Essay on Travelling and Education

For younger’s travelling is a part of education and for elders a part of experience. There is no doubt, that travelling gives a lot of experi­ence in life.Those who get a chance to travel should not miss to do so. Highly diplomatic personnel in administration consist of widely trav­elled people.William Shakespeare has favoured travelling as a me­dium of education. He said that who wants to sharpen their ideas and wits must travel out of their native place. Travelling provides rich food to body, mind and soul. ADVERTISEMENTS: There are different types of travellers, some travel for business, others for travelling and others to see the wonders of the world.Some others travel to boast about themselves and to display their knowledge before others. Traveller is always benefited from his travels to…
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463 Words Essay on the Art of Living

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “We have to produce a society of those people who profess different religions, but they live like brothers.”In fact, this statement of Mahatma Gandhi has the essence of national integration in India, where people of different religions live together. ADVERTISEMENTS: The British rulers sowed the seeds of hatred among the people of different religions in India, because they believed in the policy of “Divide and Rule”.The British government in India encouraged Muslim League to demand Pakistan on the basis of separate religion and sepa­rate nation. Image Source: srisrisanskarkendra.orgBut the Constitution of free India lies down that India is a secular state which means that people of different religions have full freedom of worship in this country and they live like brothers.National Integration means that we should…
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Essay on Solar System

Here is your essay on Solar System !The solar system consists of the Sun; the nine planets, 67 satellites of the planets and a large number of small bodies (comets and asteroids). The inner solar system contains the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The planets of the outer solar system are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The orbits of the planets are ellipses with the Sun at one focus. Though all, except Mercury and Pluto, are very nearly circular, the orbits of the planets are all more or less in the same plane (called the ecliptic and defined by the plane of the Earth’s orbit). ADVERTISEMENTS: The ecliptic is inclined only 7 degrees from the plane of the Sun’s equator. Pluto’s orbit deviates the most from the plane of…
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Essay on the Doctrine of Natural Rights

The doctrine of Natural Rights is simple in explanation. It aims to emphasise that certain rights are so essential to any real personal life that they should be called “Natural”.This idea rests on a belief in “Nature”, as the original creating force which gave to every man the power of finding by reason the right principles on which to organise his life. ADVERTISEMENTS: These principles, it is claimed, are based upon the universal law, the law of nature, and are common to all people in all countries. They are the product of human nature, that is, all men are born with certain rights and these rights are inalienable.The concept of Natural Rights originated in ancient Rome and came from the discovery that men of all races and countries living under…
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487 words short essay on A Visit to a Village

Free sample essay on A Visit to a Village. When someone from a city visits a village, he finds everything different. In fact, some of the differences appear surprising. During the summer vacation, I visited my native village Besra in Orissa.My father was born and brought up here. When at the age of 19 he joined the army, he left his home. Since then he only occasionally visited the village. This time we had gone there after five long years. But surprisingly, very little has changed in my village during those five years.My village is backward. Despite great progress in other parts of the country, the pace of development is very slow in my village. My village is connected to the main road by non- metallic road. When I entered…
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455 words essay on the Place of English in India

Free sample essay on the Place of English in India. Language is a medium to communicate. In India, several languages are used, English being one of them. English has got a significant place in Indian society. It is the language of the elite class. Generally, English is used in official communication in the country. It is the language of research and advancement. It is the language of computer and Internet. It is therefore, that English has been retained as Associate National Language.In India a child starts his/her education in English medium. It is a view among the citizens that a child’s bright future lays in good knowledge of English. All the standard texts and study materials are available in English. An English speaking person is regarded as a scholar and…
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405 words essay on A Scene at a Bus Stand for school students

Free sample essay on A Scene at a Bus Stand for school students. A bus stand presents a cross-section of humanity at large. Especially at a bus stand in a metropolitan city, one can see people belonging to different states and even different nationalities. They wear different dresses and speak different languages, but all are parts of the great human race.A bus stand is a very busy place. There is a continuous inflow and outflow of buses. Most of the buses are overcrowded. Some of them are packed to capacity. People are stuffed in these buses like lifeless commodi­ties. The condition of the old, the infirm, the ladies and the children is spiteful. In many buses, seats are reserved for passengers of such categories. But most often this rule is…
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512 Words Free Sample Essay on an Ideal Teacher

Teaching is a noble profession. In India, teachers have always been in high esteem. In ancient times, they were regarded as next to God. In if they are the pillars of the nation. They teach young students who are citizens of tomorrow. By their sincere efforts, the ideal teachers can proud nation of educated and disciplined people.According to Plato, a teacher is the doctor of the mind. By impact knowledge, a teacher removes ignorance from the minds of students. And teacher is therefore, always ready to impart knowledge to his students, and never shirks his duty. He regards it as a noble mission of his life. ADVERTISEMENTS: An ideal teacher is a learned person. Since he knows the art of teaching, is able to transfer his knowledge to his students.…
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480 Words Essay on Fairy-Tales

Every nation has its fairy-tales, many of which are very an­cient, and have come down from the old days when people really believed in the existence and powers of fairies, and other super­natural beings.Some of the most beautiful fairy-tales come from ancient Greece, like those of Theseus and the Minotaur, Perseus and Andromeda, Pandora’s Box, Jason and the Golden Fleece, and many other famous ones. The old German stories were collected into a book by a scholar called Grimm, and are known as Grimm’s “Fairy Tales”. ADVERTISEMENTS: England has many, and India is spe­cially rich in them; and “The Arabian Nights” is a famous collec­tion of old Eastern tales of magic and mystery.Some of these stories are not only very old, but are found with slight differences in many different…
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The Economic Theory of Rights – Essay

Of recent origin is the Economic Theory of Rights and it finds its inspiration in the teaching of Karl Marx. It rejects the concept of natural and inalienable rights as also various other theories enunciated from time to time as an explanation of the nature of rights.Marx’s thesis is simple and to a certain extent convincing too. He regards the State as a coercive agency to uphold the particular type of social organisation and law is a tool of the State that perpetuates and safeguards the interests of the dominant group in the society.Marx explained that political, social, religious and other institutions of any given historical era are determined by economic factors, which is essentially the mode of production. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: To each stage of production in the…
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