Short Summary of “After All by” by Henry Lawson

The poem expresses hope and positivism in the worst circumstances. One must remember that after a doomed night, there is a bright sun waiting. If we recall the dreaded times of war, the world may look ugly, dark, doomed and ruthless.

But the picture today is much more bright, peaceful and happy when there is no war and so the world looks far better and kind. If we want to survive with true spirits in our hearts, we shall always find this world good and grand.

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The poet explains how his spirit died the last evening at sunset as he felt very depressed. But today, as the morning sun and the cold breeze flew, it seemed like his spirit had come back to life. As he is happy inside, things don’t look gloomy. Even the grass appears greener and taller which suggests that the poet is able to feel positive about his surroundings. It is then that the realisation comes to the poet that this world of ours is actually a place worth being in.


He then makes a remark on the people who want to go with the war and victimise others. He thinks that such people only face ignominy and defeat at the end. As per the poet, a person who doesn’t find anything good inside himself tries to pour his outrage on the people around.

But, howsoever the people be, the poet wants to keep memories of the good things and shun away the bad experiences and ill luck that came his way. He is convinced with the fact that this world is a good world and has a lot to offer other than just hatred and war.

The poet knows that some people may find his attitude dumb and think that he is facing off the reality. But he still wants to keep his hopes high and see the good part of this world and not try to look at the dreadful side. He wants to not let his love and enthusiasm for life be dulled by the unfortunate happenings in this world. He wants to feel extremely positive and confident by looking at the hints of a positive tomorrow instead of being bogged down by the negativity that prevails.

The poet then talks to a girl, probably a young girl, whom he tells that you are now exhausted because you have helped me get out of my dreadful past. You have let the monster or the ill-side of me go away permanently. This suggests that the girl has, in some way, helped the poet look at the beautiful side of the world and let his ugly side which would have victimised people be dead. He promises to live with her and bring the best that he can until both of them die. He feels proud and strong and again repeats his gut which says that the world is a good world and we must learn to live a life without any fear.


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