Legal provisions regarding Stolen Property (Section 410 of IPC)

Legal provisions regarding Stolen Property – Definition under section 410 of Indian Penal Code, 1860.Section 410 of the code defines stolen property. It gives a narrow definition of the term to include any property received by theft, extortion, robbery, misappropriation and criminal breach of trust. Property, which has been obtained by means other than those mentioned above for example, by forgery, or by cheating, would not fall within the meaning of ‘stolen property’ as defined in Section 410. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The word ‘property’ has been used in Section 410 to denote only ‘movable property’.The expression ‘the possession whereof has been transferred’ does not mean that the receiver should receive directly from the thief. All it implies is that the receiver should receive property which has been obtained by…
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Essay on the Importance of Co-operative Movement to Indian Agriculture

The co-operative movement was started in India largely with a view to providing agriculturists funds for agricultural operations at low rates of interest and protect them from the clutches of money lenders. Image Source: yourarticlelibrary.comThey meet all types of credit viz., short term, medium term and long term credit requirements. Co-operative Agricultural Credit Structure: ADVERTISEMENTS: Short term and Medium term credit (three tiers):1. State Co-operative Bank (SCB).2. District Central Co-operative Bank (DCCB). ADVERTISEMENTS: 3. Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS). Primary Agricultural Co-operative Societies (PACS): Functions: i. To provide short term and medium term credit.ii. To supply agricultural inputs like fertilizers and seeds. ADVERTISEMENTS: iii. To provide marketing facilities for the sale of agricultural produce.iv. To associate itself with economic and social welfare programmes of the village.Sources of Funds: Share capital,…
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Essay on Hi-tech Horticulture

Hi-tech technologies are which can be defined as those, which are modern, less environment dependent, capital intensive and have capacity to improve productivity and quality. Thematic areas: 1. Germplasm and crop improvement. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: 2. Hi-tech crop production of horticultural crops.3. Protected cultivation.4. Hi-tech plant protection.5. Modern post harvest management. ADVERTISEMENTS: 6. Logistics and polices for Hi-tech horticulture.7. Policy issues.Overview of Hi-tech horticulture:1. Introduction: ADVERTISEMENTS: Horticulture crops occupy 13% of gross cropped area in the year of 2005-06. 37% of gross value of agriculture output and 50% of export earn­ing. Horticulture today is not merely a means of diversification from an integeral part of food and nutritional security.2. Genetic resource conservation of characteristics: 1. In vitro collection and conservation of fruit like mango, jackfruit.2. Tissue culture techniques.3. Cryo…
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Essay on High Density Planting System in India (HDP)

Definition: Planting of fruit trees rather at a closer spacing than the recommended one using certain special techniques with the sole objective of obtaining maximum productivity per unit area without sacrificing quality is often referred to as HDP. Image Source: introduction of HDP may well be one of the most important advances in fruit production all over the world. ADVERTISEMENTS: First established in apple orchards in Europe.In India HDP have been successfully demonstrated in banana, pineapple, papaya and more recently mango. Advantages of HDP: 1. Efficient land use2. Reduced labour costs ADVERTISEMENTS: 3. Early cropping and bigger yield for a long time4. Improved fruit quality with efficient harvesting.In India, where large number of fruit crops are grown, there is a need to develop crop-specific strategies for developing HDP with…
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Essay on Tissue Culture & Micro Propagation

It bypasses sexual process in the development of new crop varieties. Image Source: i.ytimg.comIt overcomes the barriers of crops incompatibility in distant crossed (interspecific and intergeneric crosses). ADVERTISEMENTS: It helps in development of transgenic (genetically engineered) plants with resistance to herbicides, biotic and abiotic stresses and improvement in quality.It is a rapid method of crop improvement, e.g. tetraploid plants can be obtained in one step through protoplast fusion.Plant Tissue Culture: Plant tissue culture refers to growth of living plant tissues in a suitable culture medium (in vitro). In a broad sense, it is referred as cultivation of plant organs, tissues of cells in test tubes on an artificial media; often the techniques of plant cell and tissue culture are also called in vitro techniques. ADVERTISEMENTS: “Culture medium” is a nutrient…
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Essay on Indian Agriculture – (602 Words)

