Education Question Bank – 228 MCQs on "Sociological Foundations of Education" – Part 1

228 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers on “Sociological Foundations of Education” for Education Students – Part 1:

1. Application of principles of sociology to education is known as

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(a) Sociology of education.

(b) Educational sociology.


(c) Social foundations of education.

(d) Social science of education.

2. Schools are social institutions because they


(a) Preserve and instill in future generations the knowledge, ideas, and customs of our culture.

(b) Suggest ways and means of social progress.

(c) Suggest solutions to social problems.

(d) Are established by the society.


3.”Educational Sociology is the study of the interaction of the individual and his cultural environment.” This was stated by

(a) Brown.

(b) Carter,

(c) Ottoway.

(d) Skinner.

4. Who said that “Educational sociology is the study of those phases of sociology that are of significance for educative processes, specially the study of those that point to valuable programmers of learning and control of learning processes”?

(a) Brown

(b) Carter

(c) Ottoway

(d) T.P. Munn.

5. Which of the following is not correct about schools?

(a) They are necessarily affected by the social and economic situations and changes in our civilisation.

(b) They are powerful instruments of social change.

(c) They are potential agents of conflicts and disintegration.

(d) They are social agencies of cultural transmission.

6. Specialisation and further distinctions in making a living within a given economy, within an industrial economy makes

(a) A greater demand for better education.

(b) Many kinds of pressures on the expan­sion of education.

(c) A demand for specialized courses and training programmers such as management training, etc.

(d) A demand for better man-machine facilities.

7. The nature of the differences in socio­economic strata of the society such as the wealthy, middle class and the poor is that it

(a)Runs quite frequently at cross purposes in the demands they make on education.

(b) Affects adversely the quality of educa­tion

(c) Vitiates the socio-emotional climate of the schools.

(d) Affects negatively the morale of the teachers.

8. What is the result of the existence of different socio-economic strata in the society with various class interests?

(a) Setting up mutually incompatible tensions in the educational programme

(b) Creating a lot of politics in the school

(c) Causing a lot of indiscipline in the classroom

(d) Generating a lack of responsibility in the teachers.

9. The least hindrance in the way of the optimum development of child’s personality is

(a) Limited economic surplus that could be spent on education.

(b) Mad scramble among various social groups for getting as much of the goods of education as possible.

(c) Free education for all and equal opportu­nity.

(d) Incompetent teachers.

10. Educational Sociology deals with which aspect of education?

(a) Social

(b) Political

(c) Economic

(d) Psychological

11. The least important challenge to Indian education today is presented by the

(a) Poverty of the masses.

(b) Expanding population.

(c) High cost of education.

(d) Low return on education.

12. Culture is

(a) The characteristics and products of the learned behaviour of a group of people.

(b) The sum total of feelings of the people of a group.

(c) The totality of the inter-relationships of the people of a group.

(d) The totality of mutual understandings of the people of a group.

13. To which type of culture belong attitudes, religious beliefs, moral beliefs and etiquettes?

(a) Material culture

(b) Intellectual culture

(c) Non-material culture

(d) Industrial culture.

14. Social classes and their sub-cultures are most interesting and most important to a student of education because

(a) Social classes differ from one another in many ways which are important for education.

(b) Teachers also come from different social classes.

(c) Students belong to different social classes.

(d) Schools may belong to different social classes.

15. High degree of inter-dependence between education and the rest of the society is very much emphasised, not because of

(a) Increasing number of students, requiring increasing financial support.

(b) Dramatic changes in the role of government in educational matters.

(c) Man’s social nature.

(d) Social nature of education.

16. It is implied in the “Social nature” of education that it

(a) Ensures desirable socialisation of the child.

(b) Ensures the development of child’s potentialities.

(c) Educates the child for citizenship.

(d) Enables the individual to find a job for himself.

17. Which of the following does not influence the process of education?

(a) The culture of the society and its social institutions

(b) Social class structures

(c) The upper middle class of the society

(d) Political organization of the society.

18. Which one of the following social institutions of India does not have a profound effect on education?

(a) The family

(b) The government

(c) The business class organisation

(d) The religion.

