Summary of “Art” by Ralph Waldo Emerson – Essay

Emerson in his essay “Art” through an evidence of the artist’s personality gives a fresh and a brand new experience of reality. The consciousness of all the artists expands and as a result, they create concentric circles of artistry.

Emerson states that all art old and new emerges from this particular method only. All artists have been involved in helping the people realize the beauty that lies all around them and despite their repeated efforts, the people because of their busy life, fail to appreciate nature and its beauty.

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Emerson states that art continuously emerges in new forms which at times look shocking and scandalous but the truth is that whatever is revealed at any point of time is suitable for the people who survive then.

Emerson further states that true art depicts itself by means of simplicity and this simplicity is what touches the heart and the soul of an individual. It is by means of this true art that an individual understands and realizes the fact that he or she is one with the universe and the fact that there is a connection between all the individuals and the universal power. All the human beings whether belonging to any cast, creed or sex can understand the mute language of Art and are thus deeply connected with each other through an invisible thread.

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Art helps an individual to experience something universal and priceless, and this experience is felt by all those who are art lovers.

On the other hand, people who are not interested in art cannot understand what art tries to explain them. An art lover is free from all worries of the world because that individual can associate himself or herself with the infinite mind or God, the ultimate reality. This is the reason why an art lover understands the ground realities of the world.


Emerson insists the individuals who are not interested in art to understand the language of art for betterment of their own lives. A true artist never boasts of his talent because there comes a time in any talented artist’s life when his or her art explains itself without the use of words. Art makes it easier for us to understand the beauty of nature and nature’s contribution in our lives.

In today’s busy world, people fail to understand the beauty of nature mainly because they do not have time to admire its beauty. Loving art means understanding what nature has to offer and being mesmerized by nature’s serene beauty. Art should be given due importance because it is the easiest way of understanding the spirituality which lies inside each and every individual alive.

True art establishes a deep connection between an individual and God. An artist is blessed with painting anything beautiful that appears in front of his eyes.


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