Here is your Essay on Agriculture in India – (602 Words).The word agriculture comes from the Latin words ager-referring to the soil and culture-to its cultivation. Agriculture, in its widest sense can be defined as the cultivation and production of crop plants or livestock products. It is synonymous with farming: the field or field dependent production of food, fodder and industrial organic materials. Image Source: History of Indian Agriculture: The history of agriculture and civilisation go hand in hand as the food production made it possible for primitive man to settle down in selected spots leading to formation of society and initiation of civilisation. ADVERTISEMENTS: Western Asia is considered to be the birth place of agricultural revolution where wild ancestors of wheat and barley and domesticated animals like goat,…
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Short Speech on Population Explosion in India

The population of our country is increasing at an alarming rate and according to population studies India has become the second largest country in the world, accounting for 15% of the world’s population with only 2.4% of the world’s land area. image source: pique.pkIn the beginning of 20th century the population of India was 23.8 crores but in the year 1994 it was about 90 crores. The Indian population is increasing by about 25 millions every year. It means more than 70,000 babies are born every day. ADVERTISEMENTS: If population growth rate goes on increasing and remains unchecked then it may cross 1000 million marks by the end of 2000 A.D. and will become the world’s first country in population as compared to China. This population explosion is needed to…
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Punishment for wrongful confinement (Section 342 of IPC)

Legal provisions regarding Punishment for wrongful confinement under section 342 of Indian Penal Code, 1860.Punishment for wrongful confinement: As per Section 342 of the Indian Penal Code, “Whoever wrongfully confines any person, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees, or with both.” Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Earlier, ‘wrongful confinement’ was called ‘false imprisonment’. According to Winfield, it means ‘the infliction of bodily restraint which is not expressly or impliedly authorised by law. However in IPC, ‘false imprisonment, was substituted by ‘wrongful confinement’-Ingredients of Wrongful Confinement The essential elements of Wrongful Confinement are: ADVERTISEMENTS: 1) Wrongful restraint of a person or total restraint or complete deprivation of liberty without lawful justification.2)…
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Punishment for voluntarily causing grievous hurt (Section 325 of IPC)

Legal provisions regarding Punishment for voluntarily causing grievous hurt under section 325 of Indian Penal Code, 1860.Punishment for voluntarily causing grievous hurt: According to Section 325 of the Indian Penal Code, “Whoever, except in the case provided for by Section 335, voluntarily causes grievous hurt shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine.” Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: It is an essential ingredient of the offence under Section 325 that either grievous hurt should be intended to be caused or the offender should have knowledge that the hurt caused was likely to be grievous.The points requiring proof of voluntarily causing grievous hurt are:1) That the accused caused hurt. ADVERTISEMENTS: 2) That the hurt caused was…
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History and Civics Question Bank for Class IX – “Delhi Sultanate”

35 Short Questions with Answers on “Delhi Sultanate” for Class IX Students (History and Civics ): image source: upload.wikimedia.orgQ1. Who was the first Turkish ruler to lay the foundation of Muslim rule in India? Ans: Muizuddin Muhammad Ghor laid the foundation of Muslim rule in India. ADVERTISEMENTS: Q2. When was the second battle of Tarain fought? Why is it important? Ans: The second battle of Tarain was fought in AD 1192. Muhammad Ghor defeated Prithviraj Chauhan and Ajmer and Delhi passed into his hands. This resulted in India passing into the hands of the Turkish rulers.Q3. Who are the two contemporary historians who have written about the Delhi Sultanate? Name their works. ADVERTISEMENTS: Ans: The two contemporary historians who have written about the Delhi Sultanate are Minhaj-us-Siraj and Ziauddin Barani.…
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