Essay on the Measures for Effective Delegation in an Organisation

Measures for effective delegation are given below:

Effective delegation denotes distribution of authority at various points of the organisation so that managers can take actions according to their responsibility. Responsibility for adequate delegation of authority lies mostly with superiors, particularly with top management. Following are some measures which will help in making delegation more effective.

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Making the Potential Delegator Feel Secure:

Typically the non-delegator is a hard worker, fully competent, but he may feel insecure in his job. This is partially the reason why he surrounds himself with less competent people or in any event those who lack the courage to challenge him.


He wants to continue as the unchallenged superior and to be looked upon as a necessary man in the organisation team. Therefore, there is a need for creating a feeling for security for him. A number of things can be done for this.

First, it should be made very clear that his job and position is secure so long he continues to contribute to the organisation. Second, his contributions for the organisation are not being questioned and attempts are to make him even more effective manager. Third, some apparent status symbols like office and other facilities can be granted to him.

Granting such privileges reflects in part a manager’s appraisal through outward manifestations of his subordinate’s management members.


Determining Decisions and Tasks to he Delegated. Delegation is obverse affected because there is no clarity about what is to be delegated.

A simple and direct means for solving this problem is to list for the delegator all types of decisions and tasks that must be performed and then rate each one in terms of (i) their relative importance to the total organisation, and (ii) the time required to perform.

This information will serve to determine what types of decisions and tasks should be delegated. Usually those decisions and tasks that are relatively less, important and more time-consuming should be delegated.

Creating Awareness for Need of Delegation:

Many managers are not fully aware about the need for adequate delegation of authority. They do not realise that they should do only what their subordinates can not do. In this way, they can multiply themselves and their efforts.


This happens especially in the case of those managers who come from operative level and continue to make decisions which their subordinates can do. Through proper education and training, such mangers can be convinced about the need for better delegation.

Choosing the Delegate Widely:

Among unfortunate things that can happen with poor subordinates is that work does not get done. When the results do not appear, the delegator is accountable to his Superior in turn. This requires that the delegator must make a careful selection of the person to whom the work is delegated.

He must be sure that the man is able to carry the degree of responsibility and effort contemplated in the assignment. Apart from selection, the delegants have to be properly trained and oriented to certain work because many times superiors concerned may not have authority to select their own subordinates. Further, the superior should not delegate beyond the capacity of his subordinates.

Toeing Delegation with Planning:

A pitfall in delegation is that sometimes it is undertaken without consideration of what is to be achieved by delegation. To delegate without knowing and keeping in mind objectives leads to chaos. Therefore, authority should never be delegated to the managers before the objectives are clear.

Authority is utilised to achieve objectives and the extensiveness of the authority should be in keeping the type of activities performed in attaining the objectives. It is better to delegate authority for achieving specific results. Specific results and objectives for each activity can be defined when there is proper planning in the organisation.

Establishing Conducive Organisational Climate:

An organisational climate free from fear and frustration goes a long way in determining the success of organisational process including delegation of authority. Organisational climate is essentially psychological and social, in character. In conducive organisational climate, managers feel confident that delegation of authority will be rewarded and penalised.

Further delegation of authority should have the support of top-level management. It should be reflected in adequate delegation from top level and also in such things as a reasonable and satisfactory compensation, an impartial means for a manager’s work, and continuous management development.

Developing Appropriate Control Techniques:

Since a delegator remains responsible even from the tasks he has delegated to his subordinates, he must ensure his subordinates get the work done. Therefore, proper control and monitoring techniques should be developed to ascertain that delegated authority is being used properly.

This does not, however, mean that control techniques interfere unnecessarily with the day-to-day functioning of the subordinates. These should be broad-based and should focus attention on major deviation from the plans.

Delegating Authority for Whole Job: It is better to give the delegant a chance to participate in a complete undertaking. Broad rather narrow projects serve best imagination and stimulation of ideas. Such, assignments serve as an effective means of testing a man’s ability to manage and of building his confidence.

Frequent delegation on the same subject matter may convey a feeling that the delegator does not want to do the job and wants to get rid of unpleasant job through delegation. However, through the delegation for whole job. This problem can be overcome.


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