Short Essay on the economic system of Indian tribes
Tribals all over the country are at various stages of development. There are food gatherers, pastorals and agriculturalists. The Bhotias, a tribal group of Himalayan foothills, practice animal husbandry. DurÂing the winter season, they climb down to the plains and return when the winter is over. They continue to deal in spices. The women make money by weaving woolen shawls. The Todas of Nilgiri hills place great emphasis on the buffalo. One, who owns a large herd of buffaÂloes, wields a lot of status and power. Besides keeping buffaloes, wherever possible, they practise agriculture also. The practice of shifting cultivation is now banned all over the country. It was known by different names. At some places it is called jhoom agriculture; the Mairyays call it penda it is called pondu…