9 Important Characteristics of Bureaucracy

The word ‘Bureaucracy’ was coined by Mr. Vincent de Gournay (1712-59), an eminent French economist.

But, a systematic treatment of the term was done by Gaetano Mosca, ‘The Ruling class.’ He regarded Bureaucracy as fundamental to all great empires and classified political systems either as feudal or bureaucratic. Later on Karl Marx, Roberto Michels and Max Weber widened use of the term ‘Bureaucracy.’

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Characteristics of Bureaucracy:
1. Impersonality:

The official staff members are personally free, observing only the impersonal duties of their offices.

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2. Hierarchy:


There is a clear hierarchy of offices. The functions of the offices are clearly specified.

3. Permanence:

The officials are appointed on the basis of a contract.

4. Expertise:

The officials are selected on the basis of contract qualifications, ideally substantiated by a diploma gained through competitive examination.

5. Money Salaries:


They have a money salary and usually pension rights. The salary is graded according to position in the hierarchy.

6. Rules:

The official can always leave the past and under certain circumstances can also be terminated if violates the terms of contract.

7. Exclusiveness:

The officials post is his role or major occupation.

8. Career System:

There is a career structure, and promotion is possible either by seniority or merit, or according to the judgment of superiors.

9. Discipline and Control:


The official may appropriate neither the post nor the resources that go with it. He is subject to unified control and disciplinary system.


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