Legal Provisions Regarding Release of Prisoners on Parole in India

Release of prisoners on parole is a reformative and rehabilitative measure which seeks to protect society and assist the prisoner in re-adjusting himself to a normal free-life in the community. Parole is an individualized method of treatment of offenders who respond favourably to the disciplined life inside the prison. Image Source: pbs.twimg.comProf. Gillin defines parole as “the release from a penal or reformative institution, of an offender who remains under the control of correctional authorities, in an attempt to find out whether he is fit to live in the free society without supervision.” ADVERTISEMENTS: According to Donald Taft, “Parole is a release from prison after part of the sentence has been served, the prisoner still remaining in custody and under stated conditions until discharged and liable to return to the…
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Essay on Organizational Structure and Design

Essay on Organizational Structure and Design!Organizational structure involves arrangement of activities and assignment of personnel to these activities in order to achieve the organizational goals in an efficient manner. It is a way by which various parts of an organization are tied together in a coordinated manner and it illustrates the various relationships among various levels of hierarchy within the organization as well as horizontal relationships among various functions of the organizational operations. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: A well planned organizational structure results in better utilization of resources. In general, “organizational structure” refers to the way individuals and groups are arranged with respect to the tasks they perform, and “organizational design” refers to the process of coordinating these structural elements in the most effective manner.A good organizational structure is needed…
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Role of Grandparents in Parenting – Essay

Family, Life & Experiences
The trend of grandparents parenting their grand children seems to be growing day by day. Obviously, the credit goes to the grandparents for looking after and taking care of their grandchildren but it is not easy to fall into a role as a parent to someone who is your grandchild.The result of such a relationship comes with too many issues, problems, difficulties and confusions. The tremendous increase of work load on people have made them so busy that parenting their children has now become the least important thing in the daily schedule of the parents. Image Source: rising trend of keeping babysitters or grandparent for parenting their children ultimately results in the building up of a weak relationship between the children and the parents. The parenting of children’s children…
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The Best Things In Life Are Free – Essay

“The best things in life are free” is an ancient proverb which has a deep hidden meaning. This proverb relates to all the things money cannot buy. This proverb is closely related with the proverb “money cannot buy happiness”. When we are born on this Earth, the almighty blesses us with a full – fledged family. This family consisting of our parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and siblings is a blessing showered by the almighty on each and every individual.However rich an individual might grow, he cannot buy these relations. This is a universal fact known to one and all. Another important fact is that one cannot buy happiness.Happiness comes as a result of appreciating smaller things in life instead of crying for bigger things in order to gain happiness. An…
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Education Question Bank – 228 MCQs on "Sociological Foundations of Education" – Part 2

228 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers on “Sociological Foundations of Education” for Education Students – Part 2:101. Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act was passed in the year (a) 1939.(b) 1912. ADVERTISEMENTS: (c) 1947.(d) 1953.102. Identify the forms of marriage widely prevalent in Tribal society ADVERTISEMENTS: (a) Service marriage.(b) Gandharva marriage.(c) Asura marriage.(d) Probationary marriage. ADVERTISEMENTS: 103. Some of the modern changes which have taken place in the Hindu Marriage are (a) Marriage is held as compulsory.(b) No provision for divorce.(c) Widow Remarriage permitted.(d) Two living wives permissible to a husband. 104. The Special Marriage Act was passed in the year (a) 1872.(b) 1912.(c) 1940.(d) 1953.105. In the traditional arsha type of marriage among Hindus (a) The father gives his daughter to a person as kanyadana.(b) The father gives his…
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Summary of “The Red Wheelbarrow”

William Carlos Williams was basically a medical practitioner and a pediatrician. He was an American poet who portrayed his poems with modernism and imagism.Apart from poem, he also wrote short stories, novels, plays and essays. He was a successful Writer and Doctor. He was a good observant and could put down words of nature in simple language. He always preferred to observe the small things and loved to prove that, poems are not from imagination, but could be written about simple things in simple Language.The Red Wheelbarrow is one such poem, that has only 8 lines and at the first read, the reader get confused as to what the poem is being linked to. This was one among his last works of his imagist movements. His poems never told any…
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Summary of “I Remember, I Remember” by Thomas Hood

Family Members
Thomas Hood was a British poet and humorist. Hood was particularly fond of making practical jokes to his family members, which he enjoyed and one among those were described in one of his daughter’s writings “Memorials of Thomas Hood”.Hood later on started a magazine on his own, for which he had assistance from many men in literary, but was sustained due his own activity. Even though was sick in bed, he continued his work in poetry which were all well known.Since his health was not in condition, a number of his friends made applications to Sir Robert Peel to consider Hood’s name in the list of literary men who receive pension from the British State. As Peel was a great admirer of Hood’s work, the pension was granted and it…
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