1163 words essay on Space Research (Free to read)

Free sample essay on Space Research (Free to read). Man’s curiosity about space and eagerness to unravel its mysteries is quite natural. Indian and world mythology and literature are full of cosmic tales, adventures and allusions.Man is adventurous, intelligent and his thirst for knowledge is limitless. This insatiable thirst has urged him to probe and unravel the mysteries of space, the continuous and limitless expanse extending in all directions. Space is everywhere and all around us, an ever-expanding phenomenon. Space contains the whole universe, including all the planets, the sun, the moon, the earth, the stars and whatever there is known and unknown in the universe. The limit where the earth’s atmosphere ends is called outer space. The universe and space are almost synonymous. Space is eternal, universal and ageless.…
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Very Short Essay on Counselling (411 Words)

Counselling can be classified according to the nature of the problem, the complexity of treatment, and the competence of the counsellor.Some writers classify counselling in terms of several factors. Lloyd Jones and Smith, for example, describe various levels of counselling with respect to the depth of the problem, length of contact, degree of need, and the skill of the counsellor.At the Surface level is the counselling offered when the student wishes only some item of information. ADVERTISEMENTS: The counselling given may be casual; it is brief, and it may be superficial in that it is not extensive or intensive.The need for help is important even though slight, and the relationship maintained through the brief contact should not be less than that maintained during the long counselling session.Counselling at the next…
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Short Essay on the Judicial Review

Short Essay on the Judicial Review – The Constitution of India envisages separation of power between the three organs of the Constitution so that the working of the Constitution may not be hampered.The Indian Constitution has not recognized the doctrine of separation of powers in its absolute form but the functions of the different organs i.e., executive, legislature and judiciary have been clearly differentiated.It provides for an independent judiciary with extensive jurisdiction over the acts of the legislature and the executive. Independent Judiciary is the most essential attribute of rule of law and is indispensable to sustain democracy. Image Source: isrj.org ADVERTISEMENTS: Judicial review is considered as a basic feature of the Constitution. Judicial review in India comprises of Judicial review of legislative action and judicial review of administrative action.…
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Essay on the Organic Theory of State

The union of individuals forming the State has been described as similar to the union between the several parts of an animal body, wherein all parts are functionally related and none can exist in isolation from the rest.Just as the body has a natural unity, so has a social group. An arm lives and moves only as a part of an organic whole. ADVERTISEMENTS: Amputated from the body, it dies. The Organic Theory is a biological conception which describes the State in terms of “natural science, views the individuals which compose it as analogous to the cells of a plant or animal, and postulates a relation of interdependence between them and society such as exists between the organs and parts of a biological organism and the whole structure.”In other words,…
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438 words short essay on My Best Friend

438 words short essay on My Best Friend. A good friend is a gift of God. He is a great boon. The world is gloomy in the absence of a true friend. A true friend always stands by his friend whether he is in distress or in pleasure. He is honest, sincere and always helping to his friend. Such a friend is indeed rare in today’s world when qualities have been lost in the fast race of materialism.A true friend is a source of joy, hope and inspiration to his friend. He is humble and modest. He has all the regards for his friend. He never looks down upon his friend even if he is inferior to him in terms of wealth, money and capability. He never poses to be…
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412 words short essay on An Ideal Student

412 words short essay on An Ideal Student (free to read). The very word: “Student” denotes a person fond of studies. But ‘studies’ do not mean just bookish knowledge, but a real knowledge of men, society, nature, mind etc.Such variegated knowledge can be obtained only by a person of strong mind and will, good heart and sound health. So, the very connotation of being an ideal student is one’s keen interest in developing an all round personality.By going into details, we can say that an ideal student has a thirst for knowledge. He has the curiosity to learn and understand new and new things about man and nature. He has a regular routine for doing everything. Thus he is regular and punctual. He gets up early in the morning, takes…
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Essay on Criticisms against Comtean Views on Sociology

Essay on Criticisms against Comtean Views on Sociology – Comte has been severely criticised by different writers. Some such critical comments made against Comtean views are stated below.1. It is commonly asserted that Comte made very few original contributions. It is also stated that Comte merely elaborated a programme of sociology and did not construct a sociological theory as such.2. Though, Comte claimed to be the father of “positivism ” or “scientific approach” he himself was not committed to it. Image Source: sonoma.edu ADVERTISEMENTS: 3. “Comte believed in the existence of a prepotent factor in social change – the development of ideas. Therefore, he could be considered one of the ideological determinants. The basic premise of his theory, the faith in evolution towards progress, was faulty.”4. As far as his…
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476 Words Essay on Is History The Biography of Great Men

Thomas Carlyle said it was, and wrote his book “Heroes and Hero-worship,” to illustrate the theory; and Emerson, the Ameri­can essayist, said, “All history resolves itself very easily into the biography of a few stout and earnest persons.”When we say, as Carlyle said, that “Universal History, the history of what man has accomplished in this world, is at bottom the History of the Great Men who worked there”.We mean that in every age there have been men who have risen head and shoulders above their fellows, and who, by their strong character, dominant personality and intellectual genius, have been “the modelers, patterns, and in a wide sense creators, of whatsoever the general mass of men contrived to do or to attain.” Image Source: upload.wikimedia.org ADVERTISEMENTS: For example, the life of…
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Relationship between Biology and Political Science

Biology deals with animal life and its evolution. Some eminent writers sought to convert Political Science by treating the State as “a phase of development from associations formed among animals of a species included in the subject matter of natural history.”Herbert Spencer is the most prominent exponent of the biological conception of the State, although the theory is as old as Plato Spencer’s explanation, in brief, is that the State is like a biological organism in all its essentials. Image Source: upload.wikimedia.org ADVERTISEMENTS: It is the product of evolution and is subject to the laws of birth, growth and decay. Just as in the case of an organism there is mutual dependence of the parts, so are the individuals who constitute the State. Spencer also tried to establish that like…
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450 Words Short Essay on Alcoholism

Alcohol is a depressant and it impairs ability to drive, slows down reaction time and causes to make some risky decisions that one wouldn’t normally take. Alcoholism can kill in many different ways. People who drink regularly have a higher rate of deaths from injury, violence, and some cancers.The earlier a person begins drinking heavily, the greater their chance of developing serious illnesses later on. Any protection that occurs with moderate alcohol intake appears to be confined to adults over 60 who have risks for heart disease. Adults who drink moderately have a lower mortality rate than their non-drinking peers, their risk for untimely death increases with heavier drinking. ADVERTISEMENTS: DamagesAlcohol may not cause cancer, but it probably does increase the carcinogenic effects of other substances, such as cigarette smoke.…
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