520 Words Essay on the Biography of Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of free India. He shaped and guided the destiny of the country from 1947 till his death on May 27, 1964. Apart from being a good administrator, he was a prolific writer, a wonderful orator and a great freedom fighter.Though he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he gave up any craving for wealth, status or personal comfort and joined Mahatma Gandhi in his struggle for independence of the country. He was his closest and most trustworthy follower. His leader’s sudden death came as a big shock for him. In his address to the Nation, Nehru bemoaned: ADVERTISEMENTS: The light has gone out and there is darkness all around us.Nehru was born on November 14, 1989 at Allahabad in U.P.…
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Arrangement of Ideas for Writing an Essay

A house is built brick by brick, first the walls are built and then the roof is laid. You can not put up the roof before the walls are built. Thus, in a paragraph you cannot skip from one idea to the next without arranging_them_properly and in a particular order.Ideas can be arranged in the following ways:-(i) chronological order: ADVERTISEMENTS: This means that ideas have to be presented as they occur in time. Omitting an important event and then going back to it later can be very confusing.(ii) order of importance:The writer can begin with the most important idea first and then lead to the least important idea.OR ADVERTISEMENTS: The writer can begin with the least important idea and then lead to the most important idea.Order of importance is helpful…
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Essay on the Problems of Old Age

Everyone wants to live long but no one wants to grow old. This phenomenon is really funny.Old age is viewed as an unavoidable, undesirable and problem-ridden phase of life that we all are compelled to live, marking time until our final exit from life itself. ADVERTISEMENTS: Perceiving old age with fear is actually a rather recent phenomenon. This fear seems to increase as each day passes and the world become more complex and less comprehensible.Earlier, when life was simpler and values counted for more, those who reached a ripe old age held an enviable place in society where they could really relax and enjoy their twilight years, secure in the knowledge that they still commanded attention, respect and affection, and that though they were well past their prime, all that…
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5 Determinants and Theoretical Aspects of Foreign Aid – Revealed!

1. Non-Economic Criteria: The extent and duration of foreign aid, as also its continuity, do not depend upon economic variables only. Political and other considerations also play a dominant role. The aid-giver does not ignore the safety aspect of the loans. 2. Capacity and Willingness to Provide Aid: Flow of aid is deeply influenced by the capacity and willingness of aid-givers. It is obvious that a poor and underdeveloped country cannot provide substantial amounts of foreign aid.Similarly, aid from cash rich but technologically less developed countries (like oil-rich petroleum exporting countries) can result in effective inflow of productive resources to aid-recipient countries only if related imports of machinery, equipment and such like other inputs can be arranged from industrially advanced countries. abcnews.go.com ADVERTISEMENTS: Most developed countries have been unwilling to…
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Short Summary of “Suicide in the Trenches” by Siegfried Sassoon

Siegfried Sassoon in his poem “Suicide in the trenches” is actually criticizing the loneliness, health conditions, patriotism and also the lack of resources that the soldiers faced while they are in the trenches.The poem actually describes the grief of each and every soldier who fights for the country. Though the soldiers carry deep feeling of patriotism for their country but still they are not provided with optimum facilities during war by the state.Referring to the image of a war field, the poem reveals the despair, the cry of a young man within whom a child resides. ADVERTISEMENTS: Sassoon wants the readers to understand the fact that how important the soldiers are for any country. He also explains the selflessness and the love for the country of a soldier.A soldier is…
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Living and Non-living components of a Plant Cell–Explained!

A) Living 1) Cytoplasm: The substance except nucleus surrounded by the plasma lemma of cell is known as cytoplasm. The cytoplasmic organelles are depicted. I) Endoplasmic reticulum: Cytoplasm contains an extensive net­work of membrane enclosed spaces; these spaces along with the membranes enclosing them are known as endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Functions: 1) It provides structural base for protein, lipid and phospholipids synthesis. ADVERTISEMENTS: 2) It sorts proteins according to their destination. 32f7sg2by83y1dtg9mdxf11m.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com3) It provides a control passage for the export of mRNA mol­ecules from nucleus to rough endoplasmic reticulum. ADVERTISEMENTS: 4) Several enzyme molecules, e.g. glucose-6-Phosphatase, AT- Pase etc. are embedded in the membranes of ER. II) Ribosomes: Ribosomes are particles of about 200 A° diam­eter; they are composed of RNA and protein. Generally ribosomes are attached to the outer…
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12 Main Factors That Influence the Socialization Process of a Child

A number of factors influence the socialization of the child. Onwards we shall understand these factors. Image Source: cdn.yourarticlelibrary.com 1. Family: The family plays a very important role in the socialization of the child. In the beginning, the parents are the family for the child, because he depends on them for various things. After the parents mention may be made of sisters, brothers, uncle, aunt, grand­parents, and servants etc. ADVERTISEMENTS: The child learns many things from them relating to social behavior. The adult members of the family must see that their behaviors are within reasonable control in order that children may not learn anything undesirable through imitating them.The parents owe a special responsibility in this respect, because the child’s socialization begins first on the basis of parental behavior. The child…
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Comprehensive Essay on Brahma

According to the oldest theory mentioned in the Rig Veda, the origin of the universe was when Brahma the creator was born out of a golden egg ‘Hiranyagarbha’ which came into the infinite space by the desire of the ‘Supreme Cause’ and after lying in it for a year.He divided it into two parts, the upper part formed the heaven and the lower one formed the universe and between them was the sky or the space which is ever expanding known as Brahmand derived from the word ‘brish’ which means to expand.It seems that the present theory of the ‘Big Bang’ which was the cause of the universe was accepted by these early Aryans and they seem to know then what is now the most widely accepted theory concerning the…
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9 Important “Roles of Caste System” in Indian Politics

The role of caste in the Indian political system can be specifically discussed as under: (1) Caste Factor in Political Socialisation and Leadership Recruitment: Different caste groups have their loyalties behind different political parties and their ideologies. Right from his birth, an Indian citizen inherits a caste and grows up as a member of a particular caste group. ADVERTISEMENTS: He belongs either to one of the High Castes or to Scheduled Castes. In the process of picking up his political orientations, attitude and beliefs, he naturally comes under the influence of caste groups and casteism.‘Caste values’ and caste interests influence his socialisation and consequently his political thinking, awareness and participation. He banks upon caste solidarity for occupying and performing a leadership role. Image Source: alhsgov.weebly.comCaste influences the process of leadership…
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4 Major Theories of Power (Class, Elite, Pluralist and Gender Theories)

Power is a factor of all social relations, particularly the political relations. It is present in every society. However, its distribution differs from society to society.Two major and interesting questions which demand answers are: who hold power in society? How power stands distributed in society? Several theories have been advocated by Political Sociologists and each of which seeks to explain the possession and distribution of power in society..(1) Class Theory of Power ADVERTISEMENTS: (2) Elite Theory of Power(3) Pluralist Theory of Power(4) Gender Theory of Power 1. Class Theory of Power: The Class Theory of power stands associated with the name of Karl Marx and his Marxism. It holds that in each society there are present two classes: ADVERTISEMENTS: (i) The class of the Rich (Haves) which owns the means…
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