Biology Question Bank ā€“ 35 MCQs on ā€œBiomoleculesā€ ā€“ Answered!

35 Questions with Answers and Explanations on ā€œBiomoleculesā€ for Biology Students.1. In double helix of DNA, the two DNA strands are Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: (a) coiled around a common axis(b) coiled around each other(c) coiled differently(d) coiled over protein sheath. ADVERTISEMENTS: Answer and Explanation: 1. (a): According to Watson-Crick model, the DNA molecule consists of two long, parallel chains which are joined together by short crossbars at regular intervals. The two chains are spirally coiled around a common axis in a regular manner to form a right handed double helix.2. RNA does not possess (a) uracil ADVERTISEMENTS: (b) thymine(c) adenine(d) cytosine.Answer and Explanation: 2. (b): DNA and RNA both consist of nitrogenous bases-purines and pyrimidines. The purines (adenine and guanine) in DNA and RNA are the same. The pyrimidine,…
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Do Judges Make or Discover the Law? – Explained!

In any rational system of law a decision of a judge on a particular case is binding upon the parties only. The best of the law of England is, however, judge-made law. A decided case is not merely one which may be followed, but it is obligatory on the court to follow its ratio decidendi. This portion of the law has not been created by an Act of Parliament, but is the work of the courts and is recorded in the law reports instead of in the statute book. Image Source: disabilitydunktank.comThis traditional view expanded by Hale and Blackstone mainĀ­tained that the judges only discover law, inasmuch as it is merely declaratory of existing law. ADVERTISEMENTS: According to Hale, ā€œIt is true the decisions of courts of justice, though by…
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4 Most Important Forms of Cognitive Learning–Notes

The word cognitive is derived from the word cognition. Cognition refers to the processing of the information about the environment that is reĀ­ceived through the senses. image source: empoweredlifesolutions.comCognitive learning can he defined as a change in the way the information is processed as a result of experience a person or animal has had. Much of our learning is cognitive in nature. Cognitive learning may take various forms. Some of which include: ADVERTISEMENTS: (a) Cognitive maps;(b) Latent learning;(c) Insight learning; and(d) Imitation. ADVERTISEMENTS: We would discuss each of these in brief. (a) Cognitive Maps: It was E. C. Tolman who pioneered in the study of cognitive learning besides the Gestalt Psychologists. Cognitive map is the learned mental representation of the environĀ­ment. These maps help in the process of learning.Cognitive maps…
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Punishment for Attempt to commit Murder (Section 307 of IPC)

Legal provisions regarding punishment for Attempt to commit Murder under section 307 of Indian Penal Code, 1860.Attempt to commit Murder: Section 307 of the Indian Penal Code provides that: Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: ā€œWhoever does any act with such intention or knowledge, and under such circumstances that, if he by that act caused death, he would be guilty of murder, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine, and if hurt is caused to any person by such act, the offender shall be liable either to imprisonment for life, or to such punishment as is hereinbefore mentioned.Attempts by life convicts:- When any person offending under this section is under sentence of imprisonment for life,…
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History and Civics Question Bank for Class IX – “Mesopotamian Civilization”

15 Short Questions with Answers on ā€œMesopotamian Civilizationā€ for Class IX Students (History and Civics ): image source: 70ee57.medialib.glogster.comQ1. From which word is the term ā€˜civilizationā€™ derived? Ans: The term ā€˜civilizationā€™ comes from the Latin adjective civilis which refers to a citizen. ADVERTISEMENTS: Q2. How has Robert M. Adams defined civilization? Ans: Robert M. Adams defines civilization as a society with functionally interrelated sets of social institutions: class stratification, political and religious hierarchies complementing each other in the central administration of territorially organized states and lastly, a complex division of labour, with skilled workers, soldiers and officials existing alongside the great mass of peasant producers.Q3. What do you understand by ā€˜Bronze Age Civilizationā€™? ADVERTISEMENTS: Ans: Bronze played a vital role in the growth of the first civilizations. Hence these civilizations…
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Essay on the Process of Ecological Succession (2284 Words)

