Useful Notes on the Concept and Causes of "Revolution" According to the Aristotle

Aristotle after his study of 158 constitutions comes out with a detailed analysis of causes of revolution and ways to prevent them.

Perhaps, his concept of Revolution is most potent testimony of his scientific rigor and empirical enquiry.

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1. What is Revolution?

Aristotle, in Part V of ‘Polities’, offers two-fold meaning of revolution.


Firstly, A revolution means any major or minor change in the constitution.

Secondly, A revolution is also said to have occurred if ruling power has been transferred, even if the constitution remains the same.

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2. Causes of Revolution:

Aristotle attempts a detailed analysis of the causes of revolution which can be broadly classified as


1. General causes

2. Revolutions in a particular kind of state

General causes of revolution include the desire of the people to be treated as equal. The states which are marked by greater extent of equality will be more stable. This explains the reason behind Aristotle’s favour for a state in which middle class predominates. Thus, to Aristotle, lesser the inequality lesser will be chances of revolution.

The general causes of Revolution, in Aristotle’s opinion can be tackled by


1. Inculcating habit of law abidingness among citizens.

2. Treating various classes with consideration.

3. Educating the citizens in spirit of constitution.

4. Awarding political offices on temporary basis.

5. Ensuring dispersal of political power in more individuals.

6. Rewarding people as much as possible.

7. Limiting foreigners from holding public offices. Aristotle also diagnoses the revolution in particular kind of state and outlines remedies to check them:

The specificity with which Aristotle deals with the causes and remedies of revolution illustrates the political insight of the theorist. This remains one of the greatest contributions of Aristotle in the realm of political science. Where political realism is at its high water mark.


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