Essay on Major Classification of Community (1157 Words)

Here is your Essay on Major Classification of Community !The current well-accepted view considers a community as a continuum, however, the plant and animal life of any large area is so complex that it must be separated into subdivisions. In fact the aggregation of organisms in any given locality or habitat must regarded as a unit if the community is to be studied, described, or compared with similar community stands in other habitats. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: To give order to the study of communities, some system of classification is needed, even though the communities of a region often cannot be placed in discrete units. The most widely used classification systems are based on physiognomy, habitat, floristic characteristics like species composition and dominance and comĀ­munity dynamics. 1. Physiognomic Classifications: Physiognomy,…
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3 Types of Attitudes Among People Towards Power – Essay

Types of attitudes among people towards power are given below: Image Source: Power is Evil: Power holders are regarded as potential enemies and usurpers of the rights of the people. According to this view power should be resisted because it is morally dangerous. The subtle exercise of power has a sinister and evil connotation. ADVERTISEMENTS: The evil reputation of power is justified on same grounds. There is ample evidence to say that throughout the history of mankind power holders have exploited those over whom they have power.The problem got intensified because over a period of time power tended to become concentrated in fewer and fewer hands. To combat the tendency of power to become concentrated in few hands, several persons suggested devolution of powers which promoted the ideal of…
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Short Essay on the Demerits of Bureaucracy

Demerits of bureaucracy are given below: Image Source: chelsey.co1. Bureaucracy does not adequately flow for personal growth and development of mature personalities. ADVERTISEMENTS: 2. It develops conformity and ā€œgroup-thinkā€.3. It does not take into account the ā€œinformal organisationā€ and the emergent and unanticipated problems.4. Its systems of control and authority are hopelessly outdated.5. It has no adequate juridical process. ADVERTISEMENTS: 6. It does not possess adequate means for resolving difference and conflicts between ranks, and most particularly, between functional groups.7. Communication (and innovative ideas) are thwarted or distorted due to hierarchical divisions.8. The full human resources of bureaucracy are not being utilized due to mistrust, fear of reprisals, etc.9. It cannot assimilate the influx of new technology or scientists entering the organisation. ADVERTISEMENTS: 10. It modifies personality structure so that…
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The Process of Natural Selection in Correction to Population Genetics ! Essay

Essay on The Process of Natural Selection in Correction to Population Genetics !The theory of evolution developed independently by Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace states that natural selection favors those individuals whose traits render them best able to survive and reproduce; thus, their offspring will be represented in greater numbers in future generations. ADVERTISEMENTS: This theory posited the concept of constant and gradual change as characteristic of all life. To this, geneticists contributed the finding that characteristics favoured by selection are passed on from generation to generation according to Mundelein laws of particulate inheritance, thus preserving genetic variation in a population.Further, individuals do not evolve, populations do. That is, the genetic make-up (genotype) of an indiĀ­vidual remains constant throughout life, except for special situaĀ­tions, while the types and numbers of…
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Factors or Variables Affecting Organism Res­ponse to Temperature | Essay

Essay on Factors or Variables Affecting Organism ResĀ­ponse to Temperature !The response of an organism to temperature is affected by number of factors such as thermal history, genetic difference, diet size, stage in life cycle, sex, moulting, parasitism, hormones, etc.1. Generally, animals found in warmer environments can withstand higher temperatures than animals from colder situations. It is also generally true that animal from colder environments tolerate lower temperatures better than those from the warmer climates. These differences between warm-climate and cold-climate populations may reflect basic genetic differences or may be phenotypic expressions resulting from different thermal histories. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: 2. The thermal resistance of a species may be closely identified with the genetic composition of the parent stock, as illustrated by hybrid development in two anuran species, Bufo…
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Essential Elements and Limiting Factors of Environment | Essay

Essay on the Essential Elements and Limiting Factors of Environment !The individual organisms of species population, in order to grow and multiply, must be supplied with certain essential materials. Of the hundred four (i.e., 104) naturally occurring chemical eleĀ­ments on the earth, all living organisms are believed to utilize only 16 different chemical elements for their survival.These are called essential elements. Several other elements are needed in small quantities by some species. They are summarized in table 11.1. ADVERTISEMENTS: Table 11.1. Essential elements (Clapham, Jr., 1973):Macronutrients: Elements used in relatively large quantities.Micronutrients: Elements generally needed in relatively small quantities.Micronutrients: Elements needed by certain species in relatively small quantities. CarbonIronSodium HydrogenManganeseVanadium OxygenBoronCobalt NitrogenMolybdenumIodine PhosphorusCopperSelenium CalciumZincSilicon MagnesiumChlorineFluorine SulphurBarium Some of these tabulated elements are used in relatively large quantities as the fundamental…
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Classification of Organisms According to Tem­perature Tolerance and Regulation | Essay

Essay on the Classification of Organisms According to TemĀ­perature Tolerance and Regulation !Although both plants and animals experience and exist within the same external energy environment, there exist fundamental differences. Plants cannot move to escape adverse effects of heat or cold, and their metabolic heat is derived from absorbed solar rays. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Plants has been divided into the following four categories on the basis of their heat tolerating capacity : (i) Megatherms: plants growing in regions where high temperatures prevail throughout the year, e.g., desert vegetation and tropical rain forests, (ii) MesoĀ­derms: plants of the regions where high temperature alternating with low temperature, e.g., tropical deciduous forests and aquatic plants, (iii) Microtherms: plants of the regions where low temĀ­perature prevail throughout the year, e.g., mixed coniferous forests,…
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Essay on the Ecological Effects of Wind on Organisms !

Here is your Essay on the Ecological Effects of Wind on Organisms !Wind modifies the water relations, temperature and light conditions of a particular area. Birds confine themselves to shelĀ­ter on days when the wind is strong. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The transportation of microbes, plants and animals by hurricanes to hitherto unoccuĀ­pied land may change the nature of the whole biotic community. Wind brings about following physical as well as anatomical and physiological effects on plants: Physical effects: (i) The wind of high velocity may cause the breaking of living branches of trees and sometimes even causes their complete uprooting. Usually such breakage occurs in soft woods of such plants as cotton woods and river maple. The uprooted single or groups of forest trees are called wind throws or…
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Essay on the Importance of Communication in Administration

Importance of Communication in administration are given below:Communications is perhaps the most important principle of administration, public or private. For the successful completion of any programme communication is a dire necessity. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: We cannot achieve organisational aims and objectives without effective communication It is the greatest cementing force in an organisation. Millet has rightly described communication as ā€œthe blood stream of administrative organisationā€.As a blood stream to body so is the communication to the administrative machinery. Without proper flow of blood in the body there can be apoplexy in the brain and anaemia at the extremes. Similarly without proper, flow of communication all the organs of body will not work properly. Pfeiffer has considered communication as ā€œthe heart of managementā€.Communication is the means by which people are…
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Essay on the Classical Principle of Division of Work

The advocates of the myth of specialization point out that the classical principle of division of work and unity of command can only be served by stressing specialization at all levels in the organization. Image Source: http://a339062bb12acaf0447f-fe54b552272646221985f1a127513c68.r76.cf2.rackcdn.comIf specialization would not be introduced there would be disorder, chaos lack of harmony, and overall loss of direction. In this organizational specialization, people are fitted to work in jobs for which they are intellectually and mentally prepared as a consequence of their training in that particular area of expertise. ADVERTISEMENTS: Current organizational practice is moving distinctly away from a rigid division of work methodology. The older, and traditional watertight compartments between departments, divisions and offices are no longer operative of tendency is appearing towards de-emphasizing particular skills and emphasizing on the other hand,…
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