565 Words Essay on Science a Blessing or A Curse

The way a new invention is used makes it good or bad. The same is the case with science. It plays a very important and useful role in our life and can be a friend, or a foe according to the way it is used. Science tries to explain the principles behind natural phenomena, and scientists for long have been harnessing this knowledge for the benefit of the society on the whole.

Nagarjuna, an ancient, leading Indian scientist, discovered many methods of curing diseases, using plants for medicinal purposes. Science and its miracles; procured after long, arduous researches over the centuries, have made life easier and enjoyable.

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The application of scientific researches has proved to be a blessing in more ways than one. We have reaped rewards in almost all fields of life. Great inventions of scientists like Faraday, Graham Bell, Huxley, Marconi, Louis Pasteur and Jennifer have made the over-all living easier and more comfortable.

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Medicine has made great strides and today we can hope for a longer and healthier life. Dangerous diseases, such as small-pox, T.B., malaria, yellow fever and cholera have been totally eradicated from the face of the earth.

Vaccines have been discovered to prevent us from being a prey to life- threatening infections like diphtheria, meningitis, tuberculosis, polio and so on. Experiments are constantly being carried on to develop a vaccine to get rid of the dreaded diseases, such as cancer and AIDS.

Complicated, scientific instruments, used to study various organisms in an effort to recognize the root cause of diseases, are also invented by the scientists. The invention of microscope has helped us to observe the tiniest of germs.


It is now indispensable for studying different types of germs and examining the blood and so on. Science has been used very effectively in improving the agricultural production. Fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides and different methods of irrigation are all the blessings of science. All of them have brought about the ‘Green Revolution’, making us self- sufficient in food.

In the field of entertainment too, science has made an unbelievably rapid progress. First we had silent movies, and then came talkies in black and white. About three decades ago our movies became colourful. Thanks to the T.V., video and cable network that we can now enjoy the movies of our choice in our drawing-rooms.

Today we can see in the privacy and comfort of our house a cricket or a football match, being played anywhere in the world. We see important events, occurring in different countries, flashed almost simultaneously on our T.V. screens.

Science has made a very useful contribution to our world. Scientists sacrifice years of their life finding new things for the benefit of mankind, but sadly and unfortunately these are often misused. Thus bullets and bombs have been invented that has been used in the past and is being used in the present time for destruction.


The misuse of atomic power resulted in the tragedies of Hiroshima and Naga Saki in the Second World War. It brought instant death to millions of people and made a far greater number of innocent civilians crippled for life within no time.

Thus, science, if it is misused, can easily be a deadly curse and the worst of all the foes to man. On the other hand, if it is used wisely, it is a great boon and a benevolent friend of man.


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