‘That service is the noblest which is rendered for its own sake’. — Mahatma Gandhi.
The human life on the earth is full of pleasures and sorrows, ups and downs, strength and weakness and health and illness like day and night these happenings are inherent in everyone’s life cycle. But it is silver lining that there are noble people who work all their lives to mitigate the sufferings of the others. Among them, the profession of doctors is perhaps most respected for service to the society.
A doctor dedicates his life to the service of the patients. He or she relieves the sufferings and pain of mankind. He cures them from disease and illness. He strives to make the life of others better and healthier.
The doctor works to prevent spread of the epidemics. Every now and then dangerous diseases grab the humanity. It is the doctor who finds the cure. Sometimes it may take years of painstaking work and research to find the cure, but ultimately the success is achieved.
As a result we find that the fields of medicine and surgery have advanced beyond imagination. A damaged organ can be transplanted, in today’s medically advanced world.
Image Source: whoreview.files.wordpress.com
A doctor’s life is hard. Often, he has to visit the patient at off hours foregoing his rest, sleep and even food. Sometimes the doctor has to work throughout the day and night attending to serious patients or victims of war, epidemic or major accident. He has to always treat his patients with a smile and cheer. He motivates and encourages sick person. He is a source of hope and strength. Even in distress his duty is first towards his patient. Always remembering the famous Hippocratic oath, he pledges his life in alleviating the sufferings of the patients.
India has a long tradition of service to the mankind. It is ingrained in its culture and all the religions.
As a result, Indian doctors are well known for their charitable attitude, dedication, hard work and personal touch. They are in great demand all over the world. Many Indian doctors are working in famous hospitals abroad.
India is a country having one of the largest reservoir of doctors. It has about 300 medical colleges, which produce about 30,000 doctors every year. They work all over the country in the cities and villages, in large hospitals or their own clinics. In recent years there has been a great leap forward in the modernisation of our hospitals with latest equipments. This has facilitated the doctors to undertake complicated operations and treat critically ill patients with success.
Besides allopathic systems of medicines, there are doctors who practice Ayurvedic, Unani and Homeopathic system of medicine. Innovative practices of treatment, like the Chinese acupuncture and acupressure, yoga, Nature cure etc. have also gained popularity in the country.
The doctors practicing traditional systems are locally available and often called ‘barefoot doctors’. There is a revived interest in these systems of treatment and many allopathic doctors combine their treatment with traditional methods like yoga, nature cure and Ayurveda. The whole purpose is to serve the mankind and remove the pain and sufferings of patients. In this respect, the society is indebted to the profession of doctors.