5 Important Criticisms Against the Systems Approach to Study Political Science

The Important Criticisms of Systems Approach are listed below: (1) David Easton’s Systems Approach has been criticised due to the abstract nature of his concepts. Can one deal with abstractions and still talk in terms of a system?Dr. S.P. Verma, “A close study of Easton’s political thought makes it very clear that his continuous efforts to move from the abstract to the concrete and from the concrete back to the abstract only land him into a great deal of confusion. ADVERTISEMENTS: (2) Even at the micro-level, systems approach is not applicable to the study of the third world countries. Wasby says, “When we go outside the context of North America and the Western World, it becomes apparent that relatively few countries exist wherein there is not a more than remote…
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Short Biography Gauri Deshpande

Gauri Deshpande was born in 1942 and she has worked for The Illustrated Weekly of India. She is married and has three children. She has published three volumes of poetry — Between Births (1968), Lost Love (1970) and Beyond the Slaughter­house (1972) besides an anthology of Indo-English poetry (Hind Pocket Books, 1974). She has a Ph.D degree in English from Poona University and is a bilingual writer who writes short sto­ries in Marathi. She has also written three novels in Marathi and has translated Richard Burton’s Arabian Nights. image source: upload.wikimedia.orgGauri Deshpande’s poetry deals mostly with everyday life and she writes often to release the tensions which keep building in her and demand utterance, the experience being “transmitted in terms of imagery, rhythm and nuances of words”. In the words…
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Short Summary of “Hunger” by Jayanta Mahapatra

“Hunger” (A Rain of Rites) is one of the well-structured poems, with an integrated, specific content, quite exceptional in Mahapatra’s canon. On the origin of this poem, Mahapatra says, “The poem is based on a true incident; it could easily have happened to me on the poverty- ridden sands of Gopalpur-on-sea
 The landscape of Gopalpur chose me and my poem to face perhaps my inner self, to see my own debase­ment, to realise my utter helplessness against the stubborn starvation light of my country”. ADVERTISEMENTS: The scene depicted with a peculiar concentration of relevant details, instead of the usual Mahapatra assemblages of images, comes out as a frozen shot “where the desires of the flesh and of the mind are con­trasted to the social costs of their satisfaction” (Bruce King)…
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Short Biography Keki N. Daruwalla

Keki Nasserwanji Daruwalla was born in Lahore in January, 1937. After taking his master’s degree in English Lit­erature from Punjab University he joined the Indian Police Service. His first book of poems Under Orion was published in 1970 and his Apparition in April published in 1971 won the Uttar Pradesh State Award in 1972.His third book Crossing of Rivers was published by the Oxford University Press in 1976. His po­ems figure in a number of anthologies and he has himself edited an anthology of modern Indian poetry under the title Two Decades of Indian Poetry in English — 1960 – 1980. He won the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1984.Daruwalla is known for his bitter, satiric tone and as one who writes from his experience of violence, (of the brutal na­ture…
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Biology Question Bank – 14 MCQs on “Enzymes” – Answered!

14 Questions with Answers and Explanations on Enzymes for Biology Students.1. Enzymes having slightly different molecular structure but performing identical activity are (a) holoenzymes Image Source: images.nigms.nih.gov ADVERTISEMENTS: (b) isoenzymes(c) apoenzymes(d) coenzymes. ADVERTISEMENTS: Answer and Explanation:1. (b): Enzymes having slightly different molecular structures but performing identical activities are called isoenzymes. Over 100 enzymes are known to have isoenzymes. Thus a-amylase of wheat endosperm has 16 isozymes, lactic dehydrogenase has 5 isoenzymes in man.Holoenzyme is a complex comprising an enzyme molecule and its cofactor. Apoenzyme is an inactive enzyme that must associate with a specific cofactor molecule or ion in order to function. Coenzyme is an organic nonprotein molecule that associates with an enzyme molecule in catalysing biochemical reactions.2. The nuclease enzyme, which begins its attack from free end of a…
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Essay on “Iltutmish” (480 Words)

