11 Guiding Principles of Environmental Studies

The guiding principles of environmental education are as follows:

(i) Environmental education should be continuous and compulsory, right from the pre­school to all formal as well as non-formal higher levels.

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(ii) Environmental education should have an interdisciplinary approach.

(iii) The environment must be considered in its totality (i.e. a functional system composed of organised, interacting and independent parts).

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(iv) Environmental education should promote the value and necessity of examining the major environmental issues from the local, national, regional, and international point of view.

(v) Environmental education should emphasize the necessity of seeking international co-operation in environmental planning, prevention and control of environmental problems.


(vi)Environmental education should emphasize the complexity of environmental problems and the need to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

(vii) Environmental education should emphasize the importance of economic development without degrading the environment (i.e. sustainable development).

(viii) Environmental education should enable learners to include environmental impact analysis in proposed developmental projects in order to minimise environmental damages.

(ix) Environmental education should lay more stress on practical training and practical activities.


(x) Environmental education should help learners discover the symptoms and real causes of environmental problems.

(xi) Environmental education should encourage stewardship to help reduce human impact on the planet.


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