Essay for kids On Energy (500 Words)

Here is your Essay for kids On Energy !Energy can be defined as the capacity to do work, whether that work be on a gross scale as raising mountains and moving air masses over continents, or on a small scale such as transmitting a nerve impulse from one cell to another. There are two kinds of energy, potential and kinetic. Potential energy is energy at rest. It is capable of and available for work. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Kinetic energy is due to motion, and results in work. Work that results from the expenditure of energy can both store energy (as potential energy) and arrange or order matter without storing energy.The expenditure and storage of energy is described by two laws of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics called law…
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Essay on Adaptations and Ecotypes (712 Words)

Here is your Essay on Adaptations and Ecotypes !Organisms can respond to environmental stress in such a way that their tolerance zones may change. The genetic changes that occur during the evolution of the species because of mutation and natural selection are called adaptations. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Presumably, each species is fairly well adapted or fit, if it has been in its particular environ­ment for many generations. The range of tolerance of a species may be narrow (i e., species has a low ecological amplitude) or broad (i.e., species has a high ecological amplitude).Thus, orga­nisms are “slaves” to the physical environment; they adapt them­selves and modify the physical environment so as to reduce the limiting effect of temperature, light, water and other physical con­ditions of existence. Such factor compensation…
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Essay For Kids on Pollutants

Here is an Essay for kids on Pollutants !Every human society, be it rural, urban, industrial and most technologically advanced society, dispose of certain kinds of by-pro­ducts and waste products which when are injected into the bio­sphere in quantities so great that they affect the normal functioning of ecosystems and have an adverse effect on plants, animals, and man are collectively called pollutants (Smith, 1977). image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Certain common pollutants of well-developed and developing countries are following: 1. Deposited matter such as soot, smoke, tar, dust and grit. 2. Cases like sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbon di­oxide, nitrogen oxide, hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, fluorine, chlorine, etc. 3. Chemical compounds such as aldehydes, arsines, hydrogen fluorides, phosgenes, detergents, etc. 4. Metals like lead, iron, zinc, mercury, etc. 5 Economic poisons…
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Short Essay on Ecological Efficiency (398 Words)

Here is your Essay on Ecological Efficiency !The relationship between the amount of energy assimilated and the amount of energy utilized within one trophic level of a food chain has an important bearing on how much energy one trophic level in the food chain passes on to the next. image ADVERTISEMENTS: Efficiency is the ratio of useful output of energy in relation to input. There exist various methods of measuring different kinds of efficiencies, all of which require the understanding of the following para­meters; Ingestion describes the quantity of food or energy taken air by a consumer or the amount of light available or absorbed by a producer.Assimilation is the amount of food absorbed in the ali­mentary canal of a consumer, the absorption of extracellular pro­ducts by a decomposer,…
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Short Essay on Marine Environment | Essay

Essay on the Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Marine Environment !The marine environment of seas and oceans is large, occupy­ing 70 per cent of the earth’s surface. The volume of surface area of marine environment lighted by the sun is small in comparison to the total volume of water involved. This and the dilute solution of nutrients limit production. It is deep, in places nearly more than 6 kilometers. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: All the seas are interconnected by currents, domi­nated by waves, influenced by tides and characterized by saline waters. Not only the seashore and banks which are the homes of many organisms but the open ocean, many hundreds of kilometers away from land, supports plant and animal communities of great diversity and complexity. Physico-Chemical Aspects of Marine Environment: In the…
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Top 3 Quantitative Characters of Community | Essay

Essay on the Top 3 Quantitative Characters of Community ! 1. Density: Density represents the numerical strength of the species in the community. Plants grow at varying distance in respect with each other. The number of plants in a unit area gives an idea of its density. The density of various species in a community varies in time and space and affects the community structure. image source: 435729.medialib.glogster.comDensity gives an idea of competition. If density is more, it means there is more degree of competition between the indivi­duals of the species. Density is expressed as number of individuals per unit area and is calculated as follows: ADVERTISEMENTS: Density = Total number of individuals of the species in all the sampling units / Total number of sampling units studied 2. Frequency:…
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Short Essay on Alpine Biome (529 Words)

Here is your essay on Alpine Biome !The region of mountain above the timber line contains a dis­tinct flora and fauna and is referred to as the alpine zone. Alpine zone remains conspicuous in those mountains whose peaks reach up to the niveal or snow zone, as in the Himalayas. image soure: ADVERTISEMENTS: The alpine zone (zone which lies between timber line and snow zone) includes in the descending order, a sub-snow zone immediately below the snow zone a meadow zone in the centre and a shrub zone which gradually merges into the timber zone.According to Mani (1957) snow zone of Himalayas lies over 5100 m above mean sea level and alpine zone exists at a height of 3600 m. From an ecological view point, the zone above the…
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Short Essay on Living Organisms (870 Words)

Here is your essay on Living Organisms !The smallest structural units of matter (living as well as non­living) are subatomic particles. The next larger units are atoms, each of which consists of subatomic particles. Atoms in turn form still more complex combinations called chemical compounds (mole­cules). image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Chemical compounds are variously joined together as even more elaborate units or complexes of compounds (macromolecules). These units are representing successively higher levels of organisa­tion of matter.They form a pyramid or hierarchy, in which any given level contains all lower levels as components and is itself a component of all higher levels. For example, atoms contain sub­atomic particles as components and atoms are themselves compo­nents of molecules.All structural levels upto and including those of macromole­cules are encountered both in the…
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Physico-Chemical Characteristic and Biota of Estuaries | Essay

Essay on Physico-Chemical Characteristic and Biota of Estuaries !Current and salinity, both very complex and variable, shape life in the estuary, where the environment is neither fresh-water nor salt estuarine currents result from the interaction of a one-direction si.eam flow, which varies with the season and rain fall, with oscillation ocean tides, and with wind.The salinity of estuaries varies vertically and horizontally and fluctuates amazingly between 0.5— 0.35 per cent. Due to low salinity fresh-water has a lowest density than sea water (± 1.00, as opposed to 1.03). Were there no tides in an estuary to mix fresh and salt-water, the lighter fresh-water would simply flow over the heavier sea water and dissipate in the ocean (Fig. 21.1). However, the tidal action acts as a plunger to thoroughly flush the…
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Essay on the Chemical Nature of Fresh-Water (1947 Words)

Here is your essay on Chemical Nature of Fresh-Water !The fresh-water of both kinds—lentic and lotic, has low per­centage of dissolved salts and is subjected to the influence of a wide array of physical and chemical factors. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The rise and fall of these factors very frequently affect the fauna, altering their number and diversity. Some of the important factors of fresh-water environ­ment are following: Pressure, Density and Buoyancy: The pressure imposed on a lake-dwelling organism is the weight of the column of water above it plus the weight of the atmosphere. In all fresh-water environments maximum pressure as much less as in the ocean, and organisms appear to adjust to them readily. The absence of animal life from deep water ordina­rily a consequence of low oxygen…
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