Short essay on the influence of advertising on todays modern multidimensional economy

Advertising has a great influence on the people. The consumers first come to know about the product, they get educated about the qualities of the product as well as its utility. They are persuaded to buy it.Publicity and advertisement are the means of communication which an organisation adopts to educate the public about its various activities.The scope of publicity and advertisement is gaining credence in the modern concept of business and public contacts. ADVERTISEMENTS: In the modern multidimensional economy which has become univer­sally competitive, the publicity has to play a very important role.It is through publicity only that we come to know about various products.Publicity brings cost effectiveness, competitive quality of a product, various utilities of a product and their prices, sale-schemes etc. Image ADVERTISEMENTS: Through publicity, we can…
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Short Essay on – Save Tigers (463 Words)

Tigers have now become a topic of interest and issue all over the world. Their reducing number has triggered the government authorities to awaken and take observe. While the government is already taking projects to preserve the crazy pussy-cat, there is something that we as the typical public too have to do. Here are some tips that will help us make a little but hefty phase in the route.No matter what are you looking to do, creating an awareness is a first step. And, this start is even more essential when the focus is to preserve the tigers. Make an effort to develop attention to “Save Tigers” by developing images, leaflets, ads, advertising the cause on internet websites and the like.You could even try developing attention thru fun methods like…
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Short essay for kids on The Age of Advertisements

Short essay for kids on The Age of Advertisements. We all get affected by the advertisements in the magazines and on radio and television. They promise us and make us believe that we can buy ideal things with our money.For, growing long hair and to obtain a petal-soft skin and so many other products which promise to help us realise our dreams, are all not real. Their sole purpose is to induce the buyer to spend more. Well, knowing this truth does not stop the victims from getting attracted by this media stunt!Though we are fully aware of the artful devices of a toothpaste company, we enjoy the colour and pictorial values what we see. Many companies make these pictures with artful imagination. Some of the best advertisements have won…
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Essay on Mass Media

All the different tools that are used to assist the distribution and circulation of information and entertainment to the public come under the umbrella of mass media.Radio, television, cable, newspapers, and theatre are all considered as ‘mass media’. These tools involve exchange of opinions, and public involvement. ADVERTISEMENTS: Today the list of mass media also embraces pagers, satellites, electronic mail, internet, cell phones, and computers. These new additions, unlike the other tools of mass media that work as transmission technologies transmitting information from one source to many receivers, are basically interactive; working more on the person to person formula. As the name suggests ‘mass media’ revolves around the masses-the people.Although cinema, radio, television, and press take centre stage in mass media; the role of books, magazines, posters, billboards, pamphlets cannot…
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What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of “Magazine Advertising”? – Explained!

Advantages of Magazine Advertising: Permits easy reach to niche markets/ particular target audience. Magazines are highly targeted so it’s possible to purchase ad space in that particular magazine that will be read by your target audience no matter how specialised it may be. For example, Filmfare is an Indian magazine that puts a large focus on Bollywood. New Hindi films are often advertised in this magazine because of the popularity of Hindi films in the country. Image Source: johanssonweb.orgHigh reader involvement means that more attention will be paid to the advertisement.Magazines provide products a boost in esteem and prestige giving consumers the status and the credibility of the advertised product and of the ad itself. ADVERTISEMENTS: Magazines have a more shelf life. Magazines that have TV timings for a month…
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