405 Words Essay on the impoortance of Civic Sense

What is civic sense? It is to create awareness about having a clean surrounding. It is said that cleanliness is next to Godliness. At the same time, cleanliness wards off any possible threat by bacteria or infection.

But is our country clean? Is our street clean? Is our home clean? We may have a clean house, but having a clean environment is as important as our home. The growing population, industrialization, slums, cattle that roam around freely in city roads, illiterate people, plastic bags, garbage, improper drainage system – all these add to misery.

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When a street is dirty, it is the duty of the municipal staffers to come and sweep it clean. But the residents of that area also partly responsible to this ill-fated situation. People without regard for the others, dump the garbage on the streets. Instead, if they dump the garbage in the waste bin or if they all join and sweep their area, how nice would that be? Is it not everybody’s business?

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It is worth recalling die ‘Hindu Valley Civilization’ about 5000 years ago. With no scientific aid they maintained a very well drainage system both in the Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa cities.

Another fascinating about their civic sense was that, none of their hundreds of houses faced the main roads! This was obviously to keep die interior of die houses free from dust! What a forethought they had!

Now that, die birth of Exnora provides some solution to die deteriorating civic sense. Exnora, a movement is die abbreviation of Excellent, Novel and Radical. It was Mr. M B Nirmal, who conceived it.


Now it has branches in ITS, Singapore and Hong Kong. The founder, Mr. Nirmal is the pioneer, who along with some followers, first, swept Giriappa Road in T. Nagar, Chennai.

Some places in Chennai like Mylapore beach, near the statue of Gandhi is declared as a litter free zone. Conservancy staffs are deployed there to sweep the place intermittently and keep it clean.

Exnora’s waste management system addresses to all such problems to promote a clean city. However, die need of the hour is to educate more and more, right from the lower standards in the school by roping in civic sense in the curriculum.

One bitter fact is that, while the dickey populated city like Kolkata has become litter Free and so is Delhi! But will Chennai ever become a litter free city? The chances are remote!


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