5 Most Important Differences between "Reference" and "Revision"

5 Most Important Differences between “Reference” and “Revision” are as follows:


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1. Section 113 and Order 46 deal with reference.


2. The object of making a reference is to enable the subordinate courts to obtain the opinion of the High Court in advance on a question of law in non-appealable cases, and thereby to avoid the commission of an error which cannot be remedied later on.

3. The case is referred to the High Court by the subordinate Court to that High Court. The party is not entitled to make a reference.

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4. The grounds of reference relate to reasonable doubt on a ‘question of law’


5. It is of consultative nature from subordinate Court to High Court.


1. Section 115 deals with revision.

2. The object of revision is to prevent the subordinate courts from acting arbitrarily, capriciously and illegally or irregularly in the exercise of their jurisdiction.


3. In revision, the jurisdiction of the High Court is invoked either by the aggrieved party or by the High Court suo motu.

4. The grounds for revision relate to ‘jurisdictional errors’ of the subordinate court.

5. it is of commanding nature from High Court to its subordinate courts.


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