Iltutmish was a brave soldier and an experienced military commander. The Sultan, Muhammad Ghori, was very much impressed by his valour and instructed his slave Aibak to free him from slavery. He led the army against Yaldoz, Qubacha, Rajputs and Bengarand always attained victory due to his ability and capability. Image Source: upload.wikimedia.orgDr. A. L. Srivastava writers, “Iltutmish was not a builder of civil institutions and was not a constructive statesman. But Dr K. A. Nizami does not agree with Srivastava and remarks, “The administra­tive setup of Tqta. (Province) and the maintenance of the army of the Sultan were his contributions to the administration of the Delhi Sultanate.” Moreover, introduction of Arabic coinage such as silver ‘Tanka’ and copper ‘Jital’ were also wonderful contributions of Iltutmish. ADVERTISEMENTS: Iltutmish was a…
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What is the Importance of Law Variable Proportion in Modern Economic Theory? – Explained!

The law of variable proportions occupies an important place in modern economic theory. It influences every aspect of economic life. This law (especially its phase of diminishing returns) has universal application in the field of production, in any form.A number of economic principles find their expression in the law of diminishing returns. Principle of Substitution, Marginal Utility Theory of Value, Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution, Ricardian Theory of Rent and Malthusian Theory of Population are some illustrations.Law of variable proportions has vast general applicability. This law applies as much to industries as to agriculture. However, in agriculture, where nature Plays the major role, diminishing returns set in at an early stage than the industries, where man’s role is more important. image source: 2knomics.files.wordpress.com ADVERTISEMENTS: Experiences of the under developed countries…
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Legal Provisions Regarding Hizanat or Custody of Children under Muslim Law

All Muslim authorities recognize the mother’s right of hizanat According to the Rudd-ul-Muhtar, ‘The right of the mother to the custody of her child is re-established whether she be a Musalman, or a kitabia or a mojoosia, even though she be separated from her husband. But it does not belong to one who is an apostate. Image Source: wendyreeselaw.comThe Fatwai Alamgiri puts it thus: “The mother is of all persons the best entitled to the custody of her infant children during connubial relationship as well as after its dissolution”. The term hizanat is applied to the woman to whom belongs the right of rearing up a child. ADVERTISEMENTS: Of all the persons, the first and foremost right to have the custody of children belongs to the mother, and she cannot…
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Waging War against the Government of India (Section 121 of IPC)

Legal provisions regarding Waging War against the Government of India under section 121 of Indian Penal Code, 1860.Waging War against the Government of India: Section 121 of the Indian Penal Code states regarding waging or attempting to wage war or abetting waging of war against the Government of India thus: “whoever wages war against the Government of India, or attempts to wage such war, or abets the waging of such war, shall be punished with death, or imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to fine. Image Source: nataliewilliamson.files.wordpress.com ADVERTISEMENTS: Illustration: A joins an insurrection against the Government of India. A has committed the offence defined in this Section.In Section 121 of the code the term ‘whoever’ applies to Indian citizens as well as foreigners. A citizen owes allegiance…
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Essay on the Important Forms of Population Dispersion (691 Words)

Essay on the Important Forms of Population Dispersion !Populations have a tendency to disperse, or spread out in all directions, until some barrier is reached. Accordingly, population dispersion is the movement of individuals into or out of the popu­lation area. It takes three forms: emigration—one way outward movement; immigration—one-way inward movement; and migra­tion—periodic departure and return. image source: c14608526.r26.cf2.rackcdn.com ADVERTISEMENTS: Dispersion supplements nata­lity and mortality in shaping population, growth form and density, and also it plays a significant role in the distribution of plants and animals even to the areas previously unoccupied by the members of the population.Most types of population dispersion occur due to a number of reasons such as for obtaining food, avoiding preda­tors, preventing overcrowding, result of action of wind and water, environmental factors as light and…
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