Short essay on Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth for kids

Short essay on Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth for kids. There are men and there are men, and every stone is not a gem. No two men can be the same. They differ in one aspect or the other. If both are talented, they may not be equally so.

When we take up a project, we need a team of workers. But to avoid mix-ups, we all divide responsibilities, otherwise there is bound to be confusion. At one job there should be one hand.

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If the boat is rowed by more than one boatman, they should have a perfect and clear understanding. Otherwise each one will do so differently and cause a mishap.

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In a kitchen, if more than one cook prepares the same dish, there is possibility of the dish being spoiled if all are allowed to have their say.

Everyone’s work is no one’s responsibility. Each person does the job the way he likes. The result is nothing but a big chaos.

To sum up, we can say that too many hands always create confusion. In a house with too many servants or masters, there will be no order. So, cooks in a kitchen, if too many, spoil the broth.


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