Essay on the Gandhiji's views on Secularism (899 Words)

Here is your essay on the Gandhiji’s views on secularism !Secularism as a modern political and constitutional principle involves two basic propositions. The first is that people belonging to different faiths and sections of society are equal before the law, the Constitution and government] policy. The second requirement is that there can be no mixing up of religion and politics.It follows therefore that there can be no discrimination against anyone on the basis of religion or faith nor is there room for the hegemony of one religion or majoritarian religious sentiments and aspirations. It is in this double sense—no discrimination against anyone on grounds of faith and separation of religion from politics—that our Constitution safeguards secularism, however imperfectly. ADVERTISEMENTS: These political principles imply also the acceptance of a somewhat more…
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Essay on Important Religious Festivals of Islam (737 Words)

Here is your Essay on Important Religious Festivals of Islam !Islam is also a world religion with a following of nearly l/5th of the universal population. Youngest of three monotheistic religions, Islam is preached in every nation) race, and color.Of Arabic origin, Islam means “submission of one’s will” to the only true god worthy of worship “Allah” and anyone who does so is a Muslim. Submission to Allah is necessarily with heart, soul and death. Islam also implies “peace’ which is the natural consequence of Allah. A Muslim should strictly avoid worship any other God except Allah. Salaam Alaykum (peace be with us) is the universal greeting among the Muslims. ADVERTISEMENTS: Religious festivals of Islam and their social significance: The religion advocates belief in one God (Allah) and has similar…
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Social and Political conditions under which Buddhism and Jainism Emerge in India

Essay on the Social and Political conditions under which Buddhism and Jainism Emerge in India.The sixth century B.C. has left a permanent impress on Indian history mainly because it witnessed an intense preoccupation with philosophical speculation. Among the various thinkers contributing to this unique phase were the Mahavira and Buddha, who more than any other historical personages born in India have compiled the attention of the world as the most humane thinkers, the Indian tradition has produced.Jainism and Buddhism represent the most serious and most comprehensive attempt to analyze the rapidly changing society in which it originated and to provide an enduring social philosophy for mankind. Buddhism created the vision of an alternative society, the possibility of organizing society on different principles from the hierarchical and in egalitarian ideology and…
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Short Essay on the Ramakrishna Mission (431 Words)

Here is your short essay on the Ramakrishna Mission.The Ramakrishna Mission was established with some basic ideas which are now discussed.Ideology and Objects: ADVERTISEMENTS: The ideology and objectives of the Ramakrishna Mission were:(i) Impart and promote the study of the Vedanta and its principles as propounded by Ramakrishna and practically illustrated by his own life, and of comparative ideology in its widest form.(ii) Vedanta is a Hindu philosophy which teaches that there is Oneness of all Truth. That all evolves from Truth and returns to Truth. Thus all appearances are deceptive, unless apprehended through the Truth to impart and promote the study of the arts, science and industries;(iii) To train teachers in all the branches of knowledge mentioned above and enable tham to reach the masses; ADVERTISEMENTS: iv) To carry…
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Short Speech on Religion (490 Words)

Here is your Short Speech on Religion.A religion is an organized approach to human spirituality which usually encompasses a set of narratives, symbols, beliefs and practices, often with a supernatural or transcendent quality, that give meaning to the practitioner’s experiences of human beings as a collectivity in all parts of the world, (b) Relationships between human beings, probably in all walks of their life, and (c) to all facets of everyday human life, for example, education, politics, economy etc. Every society has religious beliefs, rites and organizations. Religion very often affects our understanding of the everyday life. The way in which we relate to each other is very often influenced by our religious beliefs.Religions are also related to politics, and to economic activities like production, distribution and consumption. Religion can…
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Difference between Legal and Political Sovereignty

Differences between Legal and Political Sovereignty are as follows:Legal Sovereignty:Difference is sometimes drawn between legal and political sovereignty. The sovereign is supposed to be absolute and omnipotent. It functions according to its own will. Law is simply the will of sovereign. There is none to question its validity. Legal sovereign grants rights to its citizens and there can be no rights against him. It means rights of citizens depend on the will of legal sovereign and any time he can take away. Legal sovereign has following characteristics: ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. The legal sovereignty is always definite and determinate.2. Legal sovereignty may reside either in one person or in a body of persons.3. It is definitely organized, precise and known to law.4. Rights of citizen are gift of legal sovereign. ADVERTISEMENTS: 5.…
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Difference between Western Liberal Democracy and Non-Western Form of Democracy

Differences between Western Liberal Democracy and Non-Western Form of Democracy are as follows:Western Liberal Democracy:Western liberal democracy is a political theory that emerged in Europe during the seventeenth century and has continued to this day as one of the dominant theories and ideologies in the world. This excludes the socialist countries with dictatorships of different kinds. In the development of this concept, mention must be made of John Locke, Jeremy Bentham and J.S Mill. Locke contributed the ideas of limited government, constitutionalism, individual rights and the rule of law. ADVERTISEMENTS: Bentham’s contribution lay in the utilitarian conception of majority interest calculated in terms of individual utility. Mill contributed the idea of individual liberty, plurality of opinions, and the principle of development of individual personality.When we define the liberal state to…
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Essay on the Globalization of Trade (1232 Words)

Essay on the Globalization of Trade !The term ‘globalisation’, now-a-days, is known to all and has become an expression of common usage. Different people use this term with different colours representing ‘a brave new world with no barriers’; ‘a world of doom and destruction’; and ‘a disneyesque beacon of light and a fake optimism’.“The need of a constantly expanding market for its products chased the bourgeoisie over the whole surface of the globe………. transforming the world in its own image” was the Communist Manifesto s prescient description of what is now referred to as ‘globalization’. ADVERTISEMENTS: The term ‘globalisation’, generally, means integration of economies and societies through cross country flows of information, ideas, technologies, goods, services, capital, finance and people. But the term ‘globalisation’ is used, at present, in the…
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Advantages and Disadvantages of International Trade | Essay

Essay on the Advantages and Disadvantages of International Trade ! Advantages of International Trade: International trade which enable every country to specialise and to export those things that it can produce cheaper in exchange for what others can provide at a lowest cost have been and still are one of the basic factors promoting economic well-being and increasing national income of every participating country. The World Trade can increase real income and consumption two.International Trade has many more benefits. It promotes growth and enhances economic welfare by stimulating more efficient utilisation of factor endowments of different regions and by enabling people to obtain goods from efficient sources of supply. Trade also makes available to people goods which cannot be produced in their country due to various reasons. ADVERTISEMENTS: Small countries…
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Achievements of World Trade Organization

Essay on Achievements of World Trade Organization !Member-countries of the WTO have sought to fulfil the objectives reflected in the preamble of the WTO agreement of conducting the trade relations with a view to raising standards of living worldwide. The rise in global trade facilitated by trade liberalisation within the rule-based system has created more and better-paid jobs in many countries.Forty eight least developed countries, with 12 per cent of the world population had only 0.4 per cent of global trade. It is therefore called for better access to them increased technology transfer, aid and debt relief, protection from negative consequences of the agreements and greater transparency in the WTO. ADVERTISEMENTS: It is the rapid growth of trade in the past half century that has been responsible for the global…
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