Essay on the Qualities of a Supervisor

Following are the qualities of a supervisor:

Leadership Qualities:

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Actually, supervisor is a leader of the work-force working under him. He leads a group of personnel who look, to him for guidance, direction, and control.

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A supervisor, therefore, should possess all the qualities of leadership to have a rhythm of supervision and to lead the organisation in the desired direction. A loyal and disciplined, work force can be maintained only when supervisor leads them properly.

Managerial Skill:

Being a part of the management chain he must possess the managerial skill. He must know the managerial functions so that he may get the work done in a term spirit to get the maximum co-operation of the subordinates. He must command respect and unquestioned loyalty. For all this hp must make the best use of his managerial skill.

Knowledge of Different Techniques:

A supervisor should posses the knowledge of different techniques of supervision so that he can understand his men and make use of them at appropriate time. Here are these supervisory techniques:

Under Autocratic Techniques:

All the powers are concentrated in the hands of supervisor and rule of thumb is the weapon lie uses indiscriminately. He has full control over his subordinates and behaves like hard task-master. He imposes his will on and off which the workers are to carry out without ifs and buts.

Democratic Technique:


Under this technique democratic principles are followed and workers are taken into confidence before taking any decision concerning them. They are, rather, allowed to participate in the decision-making bodies of the organisation. The Supervisors, through supervision are interested in getting the work done after proper counseling, consultation and group discussion and not according to their whims and temperament, and likings and disliking.

They try to boost their morale by inviting suggestions to get the work done efficiently and if suggestions prove to be fruitful they are suitably rewarded and recognised. It is modern technique and mainly employed in industries.

Free-rein Technique:

Under this technique, policies, programmes, procedures, and objectives, etc. of the organisation are fully explained to the workers. They are also told what, when and how to do the job and also the time schedule. Now, the workers are set free to work according to framework of instructions and methodology already explained.

The supervisor’s role is then only to guide them and he does not interfere in their work. For deviation, if any, they themselves are responsible and answerable. Though it seems to be the best technique but success of this technique depends on the unrestricted supervision and efficient and effective communication system which are generally not present.


None of the above techniques can be said to be the best. Supervision is supervisor’s individual trait and wisdom, which a supervisor is to develop according to the circumstances. The technique may differ from situation to situation, from work to work, from individual to individual, from group to group, and from organisation to organisation.

The supervisor should know all his men-their work conduct, skill, training, knowledge, wisdom, success, domestic, habits, temperament, likings and disliking, social status, domestic problems etc. He should understand their real spirit. He should also allow letting them understand him well.

The supervisor being a leader of his work force must behave in unprejudiced manner towards his subordinates; he must be fair to all otherwise he will invite unnecessary tension, bitterness and trouble because baseness leads, to disputes and vitiates the whole atmosphere. The supervisor loses his faith and integrity among the workers.

There are various factors that affect the leadership likewise applies to the supervision or supervisors. There are certain additional factors of special importance necessary for the effective supervision which is as discussed.


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