What is Economic Region of Production? – Explained!
Generally, isoquants generated by the production functions are negatively sloped, non intersecting and are convex to the origin. Further, higher isoquants represent higher level of production. In Fig. 7.8(a), the production functions are depicted in the form of a set of isoquants, which have positively sloped segments also.Here, one factor has positive marginal product while the other factor has negative marginal product. The oval shape of isoquant means that beyond a certain point, employment of an additional unit of a factor will necessitate employing additional units of the other factor to produce the same level of output.Consider isoquant IQ1 in this figure. Here, A1B1 segment of the isoquant has a negative slope. However, beyond points âAâ and âBâ, this isoquant is positively sloped (either bends backwards or slopes upwards). At…