19. Which of the following statements is not true about the family?

(a) It is the only socially recognized relationship for child bearing

(b) It is the only institution of society which caters to the development of child’s personality

(c) It is an essential agency for socializing and rearing the child

(d) It is the only important agency that introduces the child to the culture of the society.

20. What type of education the family imparts to the child?

(a) Formal

(b) Informal

(c) Deliberate

(d) Regular.

21. Education provided to the child by the schools is

(a) Formal.

(b) Informal.

(c) Highly standardized,

(d) Traditional.

22. Value conflicts in the minds of school children are often created by

(a) Maladjusted teachers.

(b) Unruly students.

(c) Conflicting value systems of the home and the school.

(d) Conflicting laws of the country.

23. Resolving children’s conflicts caused by contradictory value systems of the home and the schools is

(a) Impossible.

(b) Difficult but not impossible.

(c) Easy.

(d) Very easy.

24. Communities do not exert pressures on educational systems in the following way

(a) Through agitations.

(b) Through legislation.

(c) Through revolts.

(d) Debates and discussions.

25. Control of the Government over education is unavoidable because

(a) Education costs money; and money can be provided by the government only.

(b) The government is all powerful.

(c) The government is empowered to exercise control by the people themselves.

(d) The very term “govern” means control.

26. Which of the following is not correct about the role of government in schooling?

(a) It will swell if schooling affects larger domains of the public interest and welfare

(b) It will diminish if schooling affects smaller domains of the public interest and welfare

(c) It will swell if the institutional arrange­ments in the society become more and more inter-dependent

(d) It will be affected by neither of the foregoing conditions.

27. As a social institution, the essential function of the family is

(a) Producing children.

(b) Rearing of children during their immaturity.

(c) Imparting formal education at the initial stages of life.

(d) Increasing community’s population.

28. Which of the following is not a correct statement about children’s education in the family?

(a) The rearing of children by the family is a form of education.

(b) Parents inevitably modify the behaviour of their children in one direction or another.

(c) Criminality is taught to children by their parents.

(d) The parents willy-nilly produce.

29. Caring for the cultivation of emotional health of children is as important for the schools as caring for the cultivation of their intellect, not because

(a) The family is not competent enough to do that.

(b) The family, being ignorant of the principles of emotional health, can do nothing about it.

(c) There cannot be any other social institution which can be entrusted with this job.

(d) Rearing of children in most families is defective.

30. “Religion has an indispensable place in the good life and the good society.” This is not supported by the argument that religion

(a) Can teach values to the community which are essential for good life and good society.

(b) Can provide for common worship and religious orientation to the universe as a whole bringing unity and peace.

(c) Alone can make people more spiritual, more devoted, more loving and more perfect.

(d) Alone can prevent wars in the world and bring peace as a consequence.

31. Religious education in some forms is essential because it

(a) Develops essential values in children.

(b) Provides children with desirable knowledge.

(c) Makes good life in a good society.

(d) Is the foundation stone on which rests the success of a democratic society.

32. Which is incorrect about the school as a social institution?

(a) It has to teach about the social order and its institutions in its instructional activities.

(b) As it stands for the good life in general, it is the critic of society and all its institutions.

(c) It stands for the professional ideals of the community rather than the ideals it practices and tolerates.

(d) It stands for the satisfaction of the needs of the pupils who come for schooling.

33. Which of the following type of economy places higher value on education?

(a) Agricultural economy

(b) Industrial economy

(c) Commercial economy

(d) Mixed economy.

34. Earlier educational values were lower and less wide-spread in an agrarian than in an industrial society. This was not because

(a) Education served no purpose for them as they needed no knowledge.

(b) The agrarian society was always in need of hard physical labour and long hours of work instead of education.

(c) The agrarian society would get little time to take off to attend school.

(d) The agrarian society needed no employment for their members outside agriculture for which education is necessary.

35. Today agrarian society calls for considerably more schooling than formerly because

(a) The farmers have become wiser now.

(b) The farmers have greater interaction with the people in the cities who motivate them to go to schools.

(c) Agriculture has become a science which together with its mechanization calls for scientific knowledge.

(d) Agriculture is now considered by farmers more dignified a calling.

36. It is industrial rather than other types of economy which most enhances the regard for education, because

(a) Each country has had tremendous development of industry.

(b) Industrialization has led to the production of a huge wealth.

