7 Major Differences between Appeal and Revision

7 Major Differences between Appeal and Revision may briefly be stated is follows:

(1) Appeal is a legal right of a party but revision depends on the discretion of the Court, therefore it cannot be claimed as a matter of right.

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(2) An appeal may lie on the point of law as well as on facts but a revision generally lies on the question of law only.


(3) In case of appeal, the appellant is heard, but it is not necessary in case of a revision petition.

(4) In case of appeal, the Appellate Court can neither increase the sentence nor pardon the appellant but both these are possible in case of revision.

(5) In appeal, the higher court may convert discharge of the accused into his conviction but this cannot be done in case of revision.

(6) The courts have extensive powers of interference in criminal appeals but the power of courts is very limited in revision.


(7) There is only one procedure involved in appeal but there are two procedures involved in case of revision, i.e., preliminary and final.


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