Essay on Solid Waste – Causes, Effects and Solid Waste Management

Waste, which is non-affective and comes from city, town or village as domestic and biomedical waste is termed as municipal solid wasteCauses of Solid Waste Pollution ADVERTISEMENTS: A. Over population:Pollution naturally increases with the growing number of persons, produce more waste. Image Source: veganfeministnetwork.comB. Affluence:The tendency to pronounce the things as fashion and check them out, when not required as out of fashion. ADVERTISEMENTS: C. Technology:Packaging of most of the gifts is considered as the source of solid waste pollution as most of these are non-biodegradable.D. Due to poor implementation of environment protection laws, urbanization, lack of awareness and lack of participation from the public, the problem of solid waste has increased at the highest level.E. Growth in consumption leads to consumption of items and on the other hand, wastes…
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525 Words Short Essay on Diaries

To keep a diary regularly day by day in a capital training in methodical habits. Many, having made up their minds to keep a diary, begin writing with great zeal and fluency for a few days, as long as they are carried on by the novelty of the idea; but after a time they get tired of their self-imposed task, and their industry begins to flag.When this happens, the diary gradually becomes scantier and more irregular, until at last weeks and months are allowed to pass without any entry being made. ADVERTISEMENTS: The best way to avoid this “lame and impotent conclusion,” is to fix a definite time every day for writing the diary, and not to allow oneself to be diverted to anything else at the appointed time.It is…
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Essay on Remedial Measures For Unemployment

Essay on Remedial Measures For Unemployment – The problem of unemployment is growing day by day in India. It is becoming more and more complex also. Such a complex problem will have to be tackled in a planned manner. No single solution can be an effective remedy for this problem. Multi-pronged attempt is needed to face it in an effective manner. It is possible only with the combined efforts of the government and the public.I. Population Control: ADVERTISEMENTS: The growing population in India is a major cause of many socio-economic problems. Our population is growing on an average at the rate of 2.48% per year. We are adding every year more than 120 lakh to 130 lakh people to our population. At the same time, about 5 million people attain…
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Essay on Relationship between Technology and Society

Essay on Relationship between Technology and Society – Technology and technological developments have reached their heights in the modern society which is often picturised as a technological society. Though technology has assumed importance in the present world it is yet to acquire a prominent place in the sociological thinking.In spite of it, there are a number of sociologists who argue for its importance especially in understanding the course of history and social change. Major types of societies such as, – hunter-gather society, horticultural society, agrarian society, industrial society, or post industrial society- are mostly distinguished by differences in technology.The industrial revolution, which produced enormous social change, was based to a great extent on technological innovations. Technological Determinism Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Science in the modern world is more and more…
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Essay on Industrial Sociology

Essay on Industrial Sociology – The Industrial Revolution that took place in England in the 18th century changed the course of human history.The Revolution, though essentially took place in the economic field, its effects were never confined to the economic field alone. It brought down the cost of production, improved qual­ity and maximised output.More than that, it changed the pattern of human relations. It eased human life, and provided more comforts and luxuries to man. At the same time, it altered human outlook and attitudes. It brought about radical changes in the very structure of the society. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Industrial revolution, in course of time resulted in the continuous process of industrialization is a phenomenon of world significance today. Development in the field of science and technology further…
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5 Important Sources of Product Knowledge to a Salesman

A salesman is usually expected to sell a number of articles. Therefore, it becomes quite difficult to know every detail of the product from a particular source. Rather, he has to gather the required information about the products he is dealing with from various sources.a. Personal experience: ADVERTISEMENTS: The first and perhaps the most important source of acquiring product knowledge is the personal experience of the salesman. As the salesman becomes more and more familiar with his work, he becomes increasingly aware with the possible questions that buyers raise most often and also the convincing answers for the same.In other words, experience of handling customer queries makes the salesman competent in providing convincing answers. Besides, the salesman can gather a lot of information about a particular product by using it…
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Essay on Backward Classes Movement in India

Essay on Backward Classes Movement in India – The Backward Classes Movement started in India in the early part of the 20th century. When the British introduced here English medium schools and colleges and the Western education, the upper castes like the Brahmins made use of them. As a result, they could easily get the jobs in the government services and increase their prestige.This further increased the cultural, social, and eco­nomic distance between them and the lower castes. Now the lower castes became more conscious of this situation. As M.N. Srinivas has said the lower castes realised that mere Sanskritisation was not enough. It did not provide them much scope for social mobility.They became more determined to obtain Western education in order to qualify themselves for the new jobs in…
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The main objects of patent law in India- Essay

The object of granting a patent is to encourage and develop new technology and industry. The theory upon which the patent system is based is that the opportunity of acquiring exclusive rights in an invention stimulates technical progress in four ways:(i) that it encourages research and invention,(ii) in induces an inventor to disclose his discoveries instead of keeping them as a trade secret; ADVERTISEMENTS: (iii) it offers a reward for the expenses of developing inventions to the stage at which they are commercially practicable, and(iv) it provides an inducement to invest capital in new lines of production which might not appear profitable if many competing producers embarked on them simultaneously. Image Source: patentlawcenter.pli.eduThe object of granting a patent is to encourage and develop new technology and industry. An inventor may…
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Essay on Education and Modernisation

Essay on Education and Modernisation – Education has become today an essential aspect of the modern industrial society. It is more regarded as an agent of social change than an instrument of social control. It has become increas­ingly secular.All the nations of the world are investing huge amount of money on education for it has become an essential condition of advancement.Education, modernisation, advancement in science, technology and industry normally go to­gether. Formal professional education has become an absolute necessity today. Education is needed just to read, write and do simple calculations but, it is essential to earn one’s living. It is the main source of supply of trained and technical persons to industry. The job that one gets today depends largely on the type of education that one has secured.…
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Essay on Cooperation – Kind of Social Interaction

Essay on Cooperation – Kind of Social Interaction – ‘Cooperation’ is one of most basic, pervasive and continuous, social processes. It is the very basis of social existence. Cooperation generally means working together for the pursuit of a com­mon goal.The term ‘Cooperation’ is derived from the two Latin words: ‘Co’ meaning together and ‘opera meaning to work. Literally, cooperation means joint work or working together for common rewards.Definition: ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. Merrill and Eldredge: ‘Cooperation is a form of social interaction wherein two or more persons work together to gain a common end.’ Image Source: lenfisherscience.com2. A. W. Green: ADVERTISEMENTS: ‘Cooperation is the continuous and common endeavour of two or more persons to perform a task or to reach a goal that is commonly cherished.’3. Fairchild:‘Cooperation is the process by which…
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