Essay on the Process of Ecological Succession !The process of ecological succession can be best followed by studying the following types of successions in different habitats: image source: A. Hydrosere (Aquatic succession): The development of a fresh-water body ā€”lake, pool, or pond into a mesic forest can be observed in the limited area, often a freshly-built deep reservoir or a man-made pond. ADVERTISEMENTS: As the soil has been dug out from such a pond, there are very little or no nutrients in the subĀ­stratum below the water and the water itself do not contain any nutrients due to this fact, this stage is characterized by a bottom barren of plant life or animal in such a new and virgin pond, aquatic succession or hydrosere starts with the colonization of…
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Short Essay on the Human Reproductions

Short Essay on the Human Reproductions for School Students:(a) Menstruation (b) Follicular phase (c) Luteal phase Image Source: (a) Menstruation: ADVERTISEMENTS: It is a cyclic event that takes place in human females after every 28/ 29 days. It starts from the age of puberty till the age of 50 yrs.During the process the disintegrated endometrium, blood vessels and degenerated ovum (unfertilized) is released as a menstrual flow. It lasts upto 3-4 days.The fluid comes out through vagina. The cyclic menstruation is an indicator of normal reproductive phase/and it is in between menarche and menopause. It occurs only when the ovum is unfertilized and if fertilized then it results in pregnancy and absence of menstruation. (b) Follicular phase: This phase comes after menstruation. During this phase the primary follicles in…
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Biology Question Bank – 13 Short Questions With Answers on “Use of Microbes in the Human Welfare”

13 Questions with Answers and Explanations on ā€œUse of Microbes in the Human Welfareā€ for Biology Students: Image Source: intechopen.com1. Mention the microbes groups and chemical infectious agents that cause diseases to human and other organisms? ADVERTISEMENTS: Ans. Microbes areā€”protozoa, bacteria, fungi, microscopic plants. Chemical agents (proteins) areā€”viruses, viroids, prions.Q.2. Give examples to prove that microbes release gases during metabolism. Ans. (i) Production of C02 gas in dough for making foods such as dosa, idli, bread, swiss cheese etc.(i) Production of CO-, gas methane and hydrogen from the anaerobic sludge, gobarā€” the gas is also called biogas/gobar gas. ADVERTISEMENTS: Q.3. In which food would you find lactic acid bacteria? Mention some of their useful applications? Ans. Milk and curd.They convert the milk into curd. This increases the nutritional quality by…
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Short Essay on Community Evolution (525 Words)

Here is your Essay on the Community Evolution !Like the responses of communities to changing biotic condiĀ­tions, community evolution involves progressive changes in climax communities. Because the evolution is exceedingly slow, it cannot be observed in operation and few instances from the fossil record are sufficiently complete to show the process in action. ADVERTISEMENTS: The example that best demonstrates evolution of the basic structure of the community is that of the development of a terresĀ­trial community of a modern type by early reptiles some 250 millĀ­ion years ago.Between the time when vertebrates (amphibians) first became able to lead a predominant terrestrial existence some 350 million years ago and the establishment of an essentially modĀ­ern type food web some 100 million years later, the structure of terrestrial community was decidedly different…
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Essay on Major Classification of Community (1157 Words)

Here is your Essay on Major Classification of Community !The current well-accepted view considers a community as a continuum, however, the plant and animal life of any large area is so complex that it must be separated into subdivisions. In fact the aggregation of organisms in any given locality or habitat must regarded as a unit if the community is to be studied, described, or compared with similar community stands in other habitats. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: To give order to the study of communities, some system of classification is needed, even though the communities of a region often cannot be placed in discrete units. The most widely used classification systems are based on physiognomy, habitat, floristic characteristics like species composition and dominance and comĀ­munity dynamics. 1. Physiognomic Classifications: Physiognomy,…
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