Biological Applications and Limitations of Electron Microscope


1. Viewing of ultra structure of the cell organelles is made possible.

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2 Structural details of large bimolecular such as proteins can be studied.

3. Minute details of the topographic architecture are possible which is of systematic value as in the case of pollen grains.

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Limitations of electron microscope:


Even though electron microscope is a great advancement over the light microscopes in terms of higher magnification and better resolution, there are certain limitations and light microscopes have their own useful role to play in the microbiological laboratory. The limitations imposed by electron microscope are:-

1. Hydrated specimens are not to be used; hence live specimens cannot be observed

2. Dehydration even if carefully done will cause some distortion


3. Artifacts may appear

4. As electrons have a low penetration power extremely thin sections are necessary.


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