Physico-Chemical, Nature of Terrestrial Ecosystems | Essay

Essay on Physico-Chemical, Nature of Terrestrial Ecosystems !An aquatic system is essentially a single-phase system, where water sets the tone for entire habitat. A terrestrial ecosystem, on the contrary, is a three-phase system, where the characteristics of the habitat are a function of the atmosphere and climate, the soil, and the biotic community itself. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The atmosphere is the source of oxygen for animals and carbon dioxide for plants both are sufficiently common and well-mixed in the atmosphere that they are essentially never limiting. Air as a medium of support is much less buoyant than water. Thus, an organism need relatively little support to survive in water, but it needs a fairly rigid skeleton to live and move on land. Climate in a terrestrial ecosystem is much…
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Short Essay of Indian Prison System (347 Words)

Here is your Short Essay of Indian Prison System !In India, prison reforms did not emerge out of the social movement but were necessarily an outcome of the worst conditions of treatment faced by the political sufferers in prisons during the period of their imprisonment. They repeatedly launched protests with the prison authorities and made all possible efforts to see that the rigours of prison life are mitigated and prisoners are humanely heated. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: In the meantime, the reformative trend which was gaining momentum in the field of penology ail around the world also gave filip to the cause of correctional method of treatment of offenders in India. It was realised that confining convicts in closed prison cells hardly serves any useful purpose.The overall effect of these…
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Essay on Environmental, Hazards and Disasters

Change is the law of nature. It is continuous process that goes on uninterruptedly involving phenomena, big and small, material and non-material that make over physical and socio-cultural environment. It is a process present everywhere with variations in terms of magnitude, intensity and scale. Change can be gradual or slow process like the evolution of land forms and organisms and it can be as sudden and swift as volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, earthquakes and lightening etc. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Similarly, it may remain confined to a smaller area occurring within a few seconds like hailstorms, tornadoes and dust storm, and it can also have global dimensions such as global warming and depletion of the ozone layer.Besides, these changes have different meanings for different people. It depends upon the perspective one…
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Land-Use Statistics of India – Useful Notes

Out of the total geographical area of 328 million hectares, the land-use statistics are available for roughly 305 million hectares, constituting 93 per cent of the total. During 2008-09 the latest year for which the land-use data are available, the arable land (the net area sown plus the current and fallow land) was estimated at 46.00 percent of the total reporting area. Image Source: upload.wikimedia.orgThe area for which data on the land-use classification are available, is known as the ‘reporting area’. In areas where the land-use classification figures are based on land records, the reporting area is the area according to village papers or records maintained by the village revenue agency and the data are based on a complete enumeration of all the areas. ADVERTISEMENTS: In some cases, village papers…
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Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties of Soil – Essay

Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties of Soil – EssayThe physical chemical and biological properties determine both the fertility and productivity of soils. Image Source: A. Physical Properties: The physical properties include texture, structure, and colour. ADVERTISEMENTS: Soil Texture refers to the particle sizes composing the soil. These particles are classified as gravel, sand, silt and clay in decreasing order of size. Four textural types are recognised. These are sand, sandy loam, loam and clay.All the textural types are combinations of different sizes of particles. Soil texture determines the water condition of the soil affecting the pore space size. In sand as both the particles and the pore spaces are large, it drains rapidly. The particles and pore spaces in clay are small, hence drainage is very slow. Both are…
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Short Essay on ‘Immunity’ (722 Words)

Short Essay on ‘Immunity’ (722 Words)!Micro-organisms are ubiquitous. They are in the air we breathe and in/on the food we eat. Thus our epithelial surfaces (skin, respiratory tract, gastro-intestinal tract, genitourinary tract) are continuously exposed to micro­organisms. Disease occurs when micro organisms invade epithelial surfaces. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: This resistance (immunity) of epithelial surfaces to invasion is a characteristic which is present from birth.Hence the immunity means the all capacity of human body to resist almost all types of organisms or toxins that tend to damage the tissue and organs. 1. Innate Immunity (Non specific): Characteristics:Present from birth ADVERTISEMENTS: Non specific, acts on many organisms and does not show specificityDoes not become more efficient on subsequent exposure to same organisms.It is the general defense of body, including the following…
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