846 Words Short Essay on Dreams

Dreams are very different from waking life, but it is extremely difficult clearly to define in what the difference consists. When we are dreaming, we are nearly always convinced that we are awake, and in some cases real experiences have been mistaken for dreams.The latter mistake forms the subject of a celebrated Spanish play called Life a Dream, and of an amusing story in the Arabian Nights, in which a poor man is for a jest treated as a mighty monarch, and it is contrived that he should afterwards think that all the honourable treatment he had actually received was merely a vivid dream. ADVERTISEMENTS: Sometimes even after waking, we may be doubtful whether our dream was a reality or not, especially if we happen to fall asleep in our…
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784 Words Short Essay on Outdoor Games

The Duke of Wellington is reported to have said, as he looked on the playing-field at Eton full of active boys engaged in manly games, that it was there that the greatest of English victories had been won. Whether he ever said this or not, the popularity of the story is sufficient evidence of the importance attached in England to outdoor games.Nothing is more wonderful to a foreigner than the enthusiasm with which English boys and men engage in all kinds of outdoor amusements. He sees the boys at school devot­ing all the hours they can spare from their lessons to cricket, football, boating and other exercises requiring a great expenditure of physical energy. ADVERTISEMENTS: He hears to his surprise that in the selection of masters at the great public…
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602 Words Short Essay on Novel-Reading

Generally speaking the practice of novel-reading’ is good or bad according to circumstances. There is indeed a class of licen­tious novels, the reading of which can only produce injurious effects.But leaving these out of consideration, we may say that excessive indulgence in the reading of novels is a great waste of time, while a moderate enjoyment of such works may be a good way of pleasantly and profitably whiling away a few of our leisure hours.That excessive indulgence even in good novels may seriously interfere with educational progress will be apparent, if we con­sider for a moment the distinguishing characteristics of novels in general, and of good novels in particular. ADVERTISEMENTS: Novels are fictitious stories intended to give pleasure to the reader by the interesting nature of the events narrated,…
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489 Words Essay on Noise Pollution

Any unwanted and unpleasant sound is called noise. Noise is very harmful and it has certain affects upon human beings which are, direct physical or physiological.None can escape from the noise which is known as uncoated sound. Noise is one of the major threats to the quality of human life.Noise pollution may be defined as unwanted & unpleasant sound that brings discomfort to human beings. As air and water pollution affects human beings; in the same way the affect of noise is very close. Image Source: c14608526.r26.cf2.rackcdn.com ADVERTISEMENTS: Sources of Noise PollutionThere are two types of sources:1. Natural. ADVERTISEMENTS: 2. Man-made.Thunder is the natural source. While man-made noises are automobiles, loud speaker, musical instruments etc. They may be classified as follows:1. Occupational or industrial noise:Noise pollution may be caused by…
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300 Words Essay on Philately

Philately is the study of revenue and postage stamps which may include their design, production and uses after they are authorized for issue by postal authorities. Often it includes stamp collecting too. Some philatelists may study rare stamps without trying to own their copies, for such stamps will be found only in museums. Also, they are very costly. The word ‘Philately’ comes from the French language. Coinage of the word has been attributed to Georges Herpin who introduced it in a publication in November 1864. Philately owes its origin to the observation that though stamps may appear the same at first glance, a closer examination reveals variations like the use of different kinds of paper, different watermarks embedded in the paper, variations in color shades, etc. Image Source : upload.wikimedia.org…
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390 Words Essay on My Favorite Sport – Tennis

Tennis is a sport played between two players (singles) or between two teams of two players each (doubles). Each player uses a strung racquet to strike a hollow rubber ball covered with felt over a net into the opponent’s court. The modern game of tennis was born in the United Kingdom in the late 19th century. Then it was called “lawn tennis”. Tennis soon became popular among the upper- class English-speaking population. Then it began to be played around the world. Tennis is an Olympic sport and is played at all levels of society at all ages. The sport can be played by anyone who can hold a racket, including people in wheelchairs. Other than the fact that the tiebreaker was adopted in the 1970s, the rules of tennis have…
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383 Words Essay on My Childhood Days

My childhood days were filled with fun and laughter, like those of most children. We lived in a big house with my paternal grandparents and my uncle’s family. Though I had an elder brother, I was closer to my cousins. My elder brother was a serious type who didn’t want to hang out with girls. He had a face like a magistrate too which could really intimidate me. My cousins were a couple of years younger than me and we got along like a house on fire. I was also very close to my aunt. As my mother was a doctor, she was hardly around most of the time. My aunt was a housewife and she looked after me as well. In fact, only if she accompanied me, I would…
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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Good Memory | Essay

There is no need to dwell on the importance of having a good memory. A bad memory is such a handicap in life that every one realises the advantages of a good one. By a good memory we mean a retentive and accurate memory; one that will retain for us knowledge once gained, and retain it correctly.How slow and erratic is the progress of a student who cannot remember what he has learnt! He is like Sisyphus, the poor wretch the Greek fable tells about, who was condemned to push a stone up a hill in Hades, which was for ever rolling down again before it reached the top. ADVERTISEMENTS: In business life a man who cannot remember his appoint­ments and is always forgetting the orders he receives, will soon…
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Different Types of Advertising Lines That Will Attract Customers

Headlines may be of various types depending upon their nature, such as:a. Question type: A headline can be phrased like a question. Usually, the answers to such questions are found in the advertisement itself. Sometimes, two identical pictures are given and the viewers are asked to point out the real ones. Sometimes, the readers are asked to point out the wrong one in the illustration and so on. Examples of such type of headlines are: ADVERTISEMENTS: What is ELGI doing in the railways?Danger can control us any day any time, are you prepared?Do you want really fine shoes? Image Source: en.hdyo.org ADVERTISEMENTS: b. Command type: Another form of headline is the command type. Here, the headlines ask the reader to buy a particular product in a commanding way. However, it…
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386 Words Essay on Festivals (free to read)

Festivals are part of one’s custom, culture and tradition. They are there for us to celebrate. It helps us forget our routine. It gives us some momentary, mental and physical relaxation and thus frees us from die shackles of monotonous work.In India alone there are over 100 festivals celebrated throughout a year. The reason is that there are all religions like, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhism, Jainism, Parsis and so on.Indian festivals are chiefly season-oriented; summer, winter, spring and autumn. Besides, there is much other regional festival like South, North, East, West, etc. Every festival tells a message pertaining to our customs, traditional values, mythology, culture, even historical events and the birth of the New Year too. Image Source : nutickets.com ADVERTISEMENTS: Diwali, festival of lights is the major festival in…
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