1200 Words Essay on Indian Society (culture, customs and people)

India is a hierarchical society. Within India’s culture and customs-whether in the north, south, east or west-whether in Hindu, Muslim or other communities-whether in rural or urban areas, virtually all things, people and groups of people are ranked according to certain essential attributes. If one is attuned to the theme of hierarchy in India, one can discuss its manifestations everywhere. Although India is the biggest democracy in the world, yet in daily life the notions of equality are not present.Castes, ethnic groups with which all the Indians are associated are also ranked. Within most cities, towns and villages, everyone knows the relative rankings of each locally represented caste. People’s behaviour towards one another is primarily shaped by this knowledge.There is even disagreement at times, between the people of extremes of…
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Short essay for kids on A Street Beggar

Short essay for kids on A Street Beggar (free to read). In ancient times a person took to begging only when he had been very hungry for days together and had not been able to get hold of a job.Nowadays begging in India has become almost a profession. Wherever you go, a beggar stares you in the face. You can’t escape him. Besides meeting him in the street, at the bus stand and near temples, you will find him begging from door to door.There are some beggars who are able bodied. They can work to earn their bread but they have taken to begging simply because it is so easy. They at times get more than many honest workers. The beggars virtually loot money in the name of religion and…
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494 Words Short Essay on the Moon

The moon is one of the. smallest of the heavenly bodies which can be seen from the earth. But it is the nearest to us, and on that account, with the exception of the sun, appears the target. The moon travels round the earth in a period of about one month, just as the earth goes round the sun in a day.The earth, however, turns round upon its axis once every twenty-four hours, thus causing the alternation of day and night, whereas the moon takes a month to revolve on her axis, so that she always presents to us very nearly the same surface. ADVERTISEMENTS: The moon has no light of her own like the sun and the stars, but shines by means of the reflected light of the sun.…
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587 Words Essay on A Rolling Stone gathers no Moss

The proverb tells us that, if we constantly move about from one place to another and can never settle down, we are not likely to amass much wealth. Only those stones that have long remained in one place become coated with moss. In like manner, men who go on working steadily in the same town or country, are most likely to become prosperous.It must not be supposed that this proverb entirely forbids change of place. Although a stone gathers no moss while it is actually rolling, it may nevertheless by rolling arrive at a position more favourable for the accumulation of moss. ADVERTISEMENTS: Many men have immensely improved their prospects in life by boldly transferring their talents to a distant land. They may have had heavy expenses on the journey;…
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Write an Essay on the Value of Good Health in Life

It is said “Health is wealth”. If health is lost, everything is lost. If health is i’ lost, the capacity to work is lost. Inability to work leads to poverty and misery. On the other hand, if we have health we are able to work and this, in turn, adds to our wealth. Therefore good health is one of the basic foundations on which our lives are built.For the common man, health is merely an absence of sickness and ailments. This view is narrow and one-sided. The term ‘health’ is much more comprehensive. Good health is the state of all-round physical, social and mental well being of a person, which enables him to live and work normally and to resist the negative impact of his environment. ADVERTISEMENTS: The merits or…
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Short Essay for Kids on Population

Our country is the second most populated country in the world after China. Out of every five people in the entire world one is an Indian. India’s present population is over one billion and it is the source of major problems for the entire country.India that used to be a land full of lush green jungles and wild animals and birds in fast changing into a land often struck in various parts by famines, floods and droughts. Population is very much at the root of this grave problem.Every person needs a certain amount of space to live in. To make place for the billion strong population of our country to live, a huge amount of the forested areas of our motherland has been destroyed. The most alarming fact is that…
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Short Speech on Poverty in India

For an understanding of the problem of poverty and its solution, one should first be clear about the concept of poverty itself. This will also help us in measuring the magnitude of poverty in the country.There are two types of poverty absolute poverty and relative poverty. Absolute poverty refers to inability of a section of population to achieve basic necessities of life. Relative poverty, on the other hand, refers to inequality in distribution of income and expenditure. ADVERTISEMENTS: Absolute Poverty: In India the concept of poverty has been approached in the absolute sense. In other words, it is not related to the income or consumption expenditure distribution. The concept of absolute poverty is relevant for the less-developed countries where absolute poverty abounds. To measure it, absolute norms for living are…
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The Defence Counsel (Section 303 of CrPc)

Legal provisions regarding the Defence Counsel under section 303 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.Section 303 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 provides that any person accused of an offence before a Criminal Court, or against whom proceedings are instituted under this Code, may of right be defended by a pleader of his choice. Image Source: northcountrypublicradio.org ADVERTISEMENTS: The Code confers on the accused person a right to consult and to be defended by a legal practitioner of his choice. The right guaranteed by this provision is indispensable to the fair administration of over adversary system of criminal justice. An accused has a right to be defended by a counsel of his choice not only at the trial but at the hearing of the appeal also. There is…
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Essay on the Important Zoogeography regions of Planet Earth !

The Important Zoogeography regions of Mother Earth !A few groups of animals are cosmopolitan in having world-wide distribution and most animals are restricted in distribution because of same kind of barrier or because of past history of origin and dispersal. image source: i.ytimg.com ADVERTISEMENTS: An understanding of their present-day distribution takes us into zoogeography Major units of distribution are the zoological region or zoogeographical regions, areas defined largely by the past and present rela­tions of the continent to each other. Each region is further sub­divided into faunal or ecological units, depending on the criteria used. Zoogeographical Regions: There are six zoogeographical regions, each more or less em­bracing a major continental land mass and all have long been separated from one another by water (oceans and fresh-water bodies), mountain ranges or…
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