How private is your private life the Privacy Debate Argumentative Essay

1. The value of privacy. Privacy is an important value that can come in three dimensions: mental; physical; social. The most important - mental privacy - is the privacy of the inner world, the thoughts of man, his ideals, desires, feelings. It manifests itself in people in a special way and requires special respect. Most people may want to open their inner feelings to people who can help and who can help. However, most of us hide much of our inner world and even our loved ones because: such secrecy protects against exploitation of those who wish to exploit people for their own purposes; disclosure of privacy may be detrimental to the individual. A person may be required to disclose his or her inner life to a psychologist if this…
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Difference between Ethics and Etiquette in Law

Difference between Ethics and Etiquette are mentioned below:Ethics are morals. It is the first stage of polite society. Etiquette is the second stage of polite society, which is formulated into the rules of behaviourial standard in a particular polite society.Ethics are seen in every kind of human life. They are inherent in every religion. Etiquette are the rules of behaviourial standard in a stated polite society, viz. medical etiquette, legal etiquette, etc. ADVERTISEMENTS: Ethics were born in human civilization since the beginning. Every religion preaches morals and ethics to every person to that entire society. Etiquette is restricted to particular kind of profession. Etiquette is nothing but regularization of ethics. Image Source: are nothing but a bundle of habits. Etiquette is nothing but a bundle of rules of ethics.…
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Summary of “Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa T.S” by Nissim Ezekiel

This is one of the poems of Ezekiel which illustrate a major characteristic of the later phase of his poetic career, namely his preoccupation with Indian themes, a preoccupation to which he seems to have been led by his acceptance of the reality of the Indian situation. Included in his Hymns in Darkness, this poem was one of the eight poems which appeared in the 1970s under the group Very Indian Poems in Indian English.Though this poem is often described as a parody of or satire on Indian English illustrating the idiolectical features of the brand of English used by Gujarati speakers, as a humorous reconstruction of a particular variety of Indian English, it is actually “a satiric self-revelation of the speaker”. As Bruce King has put it, “Language reveals…
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9 Important Characteristics of Bureaucracy

The word ‘Bureaucracy’ was coined by Mr. Vincent de Gournay (1712-59), an eminent French economist.But, a systematic treatment of the term was done by Gaetano Mosca, ‘The Ruling class.’ He regarded Bureaucracy as fundamental to all great empires and classified political systems either as feudal or bureaucratic. Later on Karl Marx, Roberto Michels and Max Weber widened use of the term ‘Bureaucracy.’ Characteristics of Bureaucracy: 1. Impersonality: The official staff members are personally free, observing only the impersonal duties of their offices. Image Source: 2. Hierarchy: ADVERTISEMENTS: There is a clear hierarchy of offices. The functions of the offices are clearly specified. 3. Permanence: The officials are appointed on the basis of a contract. 4. Expertise: The officials are selected on the basis of contract qualifications, ideally substantiated by…
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263 words essay on My Last Day at School

263 words essay on My Last Day at School. The 3rd March 1990, was my last day at school. I was happy and sad—happy at the prospect of joining a college and sad at the thought of leaving my school where I had spent seven years of my life.I reached the school as usual at 9.15 a.m. I had with me only one book, which I had borrowed from the library. All the 10th class students came to school without their satchels. There was no teaching on that day. I went to the library and returned the book. Then I got a ‘No Dues Slip’ signed by the librarian and teachers. I handed it over to the clerk and received my Roll Number slip. I could not solve some problems…
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Essay on Gender Discrimination in Workplace (673 Words)

Essay on Gender Discrimination in Workplace (673 Words)In this century, a woman actively participates in workplace. Many women desire a career and a place in this world. They want to stand on their own two feet, to become self- independent individuals, independent and free from other individuals. One thing that is clear is that women in all careers are striving to gain equality in die work force today. Through their determination, women now have the ability to break out of the gender roles that were created for them by society. ADVERTISEMENTS: One of the issues that have affected women in the workplace is that of stereotyping of women. Throughout history women have taken the role of housewife, mother, and nurturer. Women are stereotyped to stay at home and take care…
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1246 Words Essay on Youth and Politics in India

People between the age of 15 and 35 constitute youth. Those in their teens among the youth are said to be of tender age. They are not considered experienced and knowledgeable enough to understand the complex world of politics. That is why some people believe that the youth should not take part in politics. But when the government reduced the age of eligibility for casting vote from 21 to 18, the message was quite clear: that the youth should actively take part in the process of elections whereby the candidates are elected to form governments at the state as well as centre.India is the biggest democracy in the world. The real power lies in the hands of the people who elect the people who rule the country. The basic principle…
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700 Words Free Sample Essay on Pleasure of Reading

Reading has many advantages. It gives us pleasure, increases our knowledge and sharpens our intellect. In the words of Francis Bacon, “Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man and writing an exact man.” By reading, one becomes a complete man. One develops a comprehensive personality. One acquires knowledge and wisdom. Books widen our outlook on men and matters. By reading good books, we acquire noble habits.Reading is a source of great pleasure. It gives us a sense of satisfaction. It bestows peace of mind. Of course, only a person who has developed the habit of reading can reap all the benefits of reading. Therefore, everyone should develop a regular habit of reading. When we are in the grip of disappointment and despair, only reading of good books can…
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Importance of Learning to Cope with Hardships and Failure for Gifted Children

All of the studies of eminent individual with which I am familiar emphasize the role of coping with hardship and failure. This comes out clearly in the recent study by the Goertzels (1960) and in an earlier study by Anne Roe (1952).On the basis of these and other studies, some workers advocate that we deliberately and calculatedly subject gifted children to hardships.It is my own opinion that gifted children should learn how to cope with hardship and failure, but they should not be forced to do so deliberately. Gifted children are resistant to and are embittered by hardships which seem to them unfair, wasteful of their energies, and unnecessary. ADVERTISEMENTS: If they are encouraged and permitted to explore experiment, test ideas, initiate projects on their own, and assume responsibility, they…
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Top 8 Major Elements of Counseling – Explained!

Major Elements of Counseling are given below: Elements 1. Counselling involves two individuals—one seeking help and the other, a professionally trained person who can help the first.2. There should be a relationship of mutual respect between the two individuals. The counsellor should be friendly and cooperative and the counsellee should have trust and confidence in the counsellor. ADVERTISEMENTS: 3. The aim of counselling is to help a student to form a decision, make a choice or find a direction at some important fork in the road such as that of planning a life career, a programme in college or university, or a campaign to obtain employment.4. It helps the counselee acquire independence and develop a sense of responsibility. It helps him explore and fully utilise his potentialities and actualise himself.5.…
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