Short Essay on Teenage

Teenagers are passing through that phase of their life when they neither qualify as adults nor as children.

I am a teenager. I am a challenge but I am worth it. With depression, elation pimples, funky hair styles, attitude, no fear, shyness, ambition, mischievous, different in a group, confident yet insecure … a walking contradiction. I am at the pinnacle of age non-conformance, while trying very hard to socially conform, a rebel, looking for a cause.

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The world looks unfair, the rules twisted… a conspiracy I cry out – “they are not letting me grow and develop and be myself”. “They”, an all encompassing ‘Anyone who dares to tell me.


What to do’, ‘don’t tell me the rules, I make the rules’. No one understands me… only I know ‘Me’.

I live in a ‘My self absorbed world.’ If you understand me then you are my best friend for life. If you don’t then you are forever outsider. I want to belong but to a group I choose. I want to be loved and admired and most of all respected.

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This is the age where if you want i respect then you have got to respect me first. But I am also insecure inside and I need help and support. I need someone to encourage me.


I need source of inspiration and those around me need to help me find that source I can be difficult, I resist the people around me but I need them to not give l on me. I am the future and I will change the world. Afire burns brightly inside me; I just need someone to see it.

Show me a teenager and I will showy take man or woman he would be. These are the years of exploration and risk] My body is changing, my world is in a flux, I need direction without control I need love without pampering, I need advice without patronizing me, I kneel rules with enough choices, I need boundaries with respect. Don’t be parents be a mentor.

Don’t be an enforcer be a guide. Don’t be a mate be a friendly Tell me what, why and how? Explain to me, make me understand anal understand me. Listen, because I have a lot to say.

Give me confidence, nil reprisals. Light the fire in me and show me the way and I will change world, don’t and I could doubt myself forever. I am a teenager; I need to be| handled with care… I am a challenge but I am worth it.


I'm Jack!

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