7 Most Important Differences between Coercion and Undue Influence

7 Most Important Differences between Coercion and Undue Influence are given below:Both Coercion and undue influence create flaw in consent and make contract voidable at the option of the aggrieved party. But there is vast difference between the two methods: Coercion: 1. Coercion is committing or threaten­ing to commit any act forbidden by the Indian Penal Code or unlawful detaining or threatening to detain property of others to force consent. ADVERTISEMENTS: 2. It entails use of physical force or threat, to cause consent in a con­tract.3. Relationships are not implied.4. Onus to prove that coercion was used to obtain consent lies on the partly who is complaining or the aggrieved party who is entitled to set aside the contract.5. If the aggrieved party exercises the option to rescind the contract,…
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Essay on the Main Principles of Sri Aurobindo’s Educational Philosophy

Shri Aurobindo Ghosh was deadly against the prevalent education of his times. He has admitted that after the attainment of independence, changes have occurred in our system of education, but it is not in conformity with the mental and spiritual needs of children and demands of the nation.According to him our education should be in accordance with the needs of our real modern life. Shri Aurobindo writes— “Education to be true must not be a machine made fabric, but a true building or living evocation of the powers of the mind and spirit of human being.” Aims of Education 1. Physical Development and Purity: The first aim of education is to achieve complete physical and pure development of a child. According to Aurobindo, it is the body which performs all…
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What are the Kinds of Talaq under Muslim Law in India?

From the point of view of the mode of pronouncement and effect, there are two kinds of Talaq:1. Talaq-ul-Sunnat or revocable Talaq, and2. Talaq-ul-Bidaat or irrevocable Talaq. ADVERTISEMENTS: The Talaq-ul-Sunnat or revocable Talaq may be pronounced either in the Ahsan form or in the Hasan form. That is to say, Talaq-ul-Sunnat may be further sub-divided into: (i) Talaq Ahsan (most proper) and; (ii) Talaq Hasan (Proper). Talaq-ul-Bidaat is irrevocable and becomes effective as soon as it is pronounced in any way, indicating husband’s desire to dissolve the marriage. In brief, the classification of the different kinds of talaq is given below: I. Talaq-ul-Sunnat (Revocable Talaq): Talaq-ul-Sunnat is regarded to be the approved form of Talaq. It is called as Talaq- ul-Sunnat because it is based on the Prophet’s tradition (Sunna).…
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Psychology Question Bank – 556 MCQs on "Behaviour" – Part 4

556 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers on “Behaviour” for Psychology Students – Part 4:301. The Behaviouristic Model in Abnormal Psychology is based on the concepts of: (a) Insightful Learning and Conditioning ADVERTISEMENTS: (b) Insightful Learning and Operant Condi­tioning(c) Latent Learning and Classical Condi­tioning(d) Classical and Operant Conditioning and Modelling302. In the Statistical Model, the degree of deviation from the statistical norms is taken as a/an: ADVERTISEMENTS: (a) Index of Abnormality(b) Constant Number(c) Existential Deviation(d) Statistical Deviation ADVERTISEMENTS: 303. The Existential Model in Abnormal Psychology stresses on: (a) The individual’s choice and freedom(b) Complexes and Conflicts(c) Oedipus Complex(d) Electra Complex 304. Who has used the term ‘interpersonal accommodation” to refer to people working towards common ends? (a) Alfred Adler(b) Sigmund Freud(c) Sullivan(d) C.G. Jung305. Who held the view that one…
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Essay on Ethics and Morals

Moral and ethics are of high importance in determining the nature of a society or a culture. Morals and ethics are used as complimentary terms but they mean different in literal sense.Morals define personal character and refer to the beliefs that a person practices when he interacts in personal and social relationships. The conduct exhibited by the person in personal-social behaviors gives a correct evaluation of his morals. Morals identify the way a person lives. Ethics are the codes or standards of conduct expected by the group to which the individual belongs.In other words, ethics are the set of principals or the theory that decide a person’s moral values. Ethics can also be defined as the manual defining the code of morals. The presence of qualities showing high ethics in…
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Short Essay on Live- in Relationships

Live- in relationships means that a couple who are in love with each other opt to stay together without getting married to each other. This phenomenon is common in the Western countries like America and Europe but it is gaining considerable visibility in India also.We all are aware of the fact that however much progressive India might be but its basis is still traditional. However modern any culture of the Indian society is, they do not accept the fact that it is fine for a couple to stay with each other without getting married. ADVERTISEMENTS: Some live- in relationship couples have to face severe problems if not from their community, from the society they live in. the society members claim that this kind of culture will have a bad influence…
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Letter to Your Best Friend Wishing Him on Early Recovery – Sample

Family Members
To (Name) (Address) (Date)Dear (Receiver Name),It came as a great shock to me when I came to know from ____________ (Name) about your accident. I thanked God for saving you from the clutches of death. I plan to come down to ____________ (Place Name) very soon and meet you. You must consider yourself lucky that your family members were not with you. I had earlier warned you a couple of times for rash and sometimes reckless driving, and I’m confident that this accident will be an eye-opener for you. I pray to God that you recover at the earliest. Do not give much stress on your legs and be very careful about your knee-cap. I can understand how disturbed your family is and my sin­cere sympathy is with them. ____________…
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Essay on the Importance of Friendship

Friendship is a relationship that all the individuals can create by themselves. Though it is not a god gifted relationship like that of the relationship of a mother, father, sister, brother or any of the other family but still it is one of the best relations an individual can possess. People who have true friends consider themselves as the luckiest individuals on earth. “Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art
 It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.” – C.S. Lewis. We do not make friends because they are useful but the bond of friendship, once it grows stronger and stronger has a number of positive aspects. There are certain secrets that can only be shared with our friends only. When…
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Short Summary of “Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost

Family Members
The poet has written a small and wonderful piece of writing. The narrator in the poem seems to be filled with a heavy heart while he is going from one place to another that is from some work to back to him house. He is travelling on a horse and it is winter time and it suddenly starts snowing.The poem is written in the year 1923, that time people used to use horses as their vehicle to travel from one place to another. While going to his house, the narrator is struck by a farm land, and begins to look at the snow flakes being falling on the land. He was reluctant to move from there, but the horse signaled him that they have to move back to their home.…
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