Essay on Human Relations Theory of Motivation

The essence of human relations theory lies in its primary emphasis on human beings, psychological motivation, and informal group behaviour in contradiction to the traditionalist exclusive concern for principles of organisation. Image Source: images.flatworldknowledge.comThe human relations movement in industry began with the research of Elton Mayo and his associate in a series of studies carried out at the Hawthorne plant of the Western Electric Company between 1927 and 1932. The background of the Hawthorne experiments provides an interesting picture of the transition from scientific management to the early human relations movement. ADVERTISEMENTS: Mayo revealed that an organisation was more than a formal structure or arrangement of functions. He wrote that an organisation is a social system, a system of cliques, grapevines informal status systems rituals and a mixture of logical,…
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Short Essay on the Concept and Meaning of Public Administration

Concept and meaning of public administration are given below:A number of scholars of public administration and allied disciplines have attempted to define the concept of development administration. Some have defined it from a strictly economic perspective. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The public administration dictionary defines development administration as “the enhancement or improvement of techniques, processes, and systems organized to increase the administrative capacity of a nation, usually a newly emerging nations”.Martin Landau defines it as the “engineering of social change”. He defines it “as a directive and directional process which is intended to make things happen in a certain way over intervals of time”.To Edward W. Weidner, “development administration is concerned with maximizing innovation for development”. He defines innovation for development as “the process of planned oriented change in the…
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Essay on the Punjab and Kumaun Himalayas

This mountainous region lies between Jammu and Kashmir State to the north-west and Nepal to the south-east. It comprises the Punjab Himalayas (that part of the Himalayas which lies in Himachal Pradesh) and the Kumaun Himalayas that part of the Himalayas which lies in Uttarakhand. Image Source: Relief Features: This is a highly rugged region covered with snow and elevation of 4250 m. This part consists of three mountain ranges, the Great Himalayan Range in the north, the Siwalik Range along the plains in the south and the Lesser Himalaya which is locally known as Dhaolodhar in Himachal Pradesh and Nagtibha in Uttarakhand) in between them. ADVERTISEMENTS: The mountain ranges extending in the east-west direction are deeply dissected by the rivers flowing southwards or south-westwards. Intermontane basins and plateaus…
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The Chos, Water Logging and Thur of Northern India – Essay

This region is engrossed with the menace of water logging and excessive soil salinity or Thur. Image Source: are large numbers of seasonal hill torrents which leave the Siwalik Range and enter the level plain. These torrents are swollen with water soon after heavy showers in the neighbouring hills and carry with them a heavy load of coarse sand and silt. They are furious when rushing to the plains. They are called ‘chos’ in the plain where their beds are broad, braided, shallow and sandy. They are quite numerous and in some places every kilometre has a ‘chos’. ADVERTISEMENTS: The ‘chos’ have laid waste large area of the fertile plain. Land is rendered sterile by the triple action of ‘chos’, that is by:(i) The lateral corrosion near the hills,(ii)…
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Criticism of Scientific Management (Taylorism) – Essay

There seems to be a sharp divergence of opinions among experts about the worth of Taylors work. Opinions concerning to merits of Taylors contribution to the scientific management movement range from that of exalted worship his designation as the father of scientific management to that of exposing him as original recipient of undue credit’. Taylor’s work was criticized on following ground: Image Source: 72abfb7c1a8a71411901-4a3d306595cd09781b35fe13ebdb4f63.r27.cf2.rackcdn.comTaylor was criticised by various scholars among which most important are Oliver Sheldon, a British Management thinker, Miss Marry Parker Follett an American business Philosopher, ADVERTISEMENTS: Sam Lewisohn, Elton Mayo, Peter Drucker and others. They charged that Taylor’s scientific management was impersonal and under emphasised the human factors. This criticism led to a series of experiments in industrial sociology and psychology.The classic Hawthorn experiment of Elton Mayo…
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Essay on Droughts in India (815 Words)

Drought can occur in any area regardless of the amount of rainfall the area may receive or irrespective of its scientific and social advancement, it can occur in small pockets or over a large area. Drought can occur at any time and cause scarcity of water for drinking, irrigation, industry and urban needs. Drought causes deficiency in soil moisture and makes the land unproductive. Image Source: grandmaratha.comThis causes damage to the crops. Droughts are caused due to failure of monsoon or when it is delayed or arrives early or withdraws without giving rain. These circumstances have produced a continuing expansion in India’s drought prone areas. Drought is no longer a natural disaster; it is a direct consequence of human activity. The resulting human suffering is enormous and growing. Classification of…
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The Current Status of Mining Industry in India

The Current Status of Mining Industry in IndiaThe country is having a well-developed mining sector, which has vast geological potential with over 20,000 known mineral deposits. Up to the Seventh Plan period (1990), significant progress was made in the development of mineral resources in the country which is amply depicted in the appreciation of mineral inventory. This helped the country to enter the realm of plenty in respect of certain minerals in which it was hitherto deficient. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The discovery of huge bauxite deposits, particularly in the East Coast, is a case in point, which took the country from the phase of a nonentity to one having the fifth largest inventory of bauxite in the world.In the Tenth Plan, greater emphasis was laid on mineral exploration by…
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Various Projects to Protect Endangered Species in India – Essay

Project Tiger: There were about 40,000 tigers during 1909-10 in India. Some one lakh tigers roamed in wild in Asia in 1920. This number was reduced to 2500 by the year 1972. The scheme Project Tiger was launched on 1st April, 1973 by WWF to ensure maintenance of viable population of the tigers in India for scientific, economic, aesthetic, cultural and ecological values. Image Source: 435729.medialib.glogster.comThese objectives have been achieved as can be seen from the fact that the tiger population in the country has risen from less than 2500 in 1972 to more than 4300 in 1989. Number of tiger reserves has increased from 9, covering an area of 14,000 sq. kms. In 1973 to 27, covering an area of 37761 sq. kms. In 2002. The main threat to…
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Major Causes of Land Degradation in India – Essay

Major Causes of Land Degradation in India – EssayLand, a non-renewable resource, is central to all primary production systems. Over the years, the country’s landmass has suffered from different types of degradations. Degradation of land is caused by biotic and abiotic pressures. An ever-increasing population places enormous demands on land resources. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: This is particularly acute in India, which has only 2.4 per cent of the world’s geographical area but supports over 16 per cent of the world’s population. It has 0.5 per cent of the world’s grazing area but has over 18 per cent of world’s cattle population. These pressures have led to drastic changes in the proportion of land utilised for agricultural activities, urbanisation and industrial development.The main causes of land degradation are as follows:…
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Classification of Industries in India – Essay

Industries can be classified in many ways. 1. Agro-Based and Mineral Based Industries: Industries can be classified on the basis of the origin of their raw material. Industries that depend on agricultural products for their raw material are classified as agro-based industries. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Cotton textiles, sugar and vegetable oil industries are examples of agro-based industries. Industries that depend on minerals for their raw material are classified as mineral based industries. Iron and steel, cement and ship-building industries are examples of mineral based industries. 2. Key and Consumer Industries: Industries can be classified on the basis of their products. Industries which are very important since on them depend many other industries are called basic or key industries. The iron and steel industry, the heavy machines manufacturing and sulphuric…
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