(c) Modern industry has become extremely technical, science-based, knowledge- based; and scientific and technical knowledge is gained only through education.

(d) The industrialists belong to the upper class of the society.

37. A social institution is defined as

(a) An institution established by the government.

(b) An institution which serves the society.

(c) The totality of relationships processes and facilities which people develop to meet a specific social interest or need.

(d) An institution established for achieving social purposes.

38. Our social institutions are frequently in conflict with one another. Which is not the possible reason?

(a) They are so complex that they are only partially understood by many people.

(b) Different individuals and groups with different needs are associated with them for quite different reasons.

(c) They are established by people for meeting their needs.

(d) People’s points of view with regard to their functioning or value may vary greatly.

39. The social institution that men create should be the best because

(a) Poor schools, poor churches, weak and indecisive government will have a negative effect on the society which brings them into being.

(b) Poor institutions will make people still poorer.

(c) Poor institutions are always ineffective and corrupt.

(d) Best institutions are liked by all in the society.

40. A level in society made up of people similar in certain respect is known as

(a) Social order.

(b) Social class,

(c) Social hierarchy,

(d) Social system.

41. Indian society can be divided into various levels of people. Which of the following is not one of those?

(a) Upper class

(b) Hindus

(c) Middle class

(d) Lower class.

42. If in a social set up people are working against others in order to obtain possession, they are said to have

(a) Conflict.

(b) Cooperation,

(c) Competition.

(d) Accommodation.

43. The act of adopting oneself, and one’s behaviour, to the conditions and requirement of the community in which one lives is called social

(a) Adaptation.

(b) Adjustment,

(c) Behaviour.

(d) dynamic.

44. Which of the following can serve as the suitable example of the primary group?

(a) School

(b) Church

(c) Community

(d) Family.

45. Any collection of human beings who are brought into social relationship with one another, is called a/an

(a) Family.

(b) Office,

(c) Institution.

(d) Group.

46. “Group defined by a sex relationship, sufficiently precise and enduring to provide for the procreation and up-bringing of children”— this definition given by Maclver refers to

(a) Community.

(b) Primary Group.

(c) Family.

(d) Nursery Schools.

47. The difference between the social groups, in the degree of cultural development; or the degree of antipathy manifested by individuals belonging to one group towards individuals belonging to the other is known as social

(a) Apathy.

(b) Disorder.

(c) Distance.

(d) Selection.

48. Out of the following four branches of psychology, with which sociology has got maximum linkage?

(a) Child Psychology

(b) Industrial Psychology

(c) Social Psychology

(d) General Psychology.

49. The maximum contribution to the process of socialization, in general comes from

(a) Teacher.

(b) Home,

(c) School.

(d) Community.

50. In which of the following respect, a group and crowd differ from each other?

(a) Size

(b) Intimacy

(c) Organisation

(d) Suggestibility.

51. Cooley’s “face-to-face” group refers to

(a) An in group.

(b) A primary group,

(c) A formal group,

(d) An out group.

52. The role that an individual plays in the development of social phenomenon is studied by

(a) Social psychology.

(b) Sociology.

(c) Anthropology.

(d) Political sociology.

53. Which of the following is a norm?

(a) Eat ice cream with a spoon

(b) I like to eat ice cream

(c) Honesty is the best policy

(d) Simple living and high thinking is a great virtue.

54. Which of the following does not describe a norm?

(a) It is based on one or more of society’s values.

(b) It is behaviour that is most often followed.

(c) It describes a value held by society.

(d) It is society’s expectation for right and proper behaviour.

55. The concept of role involves

(a) Taking a role voluntarily.

(b) Being appointed to a role.

(c) Thinking, reflecting and deciding.

(d) Performing rights and duties which derive from the function to be performed.

56. A group in which one has a “we feeling” is called a

(a) Nationality group.

(b) Primary group.

(c) Inherited” group.

(d) Secondary group.

57. An individual who tends to withdraw from association with others is called

(a) Very suggestible.

(b) Well socialised.

(c) Poorly socialised.

(d) Hysterical.

58. The notion of the “I: me: Generalised other” was developed by

(a) Mead GH.

(b) Cooley Charles.

(c) Thomas William.

(d) Morton Robert.

