Biology Question Bank ā 57 MCQs on āDigestive System and Nutritionā ā Answered!
57 Questions with Answers and Explanations on āDigestive System and Nutritionā for Biology Students.1. Duct leading from parotid gland and opening into vestibule is (a) Haversian duct Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: (b) Stensonās duct(c) Wolffian duct(d) infra-orbital duct. ADVERTISEMENTS: Answer and Explanation:1. (b): Parotid glands are the largest salivary glands. They lie on the sides of the face, just below and in front of the ears. The parotid ducts, also called Stensonās ducts, open into the vestibule opposite the upper second molar teeth.2. Whartonās duct is associated with (a) sublingual salivary gland ADVERTISEMENTS: (b) parotid salivary gland(c) submaxillary salivary gland(d) Brunnerās glands.Answer and Explanation:2. (c): The Whartonās ducts are associated with submaxillary glands that lie at the angles of the lower jaw. These ducts open under the tongue. Ducts of…