Essay on the Merits and Demerits of Line and Staff Organisation

Following are the merits and Demerits of line and staff organisation: Merits: (a) The work of the line officers is considerably reduced with the help of staff officers. Technical problems and specialised matters are undertaken by the staff, and the routine administrative matters are the concern of line officers. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: (b) As the work under this type of organisation is carried out by experts, they constantly undertake the research and experimentation for the improvement of product. New and economical means of production are developed with the help of research and experimentation.(c) It has been observed that staff services have proved an excellent training medium for line officers.(d) There is a greater scope of growth and expansion of the enterprise as assistance and advice of staff specialists is…
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Essay on the Measures for Effective Delegation in an Organisation

Measures for effective delegation are given below:Effective delegation denotes distribution of authority at various points of the organisation so that managers can take actions according to their responsibility. Responsibility for adequate delegation of authority lies mostly with superiors, particularly with top management. Following are some measures which will help in making delegation more effective. Image Source: Making the Potential Delegator Feel Secure: Typically the non-delegator is a hard worker, fully competent, but he may feel insecure in his job. This is partially the reason why he surrounds himself with less competent people or in any event those who lack the courage to challenge him. ADVERTISEMENTS: He wants to continue as the unchallenged superior and to be looked upon as a necessary man in the organisation team. Therefore, there is…
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Essay on the Limitations of Authority in an Organisation

Limitations of authority are given below:In an organisation, the quantum of authority decreases at successively town levels, it is maximum at the highest level and minimum at the lowest. The authority is not-absolute. The authority enjoyed by an organisation exercised subject to various social, legal, political and economic factors. Similarly, the use of authority by a superior over his subordinates is restricted by various factors. These factors are: Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. The authority is exercised with regard to mores and folk ways of the group concerned. The use of authority generates different reactions from various groups. The authority must be exercised keeping in view the group’s fundamental social’ belief, codes, creeds and habits otherwise the effective exercise of authority is limited.2. There are biological limits on authority. Human…
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Essay on the Problems of Specialization of Labour

Problems of Specialization are given below:When we criticise each of the assumption of specialization separately, we do not question the contribution of specialization of labour to our national productivity. Specialization is the source of many human relations problems also. In the following paragraphs we discuss the various problems specialization creates for us: Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. Specialization tends to increase the amount of red-tape in coordinating adjacent departments. As a result there is a widespread temptation to short-circuit the chain of command.2. Specialization encourages departments to compete for the power and prestige, often destructively. As emphasis on specialization increases within organization, the various specialists began to identify themselves with their respective groups rather than with the organization as a whole. The groups of specialists concentrate on their own narrow…
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Essay on the Principals of Delegation in an Organisation

Principals of delegation subordinate are given below:Delegation should be based on results expected from a position in the organisation. Since authority is intended to achieve certain outcomes in the organisation, it should be adequate to achieve those outcomes. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: A manager is expected to perform better if he knows what he has to contribute and he has commensurate authority for that. Delegation by results expected implies that planning exercise has been taken and goals for each position has been set, communicated and properly understood by those who are responsible for achieving these goals.Often managers fail to delegate adequately because either they have very vague idea about the contributions of their subordinates or they just do not bother to determine whether the subordinates have authority to do the…
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Essay on the Traditional Approaches to Motivation

Traditional approaches to motivation were based on Scientific Management Approach and Human Relations Approach. Image Source: Scientific Management Approach: This approach was introduction and popularised by Frederic W. Taylor. He was one of the first persons to study time and motion systematically in order to calculate the most efficient and simplified means of production. Taylor considered that the ideal worker was a rational economically oriented individual who was motivated almost wholly by monetary incentives. ADVERTISEMENTS: It follows that if the workers are motivated by money, we should increase their wages and the production will be higher. The workers will, thus get motivated. But we have seen the limitations of these theory ourselves. Even with the increase of wages and pay scales we have not been able to motivate our…
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Essay on the Qualities of a Supervisor

Following are the qualities of a supervisor: Leadership Qualities: Actually, supervisor is a leader of the work-force working under him. He leads a group of personnel who look, to him for guidance, direction, and control. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: A supervisor, therefore, should possess all the qualities of leadership to have a rhythm of supervision and to lead the organisation in the desired direction. A loyal and disciplined, work force can be maintained only when supervisor leads them properly. Managerial Skill: Being a part of the management chain he must possess the managerial skill. He must know the managerial functions so that he may get the work done in a term spirit to get the maximum co-operation of the subordinates. He must command respect and unquestioned loyalty. For all this…
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Essay on National Police Commission of India (422 Words)

Decision Making
Essay on National Police Commission of India !In 1981 the National Police Commission comprising eminent thinkers and administrators of the country as its members after ascertaining the views of the State study groups and other popular forums recommended that in large cities with population of ten lakhs and above and even in places where there may be special reasons like speedy organization, industrialization etc, the system of Police Commissioners as it existed in Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi, Madras, Nagpur, Pune, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, and Bangalore should be introduced. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Thereupon, a number of States have introduced the Police Commissioner system for better and effective maintenance of law and order, prevention and detection of crimes and regulation of traffic.The working of Police Commissioner system in Madras, Bombay, Calcutta and Delhi…
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Essay on the Two Factor Theory by Frederick Herzberg

Frederick Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory are given below:Herzberg in an initial research project interviewed employees of an industrial organisation in order to find what they did not like. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: He found that employees associated bad times on the job with one set of factors and good successful working experiences with a totally different set. Herzberg described the former factors as dissatisfies and the latter as motivators. He has called the dissatisfies as hygiene factor.Dissatisfies included such matters as pay, allowance, organisational policy and administration, behaviour of supervisors and working conditions. Traditionally, above factors were believed as motivators.Herzberg envisaged that these factors simply prevented dissatisfaction and not led to satisfaction. High motivation did not result from their improvement but dissatisfaction did result from their deterioration.Motivators included such factors…
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Essay on the Lickert's Four Systems of Management?

Lickert’s four systems of management are given below:Rensis Likert and his associates at the Michigan University have studied the styles of and managers. According to Rensis Linkert Organizational effectiveness Arid, employee satisfaction are maximized when leaders adopt participative style by involving the group members in the decision-making process. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: He has identified four basic styles of management, termed as systems ranging autocratic to participative. System No. I: In this system WOW, little confidence in his subordinates. He does not involve them in decision-making. He uses prize and punishment to motivate the subordinates. Authority is highly centralized in the manager. Management in this system is described as “exploitative authoritative”. System No. II: In this system manager adopts what is known as “benevolent- authoritative management style.” He adopts patronizing…
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