59. The notion of in group and out group was first used by

(a) Sumner.

(b) Freud,

(c) Maclver.

(d) Mead.

60. The rewards and ensure conformity called

(a) Ostracism.

(b) Laws.

(c) Deviations.

(d) Sanctions.

61. The essence of secondary group experience is

(a) Intimate relationships.

(b) Consciousness of kind.

(c) Face-to-face contacts.

(d) Casualness of contact.

62. Which of the following is normative integration in a group?

(a) Co-ordination of individual efforts

(b) Choosing good leaders for projects

(c) Directing individual efforts

(d) Socialisation.

63. Which of the following is the best example of what Cooley referred to as a quasi-primary group?

(a) A mother and her child

(b) A spontaneous play group

(c) Columbia university

(d) A boy-scout-troupe.

64. A child develops a self-concept when he is able to see himself as an object. He develops a concept of himself as he

(a) Thinks about himself and his own behaviour.

(b) Responds to the behaviour of his parents.

(c) Reflects on objects that are not present.

(d) Thinks as others do.

65. Which of the following statements is not true about the members of a social group?

(a) They are aware of shared memberships

(b) They are a casual collection of people

(c) They are involved in close interaction

(d) They have distinct relations with one another.

66. The process of acting in awareness of others and adjusting responses to the way others respond is called

(a) Role awareness.

(b) Social awareness.

(c) Social organisation.

(d) Social interaction.

67. Which of the following is an example of an aggregate?

(a) A Rotary Club gathering

(b) Individuals at meetings

(c) Tax payers’ meeting

(d) Air-line passengers.

68. Which of the following is inevitably involved in the exercise of competent authority in any social group?

(a) Superior knowledge

(b) The right to exact obedience

(c) Superior skill

(d) Superior memory.

69. Which of the following characteristics is essential in a primary group?

(a) Its members must be of the same age

(b) It should have large membership

(c) Its members must have a high rate of interaction with one another

(d) Its membership usually must be limited to one sex.

70. Of the following, the definition of personality is most appropriate, according to the text would be

(a) Qualities of a person.

(b) The sum total of observed or observable characteristics of an individual.

(c) Popularity with one’s peers.

(d) The personal qualities which tend to emphasize how different people really are.

71. When we try to explain the behaviour of an individual, we find that his social environment is

(a) A sufficient total explanation.

(b) A necessary but not sufficient total explanation.

(c) Both a necessary and sufficient total explanation.

(d) Neither a necessary nor sufficient explanation.

72. Socialisation is a process of converting a biological organism into

(a) Human being.

(b) Super human being.

(c) Modern man.

(d) Social man.

73. The study of society is nothing but study of

(a) Mores.

(b) Conventions,

(c) Laws.

(d) Folkways.

74. The term “oral dependency” means

(a) Depending on words.

(b) Unwritten promise.

(c) A stage of child’s dependency on mother.

(d) Depending on eating.

75. A role conflict occurs when

(a) The roles of two persons different with each other.

(b) The ego occupies two conflicting roles.

(c) There is a mental conflict over the choice from a set of roles.

(d) The role being played is questioned.

76. George Simmel classified human aggregates units

(a) Societies.

(b) Communities,

(c) Groups.

(d) Institutions.

77. The essence of secondary group experience is

(a) Intimate relationships.

(b) Face-to-face contacts.

(c) Casualness of contacts.

(d) “Consciousness of kind”

78. The preferential feeling which individual have for their own group is called

(a) Egoism.

(b) Ethnocentrism.

(c) Primary.

(d) Fraternal.

79. A group of individuals having essentially the same social status in a given society is called a

(a) Social group.

(b) Social class.

(c) Struggle.

(d) Secondary group.

80. Which one of the following is not strictly speaking, one of Freud’s stages of psycho sexual development?

(a) Genital

(b) Oral

(c) Oedipal

(d) Phallic.

81. A situation where a student is expected by his parents to study his lessons and is expected by his room-mates to visit a movie- house illustrates

(a) Status conflict.

(b) Primary-secondary group conflict.

(c) Role conflict.

(d) Culture conflict.

82. Individual and society are considered as

(a) Interdependent,

(b) Contradictory,

(c) Complementary,

(d) Supplementary.

