447 Words Short Essay on Procrastination

This long word literally means putting “forward” to “tomor­row”; for it is derived from the Latin word, eras, “tomorrow”, and prefix pro, “before” or “forward.”Of course it is sometimes necessary and wise to postpone a decision or an action, where hasty conclusions would be foolish; but “procrastination” always means putting things off tomorrow which ought to be done to­day. ADVERTISEMENTS: It is the fault of dilatoriness and laziness, that leads us to shirk the doing of present duties and inclines us to defer them to some future time.Thus the fault of procrastination is just the opposite of the virtue of punctuality. A punctual man takes care to do what has to be done exactly at the right time; the dilatory man never does anything at the right time, but always…
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310 Words Essay on Father's Day

Father’s Day is usually celebrated on the third Sunday in the month of June. It is celebrated to honor and respect fathers. The dates may vary slightly in other countries. On this day people buy gifts for their fathers or treat them to special things like a dinner at a fancy restaurant or sponsor a vacation abroad, etc. Father’s Day was first observed on July 5, 1908, by Dr. Robert Webb of West Virginia at the central Methodist church of Fairmont. Later, a Mrs. Sonora Smart Dodd thought of having a similar celebration for her father in 1909, while listening to a Mother’s Day sermon in church. Her father, Henry Jackson Smart, had raised her after her mother died young. Image Source : craftbeerandkitchen.com ADVERTISEMENTS: He had made a lot…
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Essay on the Two Major Food Problems in the World

An average energy requirement by a healthy man is about 2500 Calories/day, if the intake of calories is less than this then food is said to be under nourished. It affects human beings in following ways:1. Inefficient energy makes human being unable to perform work properly.2. Body becomes susceptible to disease lack of proper nutrients. ADVERTISEMENTS: The affects of under nourishment on children are:1. Body growth becomes low2. Various abnormalities arise.3. Mentally retartedness is seen. ADVERTISEMENTS: 4. Hormonal disorders such as goiter is seen.5. Delayed adulthood is observed.6. Physical abnormality generates social inferiority complex. Image Source: aquaponicsworld.net ADVERTISEMENTS: MalnourishmentLack of healthy ingredients in diet is called as malnutrition. If the food is being eaten, has nutritional imbalance due to lack of appropriate dietary ingredients, malnutrition may take place which can…
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304 Words Essay on an Ideal Student

An ideal student is someone who is thirsty for knowledge. Such a student will not be distracted in class. After all that is what every teacher desires. This thirst for knowledge will ensure that she is attentive and is committed to learn all that she can about a particular subject so that she can understand it fully. An ideal student will also have certain other distinguishing qualities. She will have well – defined goals in life and her effort will be to do whatever it takes to achieve these goals. For instance, if you ask her what she aspires to be, she will have a ready answer. And she will have a good reason for what she aspires to be. She will also have a clear vision of what is…
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397 Words Essay on The Funniest Incident

It was a bad day for my brother. He had got a mouthful from my father for playing cricket all the time and not studying. My brother was in a bad mood and I felt sorry for him as I also used to get a good scolding from my father from time to time. I was wondering how to pacify my brother and change his mood. It was mid- afternoon and my father were having a snooze. Everybody knew better than to disturb him when he was taking his afternoon nap. But not the neighborhood tomcat. He and another torn were having a free for all in our front yard. There was much hissing and spitting and growling and meowing. Between the two of them, they created such a racket…
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Importance of Pre-approach for the Salesman – Essay

Pre-approach is important for the salesman due to the following reasons:1. A salesman by means of pre-approach can save his valuable time, effort and energy by concentrating on those prospects exclusively who are most likely to buy In other words, he can distinguish between ‘most likely prospects and general prospects’ and confine his approach to genuine prospects by remaining selective.2. Pre-approach makes the salesman more confident and enthusiastic while meeting the prospects and putting forth the sales proposition before them. This confidence and enthusiasm is the cumulative result of the detailed background information about the prospects collected during pre-approach. ADVERTISEMENTS: 3. Pre-approach enables the salesman to know beforehand about the needs and requirements of the prospects in the most detailed manner possible.4. By pre-approach, the salesman’s knowledge about the prospects…
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526 Words Short Essay on Self-denial

Have you ever noticed that we always spell the first personal pronoun with a capital letter? We write you, he, she, they, with small initial letters; but / is always capital a big capital “I”.And it is natural to do so: for most of us think far more of ourselves than of anybody else. The interests and happiness of others are quite secondary to my interests and my happiness most of us feel. ADVERTISEMENTS: That is, selfishness is natural to human nature. It is natural for each of us to want his own way, to look after his own interests first, to think that he is the most important person in creation.A child is naturally selfish. His constant cry is, want this : I will do that: I won’t do…
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517 Words Short Essay on Wonders in Creation

Every thing in nature is wonderful. Even the commonest object is a mystery. The fact that it is familiar to us, does not explain it. For example, take a common plant, a weed in the garden, which we dig up and throw away as worthless.If you consider the delicacy of its tissue, the perfection of its form and colour, the marvelous way in which it has grown from a tiny seed, you will wonder how it came to be.Not even the greatest scientist in the world can explain the principle of life that has formed it. Com­mon and familiar as it is, it is a mystery. The poet Tennyson has expressed this beautifully :— ADVERTISEMENTS: “Flower in the crannied wall,I pluck you out of the crannies,And hold you here, root…
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390 Words Essay on Pride goes before a fall

This proverb is coined from the well known story entitled, “The Hare and die Tortoise,” from Aesop’s fables. We all remember having read it during our kindergarten days.The hare always quick on his feet challenged a tortoise to a running race! The tortoise who knew that, being a slow animal he was no match for the hare. Yet he accepted the challenge. On the day of the race all the animals assembled at one place and die race commenced. Alas! Like a lightning the hare sprinted across and disappeared from sight. But poor tortoise walked slowly, as usual.The haughty hare, which had gone too far away, paused under a tree. He knew that it would take a long time for the tortoise to reach him. So he stretched and slept.…
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492 Words Sample Essay on My School (free to read)

I am Hema Agarwal. I am studying in std. VI in Saraswati Vidyalaya. About my school? Well, it is a temple to me. Our school is 125 years old, a prestigious institution where many eminent persons had studied. It has a total strength of 780 students studying from LKG to Plus 2.Some children hate going to school. It happens mostly on Mondays, being the first day after the weekly holiday. Many fake sickness to escape schooling, saying that they have stomach ache or head ache. I call it as ‘Monday Melody!’But none of us in our school ever feel so. To us, going to school is a joy, because that is how the teachers made us feel about it. All our teachers are kind, at the same time strict with…
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