Legal Provisions Regarding “Attempt to Commit Suicide” in India – Section 309 of IPC

Sec. 309 IPC defines and prescribes the punishment for an attempt to commit suicide. The punishment for attempting to commit suicide has been discussed in India in Press, Bar and Bench.William Hernest Horkey wrote: “I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.” Image Source : J.S. Mill wrote: “Over himself and over his body and mind the individual is sovereign.” ADVERTISEMENTS: Mahatma Gandhi wrote: “Death is our friend, the trust of our friend. He delivers us from agony. I don’t want to die of a creeping paralysis of my father.” The above quotations delivered by the eminent political leaders and philosophers show that every person shall have a right to remove his own life. Attempt to commit suicide is a last step of…
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5 Important Types of Equality found in our Society

There are different types of equality found in society. The following are the different types of equality as found in different political systems. 1. Civil Equality: There is civil equality in the State when persons are subject to the same law in enjoyment of their various rights and liberties.There can be no civil equality when law kames distinction between one individual and the other. Civil equality as a concept has been accepted in a democratic form of government.It implies that all citizens should be treated alike in the matters of possession of their rights without any discrimination on the grounds of religion, belief, caste or creed. Image Source: 2. Political Equality: Political equality implies that all citizens should have political rights and should have equal access to all offices…
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Here is your free sample essay on Non Violence

“Non-violence is the law of our species as violence is the law of the brute” so spoke Mahatma Gandhi, celebrating the need and nature of the principle of non-violence for mankind.All wise men down the ages have preached the doctrine of love and non-violence. Zoroaster, Buddha, Mahavira, Christ, Nanak primarily emphasised a moral code that gave due status to non-violence.Non-violence is a philosophy of life, a modus operandi which has been accepted as an article of faith in the East as well as the West. ADVERTISEMENTS: But what does the word ‘non-violence’ mean in simple terms? To what extent can and should non-violence be exercised in daily life? And is it true that the world today is in dire need of non-violence?Non-violence has been variously interpreted by different people including…
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Essay on the Origin of Sociology

Essay on the Origin of Sociology – Sociology before Auguste Comte: Sociology has a long past but only a short history. Sociology which is known as the science of society is one of the youngest as well as one of the oldest of the social sciences.Sociology has a long past but only a short history. Sociology which is known as the science of society is one of the youngest as well as one of the oldest of the social sciences. It is one of the youngest sciences because only recently it came to be established as a distinct branch of knowledge with its own distinct set of concepts and its own methods of inquiry.Sociology is also one of the oldest of the sciences. Since the dawn of civilisation, society has…
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5 Important Natures of “Social Stratification” According to “Melvin Tumin”

According to Tumin, the nature of Social Stratification becomes clear from its following features: 1. Social Stratification is a Social Phenomenon: Stratification is social because it does not represent biologically caused inequalities. It is true that biological factors like age, sex, strength can also serve as the basis on which the status or strata and distinguished. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: These factors do not determine social superiority or inferiority until these are recognised by society. For example, a man attains the position of chief executive officer in a company not on the basis of his sex or age but by the reason of his education, training and skill which are socially recognised and more important than biological traits.Tumin observes that stratification system is: (a) Governed by social norms and sanctions,(b)…
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6 Important Features of Platonic Education

Important Features of Platonic Education are listed below: 1. State controlled system of compulsory education: He does not favour the idea of leaving education in the hands of parents. He considered education as positive means by which the ruler could mould the character of the people and promote spirit of unselfish devotion towards their duties.By making it compulsory, he thought that all citizens would develop their mental faculties and become valuable unit of state. Image Source: 2. Favour education, both for men and women: ADVERTISEMENTS: He was in favour women holding public offices like men. It is for this step of his, that he is regarded as a revolutionary. 3. Meant for artisans as well as peasants: Though Plato does not make a clear mention in this regard, it…
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