83. Human nature develops in man as a

(a) Member of a religion.

(b) Citizen of a state.

(c) Member of an organisation.

(d) Member of a society.

84. Man’s behaviour in society is determined mainly by two forces, namely

(a) Formal and informal.

(b) Natural and unnatural.

(c) Physical and social.

(d) Psychological and philosophical.

85. Identify a quasi-group among the following,

(a) Status groups.

(b) Trade union.

(c) Mob.

(d) Crowd.

86. An individual starts learning from

(a) Mother’s womb,

(b) Adulthood,

(c) Childhood.

(d) Adolescence.

87. Suggestion is one of the basic principles of

(a) Human behaviour.

(b) Caste.

(c) Class.

(d) Socialization.

88. One of the basic principles of socialing individuals is

(a) Religion.

(b) Caste,

(c) Education.

(d) Imitation.

89. When the child is able to judge the response of a group as a whole, he is responding to a

(a) “Particular other”.

(b) “Insignificant other”.

(c) “Generalised other”.

(d) “Significant other”.

90. Internalization means that the individual

(a) Conforms to group norms.

(b) Has identity, social location, aspiration and values.

(c) Has adopted the norms and values of the group and uses them.

(d) Has standards to judge his own behaviour.

91. The concept of the looking-glass self may be summarised as follows

(a) What ego thinks ego is.

(b) What alter thinks ego is.

(c) What ego thinks, alter thinks, ego is.

(d) What ego thinks alter is.

92. The process which aims to destroy the opponent is

(a) Co-operation.

(b) Conflict.

(c) Competition.

(d) Accommodation.

93. When a group of clans get merged together, then the resultant grouping is called

(a) Lineage.

(b) Siblings,

(c) Family.

(d) Gotra.

94. The preferences and aversions amongst the various members of a group is shown by

(a) Sociogram.

(b) Sociological analysis.

(c) Social psychology.

(d) Interactional analysis.

95. The technique of measurement of the patterns of social behaviour in a group is known as

(a) Sociogram.

(b) Interactional, analysis.

(c) Social distance scale.

(d) Sociometry.

96. “Birds of the same feather flock together” refers to the idea of a socialising process known as

(a) Imitation.

(b) Suggestion,

(c) Identification.

(d) Sympathy.

97. The price paid to the Muslim bride is called

(a) Dowry.

(b) Bride Price.

(c) Mehar.

(d) Compensation.

98. In early Hindu society, widow remarriage was

(a) Permitted.

(b) Protected.

(c) Promoted.

(d) Prohibited.

99. The laws of Muslim marriage are based on

(a) Quran.

(b) Muslim law.

(c) Indian contract act.

(d) Constitution of India.

100. Mehar given by husband to the wife immediately after marriage is known as

(a) Settled Dower.

(b) Meharul Misl.

(c) Muwajjal Mehar.

(d) Dower after dissolution of marriage.


1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (a) 9.(c) 10. (a) 11. (a) 12. (a) 13. (c) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (a) 17. (c) 18. (c) 19. (b) 20. (b) 21. (a) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (c) 25. (a) 26. (d) 27. (b) 28. (c) 29. (c) 30. (d) 31. (a) 32. (c) 33. (b) 34. (a) 35. (c) 36. (c) 37. (c) 38. (c) 39. (a) 40. (b) 41. (b) 42. (a) 43. (a) 44. (d) 45. (d) 46. (c) 47. (a) 48. (c) 49. (b) 50. (c) 51. (c) 52. (b) 53. (d) 54. (b) 55. (d) 56. (b) 57. (a) 58. (d) 59. (a) 60. (d) 61. (d) 62. (d) 63. (a) 64. (a) 65. (b) 66. (d) 67. (d) 68. (b) 69. (c) 70. (d) 71. (c) 72. (d) 73. (d) 74. (c) 75. (b) 76. (c) 77. (c) 78. (b) 79. (b) 80. (c) 81. (c) 82. (a) 83. (d) 84. (a) 85.(c) 86. (a) 87. (d) 88. (d) 89. (c) 90. (d) 91. (c) 92. (b) 93. (a) 94. (d) 95. (d) 96. (c) 97. (c) 98. (a) 99. (a) 100. (c)


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