Write a Short Essay on If You Were the Principal of Your School

The success or failure of a school depends upon its Principal. A Principal has a very important place in the working of school.He can improve the standard of education in the school. He is a central figure in the school. If I were the Principal of my school, I would introduce some ideas which are in my mind. ADVERTISEMENTS: First I would introduce co-education. Time has come when boys and girls should be educated together.The girls generally are more hard-working than boys. There will be healthy competition between boys and girls. Boys will be encouraged to work hard to outshine girls. image Source: delimiter.com.auSecondly, I would try to make games compulsory for all students. It is on the playground that the feelings of brotherhood, discipline and social service are created…
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Short Speech on "Women's Education"

In good old days it was emphasised that a woman’s place was in the kitchen. This is no longer true. Women look after their family and make better homes than men, but today they also occupy the highest offices.They do not lag behind men in almost every singular aspect of life. Not long ago a Japanese housewife scaled the Mount Everest. Women play almost all the games and sports that men play. Women have proved today that they can do as much as men in any field, if they are given the chance, and it is evident from the fact that Indian Air Force have women officers today.It has become necessary, therefore, to educate women just like men. There are numerous schools and colleges for girls and women in most…
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Short Speech on "English as the Medium of Education"

English, no doubt, is an international language. No one can deny its importance in the present world. English has become as much the language of Indians as that of the English people, and, it continues to be the official language of the Indian Government.English is a language which embraces all the precious treasures of science and technology, art and literature. It is spoken by more than one-third of the population world over. It is a window on the outside world, and helps us to know the world events and it enhances our contacts with the outside world.English was first introduced in 1935, in our educational system, by Lord Macaulay. His purpose in doing so was to prepare Indians take up government jobs. Having had English in our educational system for…
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Summary of Intellect by Ralph Waldo Emerson – Essay

Emerson in his essay “Intellect” states that the ceaseless action of universal mind that mirrors man is actually his intuitive and instinctive consciousness.Spiritual and intellectual advancement is permitted by the reflections that are yielded on the universal mind. What Emerson does is prefiguring of the downfall of the phenomenological movement in modern society by five decades. Succinctly, he explains “The making a fact the subject of thought raises it”. Here he means that one must be aware of the experience the rational mind comes across alongside allowing the flow of the instinctive river of consciousness unimpeded. When only for a few moments, we withdraw ourselves from the world and from the onrushing stream of events and stimulation; we are in a position where the truth is revelled. Image Source: integrityoflife.com…
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Short Speech on “Discipline”

Discipline means learning to obey necessary rules of conduct. The very essence of discipline is obedience- obedience to rules; and pupil or follower is derived from “discipline”, a learner, or follower of a teacher.We may discuss the question from two points of view: the discipline or training of an individual, and the discipline, or order maintained in a society or body of individuals.The training of a child is a good example of discipline in the first sense. To be of any use in human society, a child has to be trained by its parents and teachers from its earliest years. jonstolpe.com ADVERTISEMENTS: The first lesson it has to learn is obedience. Then it has to be taught how to behave – how to avoid conduct, which is considered unbecoming and…
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3 Types of Ego States and Transactional Interactions Between Each Personalities

Ego States and Transactions Cluster are given below:The idea of three egos states and the transactional interactions between them are the most distinctive feature of transactional analysis and yet have the least amount of resonance in the literature. ADVERTISEMENTS: However, the utility of this concept is the principal reason why people become interested and maintain their interest in transactional analysis. Berne made complex interpersonal transactions understandable when he recognised that people can interact from one of three “ego-states” – Parent, Adult or Child – and that these interactions can occur at overt and covert levels.Each one of the ego states is in effect a “mind module,” a system of communication with its own language and function; the Parent’s is a language of values, the Adult’s is a language of logic…
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What are the Different Types of School Time-Table? Explained

There are seven broad types of a time-table: (a) The Consolidated Time-table: It is a combined time-table of all the classes in a school. A copy of it should be kept in the principal’s office as well as staff-room. (b) Class-Wise Time-table: A copy of this should be kept in the concerned class, while the second and third copies should be with the class teacher and the- principal’s office. In some schools, class-wise time-table is put up on a beard near the main notice board also where it can be seen by everyone. Image Source: s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com (c) Teacher-Wise Time-table: This is useful for teachers as it indicates where he/she will be going and to teach which subject. Each teacher should be given a copy of his/her time-table. A consolidated version…
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How to Write a Letter to Get Dealership? – Explained!

From (Company Name) (Address) (Date)To (Company Name) (Address) (Date)Dear Sir, ADVERTISEMENTS: With further reference to your advertisement of today, we have pleasure in asking for a dealership for ____________ (Place Name).We are pleased to submit the following details for your information and consideration: Image Source: osullivanarchitects.com(1) We have an excellent showroom measuring ____________ (Size) and is situated in the heart of ____________ (Place Name). ADVERTISEMENTS: (2) We can guarantee sale of ____________ (No. of Radios) Radios, ____________ (No. of transistors) transistors, ____________ (No. of TV sets) TV sets, every month.(3) We can deposit a sum of ____________ (Amount) as advance.(4) Our Bankers are:____________ (Bank Name), (Address) ADVERTISEMENTS: (5) We would expect an additional discount of ____________ % than advertised by you for meeting our expenses.(6) All consignments supplied by you…
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Short Summary of “Expect Nothing” by Alice Walker

In her poem “Expect Nothing”, Alice Walker clearly tells the readers not to expect anything from life or anyone associated with your life. She is not against dreaming but she stresses on the importance of the fact that if you do not expect anything from life, life will appear to be filled with surprises when day after day it unfolds in front of our own eyes. Living life without a definite plan is what is essential because life will be fun when unexpected beautiful events appear in your life.Alice in “Expect Nothing” also focuses on the fact that we should be thankful and grateful in life and should always be aware of the fact that we have so much as compared to the others. Yes you should dream and work…
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Transactional Analysis on Change Theory and the Contamination of the Adult Ego State–Discussed!

The word contamination for many invokes the idea of disease. For instance, we tend to use the word when bacteria have gone into milk. Well, this is similar to the case with the contaminated Integrating Adult ego state.This occurs when we talk as if something is a fact or a reality when really this is a belief. Casteism is an example of this. The Integrating Adult ego state is contaminated in this case by the Parent ego state.We belong to one specific caste, we might have lived with parents or significant others who said such things as “People belonging to a specific caste take our jobs”. Growing up it is likely, that having no real experience to go by, we believed this. ADVERTISEMENTS: We might also have been told that…
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