of Commonwealth Nations Today?

The Commonwealth is one of largest international associations (other than the United Nations and the NAM) in the contemporary world. Its member-nations are spread over the entire length and breadth of the globe.Together, they account for more than one-fourth of mankind and represent a wide diversity of politi­cal systems and culture monarchies, republics and dictatorships as well as unitary and federal politics. A major characteristic of the Commonwealth lies in the fact that unlike other institutions of British origin it has evolved over a period of nearly a hundred years. ADVERTISEMENTS: Starting as an instrument of British colonial policy and administration during the Victorian age, it has grown into a voluntary association (comprising 53 sovereign States) for international cooperation and consultation. It has no rigid charter or constitution, and it…
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7 Important Criticisms of Indifference Curve Analysis – Explained!

Indifference curve technique is definitely an improvement over utility analysis and it has a number of uses and merits. In spite of merits, indifference curve analysis suffers from shortcomings and these are followings: Criticisms 1. Unrealistic assumptions: It is based on unrealistic assumptions of rationality, perfect competition, divisibility of goods and perfect knowledge of scale or preference.The purchases of a consumer arc very much affected by habits, customs and fashion. Therefore, a consumer does not act always rationally. We cannot expect a consumer to know his indifference map. Goods Visible and perfect completion is a myth. Image Source : 2. No novelty: Prof. D.H. Robertson remarked that the indifference curve technique is merely “An old wine in new bottle.”This technique is similar to the utility analysis because it merely…
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488 Words Essay on If There Were No Electricity

Since our modern-day life has become so much dependent on electricity, it seems, virtually, impossible to think if we can ever live without it. When an hour or so of load-shedding, especially on a hot summer day, can make us fret and fume and curse the whole system, what would happen, if this great boon is taken away from us forever?The whole life would come to a grinding halt, forcing all of us to experience the dull, dark, boring and uneventful period of the stone-age.As a matter of fact, to conceive of a life without electricity is, virtually, impossible and that too when we have got slavishly addicted to the fruits and comforts electricity provides. We realize its importance, when power fails or when there is erratic supply of it.…
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Short Essay on the Pleasures of Reading

Reading makes a man perfect. By reading we get information, facts and knowledge of the affairs of the world.The books prescribed for our formal education do not provide pleasure to us . This is an obligation on us to read those books as we have to continue with our education.We are to go through them even though we may not like them. The books that provide us pleasure are the books of our liking and interest. There­fore we should have a vast field of good books for our knowledge. ADVERTISEMENTS: Most of the people who read books as a part (pass) time, read them for pleasure only. But it is very much doubtful that all those who read get any real pleasure out of it.These days, reading has become a…
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1000 Words Essay on Global Warming

1000 Words Essay on Global Warming !Global warming is an increase in the average temperature of the earth’s temperature, especially a sustained change sufficient to cause climate change. The average facade temperature of the globe has increased more than degree since 1900 and the speed of warming has been almost three folds the century long average since 1970. ADVERTISEMENTS: This increase in earth’s average temperature is called Global warming. More or less all specialists studying the climate record of the earth have the same opinion now that human actions, mainly the discharge of green house gases from smokestacks, vehicles, and burning forests, are perhaps the leading power driving the fashion. The gases append to the planet’s normal greenhouse effect, permitting sunlight in, but stopping some of the ensuing heat from…
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517 words essay on the Importance of Library

517 words essay on the Importance of Library. Libraries are very important for the progress and development of a society. They are storehouse of knowledge. Libraries help to develop reading habits. They mould the character.Libraries are very important for the progress and development of a society. They are storehouse of knowledge. Libraries help to develop reading habits. They mould the character. They help in personality development.Libraries are significant for a civil society. They contain books on various subjects ranging from history, science, fiction, literature, fashion, health and beauty. Books contain good thought. They ensure accessibility to vast ocean of knowledge to common man. There are people in every society who have craving for reading but have no money to satisfy their urge. Libraries are blessing for such people. The concept…
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