483 Words Essay on Brand India

Brand India is a phrase that was coined to describe the campaign that was conceived to project India as an attractive business destination. Basically the campaign tries to showcase the charms of India as an emerging destination for business in the fields of service sector, manufacturing, information technology, infrastructure, and information technology enabled services, etc. The campaign highlights the strengths of India in terms of being a huge market for products and services and also a terrific destination for parking investment funds. The government of India is spearheading the campaign with substantial cooperation from the apex domestic business body, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and the more informal India Inc Abroad. Many leading organizations are working on building Brand India. They include India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), a public-private partnership…
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515 Words Essay on Biotechnology (free to read)

Biotechnology is technology based on biology, more so when used in agriculture, food science, and medicine. It is also used often to refer to genetic engineering technology. Before the 70s, the term was mostly used in the food processing and agriculture industries. Later it began to be used by the Western scientific establishment to describe laboratory-based techniques involved in biological research, like recombinant DNA or tissue culture-based processes etc. Biotechnology is a mix of many disciplines like genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, and embryology and cell biology. These are again linked to practical disciplines like chemical engineering, information technology, and bio robotics. The cultivation of plants was perhaps the earliest biotechnological activity. Through this, farmers could select the most suitable and highest-yield crops to produce enough food. Other uses of biotechnology…
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Essay on Environmental Impact Assessment

It is a formal study process, used to predict the environmental consequences of proposed major developmental project. Such assessment may include those projects which can significantly alter the landscape and consequently disrupts and disturb the services and inhabitant of that place.It also involves manufacturing, handling and use of hazardous materials and those projects which are to be settled nearby urban centers, near ecologically sensitive areas, hill resorts and nearby scientific and cultural heritage area:Some of the projects are as follows: ADVERTISEMENTS: (1) Establishment of cement industry(2) Petroleum industry(3) Hazardous waste treatment plant(4) Nuclear power plant ADVERTISEMENTS: (5) Distillaries(6) Heavy water projects etc. Image Source: tosca-life.infoEIA concentrates on problems and conflict of natural resources continuously that could affect the surroundings. It analyses the project thoroughly so that the project may not…
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452 Words Essay on Air Pollution (free to read)

Air pollution is caused by the presence of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials in the air which harms humans and other living organisms. It can also damage the natural environment. Air pollution causes depletion of ozone in the stratosphere which endangers human health as well as the Earth’s ecosystems. Air pollutants can be in the form of solid particles, liquid droplets, or gases. They could be natural or man-made. Pollutants can be classified as either primary or secondary. Substances which are directly emitted due to certain processes like ash from a volcanic eruption, or carbon monoxide gas from a motor vehicle exhaust or sulfur dioxide released from factories- are primary pollutants. Image Source : static.guim.co.uk ADVERTISEMENTS: Secondary pollutants are not emitted directly. They form in the air when primary…
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Essay on Solid Waste – Causes, Effects and Solid Waste Management

Waste, which is non-affective and comes from city, town or village as domestic and biomedical waste is termed as municipal solid wasteCauses of Solid Waste Pollution ADVERTISEMENTS: A. Over population:Pollution naturally increases with the growing number of persons, produce more waste. Image Source: veganfeministnetwork.comB. Affluence:The tendency to pronounce the things as fashion and check them out, when not required as out of fashion. ADVERTISEMENTS: C. Technology:Packaging of most of the gifts is considered as the source of solid waste pollution as most of these are non-biodegradable.D. Due to poor implementation of environment protection laws, urbanization, lack of awareness and lack of participation from the public, the problem of solid waste has increased at the highest level.E. Growth in consumption leads to consumption of items and on the other hand, wastes…
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525 Words Short Essay on Diaries

To keep a diary regularly day by day in a capital training in methodical habits. Many, having made up their minds to keep a diary, begin writing with great zeal and fluency for a few days, as long as they are carried on by the novelty of the idea; but after a time they get tired of their self-imposed task, and their industry begins to flag.When this happens, the diary gradually becomes scantier and more irregular, until at last weeks and months are allowed to pass without any entry being made. ADVERTISEMENTS: The best way to avoid this “lame and impotent conclusion,” is to fix a definite time every day for writing the diary, and not to allow oneself to be diverted to anything else at the appointed time.It is…
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Essay on Remedial Measures For Unemployment

Essay on Remedial Measures For Unemployment – The problem of unemployment is growing day by day in India. It is becoming more and more complex also. Such a complex problem will have to be tackled in a planned manner. No single solution can be an effective remedy for this problem. Multi-pronged attempt is needed to face it in an effective manner. It is possible only with the combined efforts of the government and the public.I. Population Control: ADVERTISEMENTS: The growing population in India is a major cause of many socio-economic problems. Our population is growing on an average at the rate of 2.48% per year. We are adding every year more than 120 lakh to 130 lakh people to our population. At the same time, about 5 million people attain…
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Essay on Relationship between Technology and Society

Essay on Relationship between Technology and Society – Technology and technological developments have reached their heights in the modern society which is often picturised as a technological society. Though technology has assumed importance in the present world it is yet to acquire a prominent place in the sociological thinking.In spite of it, there are a number of sociologists who argue for its importance especially in understanding the course of history and social change. Major types of societies such as, – hunter-gather society, horticultural society, agrarian society, industrial society, or post industrial society- are mostly distinguished by differences in technology.The industrial revolution, which produced enormous social change, was based to a great extent on technological innovations. Technological Determinism Image Source: d2eyrv63e6x6lp.cloudfront.net ADVERTISEMENTS: Science in the modern world is more and more…
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426 Words Essay on If I Inherited a Legacy of One Lakh Rupees

Thank God! The dreams of my life would now come true. The old aunt died and left more than a lakh of rupees for me. I am sorry for the death but am equally glad that God has offered me the opportunity to bring the dreams and desires of my life into action.At this news all the desires that had remained dormant in my heart came to the surface and I sat down to plan the expen­diture of the money so received.I called an architect and asked him to draw a plan for a very up-to-date hospital and dispensary. I earmarked thirty thousand rupees for the purpose. It would be known as “Swarooprani Chari­table Dispensary and Hospital’ after the name of my aunt and would consist of ten beds. The…
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Importance of Market Analysis and Media Analysis – Marketing Campaign

Market Analysis: Before an advertising programme or campaign is launched, the advertiser has to make a thorough study of the market where he is going to sell his product. The market analysis should be made taking into account the following factors: ADVERTISEMENTS: First of all, the advertiser has to search out the market for his products. In other words, he has to find out the buyers to whom products can be sold. As a matter of practice, producers choose local market first.Next, the nature of competition must be studied. Where the competition is intense, the advertisement appeals should be made about quality, warranty and after sales services. In case of lesser competition, aggressive advertisement campaign can be made in order to sell more. Similarly, where there remains a chance of…
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