What is the Importance of Photosynthesis in Plants? – Explained!

Thus, photosynthesis (photo means light, synthesis means combination) may be defined as a biochemical process by which living cells of plants containing chlorophyll manufacture their own food (glucose and starch) using carbon dioxide and water as raw materials in the presence of sunlight. Oxygen is released as a by-product of photosynthesis.Photosynthesis is an important activity that occurs in all green plants, whether flowering or non- flowering.Photosynthesis is the only process by which solar energy is converted into chemical energy. All living beings depend on photosynthesis for two reasons one for oxygen released as a by-product, and second for food prepared by plants. Image Source: remotesensing.forestry.oregonstate.edu Significance of Photosynthesis: ADVERTISEMENTS: i. Photosynthesis provides food for all. The process of photosynthesis occurs in green plants which are the primary producers in a…
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9 Difficulties in Applying Evolutionism in Ethics

One meets the following difficulties in applying evolutionism to ethics: 1. Historical method: The first difficulty in the application of Evolutionism in Ethics arises in regard to method. The method of Evolutionary Hedonism is historical and not ethical. Evolutionary Hedonists try to explain how the human behaviour originated and how much it has contributed to the preservation of the existence of human race. Image Source: 2.bp.blogspot.com ADVERTISEMENTS: The viewpoint of Evolutionism is natural. Greenā€™s calling it the ā€œNatural Science of Moral Assumptionsā€ is realistic enough. The Evolutionists explain the history of human behaviour.Its basis is cause and affects not the ideal. They search for ā€˜whatā€™ hi the history of human behaviour. Their explanation of life is scientific and historical, but ethics searches for ā€˜what ought to beā€™. Its objective is…
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8 Important Ethics We Learn From Bhagavad Gita

The Ethics of Gita is perfectionist. It arranges for and organizes the proper development of all aspects of man. In it devotion is also assimilated in knowledge and action.Extreme important is the quality of self submission (atmasamarpana) in the Gita. All sins are destroyed if man takes refuge with God after relinquishing everything. Satya is accessible only after purification to one who has faith in knowledge (IV-39). ADVERTISEMENTS: Gita has preached this same doctrine of complete self submission and devotion to God in a number of ways among the other characteristic of the Gita, the major ones are the following: (1) Synthesis of the good of society and individual: Gitaā€™s ethics has synthesized both social and individual interests. The individual is not inconsiderable but his soul and the universal soul…
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6 Important Causes for the Rise of Bureaucracy in Modern Times

Max Weber identified following causes for the rise of bureaucracy in modern times. These include Image Source: kulturerbethueringen.files.wordpress.com 1. Creation of Money Economy: It ensured secure and regular salaries to the bureaucrats leading to a permanent organization. 2. Emergence of Capitalist Economy: ADVERTISEMENTS: The prime principles of capitalismā€”rationalityā€” dictates bureaucratic form of organization. 3. Growth of Population: It dictates larger organizations having tendency of assuming bureaucratic form.4. Development of modern means of Communication. 5. Emergence of Complex administrative problems: It required expertise and competence in the organization favoring bureaucracy. 6. Growth of Democratic Institutions: ADVERTISEMENTS: The downfall of feudal elements and encourageĀ­ment of merit based system of functional rationality dictated bureaucratic organizations. Characteristic of Bureaucracy 1. Structural: (a) Division of work.(b) Hierarchy. ADVERTISEMENTS: (c) System of rules.2. Behavioral:(a) Rationality.(b) Impersonality.(c)…
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Essay on the Aristotle’s Justification of Slavery

Aristotle hailed as the realist philosopher, wanted to take things as they are. Perhaps his justification of slavery is most accurate account of realism. For, it was expedient in the prevailing context of time. 1. Grounds of Justification: According to Aristotle slave is the living possession of the family, necessary for its smooth functioning. He justifies slavery on the grounds of being natural institution, usefulness and expediency. 2. Natural Ground: Unlike the Sophists, who espoused the natural equality of human beings, Aristotle argues that nature itself has ordained slavery. For, different persons are endowed with different attributes and qualities. So, superior should rule over the inferior. ADVERTISEMENTS: Those persons who are endowed with a higher degree of reason and capacity for virtue must command and direct those who possess little…
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Short Speech on Endocrine and Neuroendocrine Systems

Endocrine systems are systems which generally control long term activities of target organs as well as physiological processes such as digestion, metabolism, growth, development and reproduction, in contrast to more rapid activities under the control of the nervous system. Image Source: med.uottawa.ca ADVERTISEMENTS: These are effectors organs, in that they are under the control of the nervous system either directly -or indirectly.Endocrine systems include certain glands called endocrine glands; these glands are found in different regions of the body of the animal.Although, endocrine glands were first recognized only as ductless glands as they have no external ducts and which discharge their secretions directly into the blood stream. Particular emphasis was placed on the vascularity and specialized anatomy.Now, however, endocrine glands are known to occur in animals with scanty circulating fluids,…
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Short Speech on Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is defined as ā€˜meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needā€™.Sustainability is a dynamic concept born out of the environmental debate of the last quarter century. In order to achieve a sustainable life, a balance and equal distribution of natural resources is necessary throughout the world so that basic needs of each and every living being may be fulfilled.Sustainable Development as a norm has been accepted in the literature ever since the publication of the Brundtland Commission report in 1987. It is defined as ā€œa pattern of social and structured economic transformations (i.e., development) that optimises the economic and societal benefits available in the present, without jeopardizing the likely potential for similar benefits in the future.ā€ Image Source:…
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Very Useful Notes on ‘Digestion in Invertebrates’

1. Digestion in Protozoa: In all protozoans except parasitic protozoans such as Trypanosoma, Monocystis, digestion takes place in the food vacuoles. Image Source: internal.champaignschools.org ADVERTISEMENTS: Digestion is carried out with the help of certain digestive enzymes. It is still not clear just how the digestive enzymes enter the food vacuoles (Barrington, 1962).According to De Duve 1963, the enzymes are hydrolytic in nature and are contained in special packages called lysosomes.It is believed that during the process of digestion the lysosomes arc discharged in some manner into the food vacuoles and thus contained food is broken down into its constituents whom then pass into the cytoplasm and be assimilated.The parasitic protozoans either absorb the predigested food of their host or digest their food with the help of hydrolytic enzymes outside the…
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Biology Question Bank ā€“ 11 MCQs on ā€œGrowth of Human Populationā€ ā€“ Answered!

11 Questions with Answers and Explanations on Growth of Human Population for Biology Students:1. In India, human population is heavily weighted towards the younger age groups as a result of (a) short life span of many individuals and high birth rate Image Source: static.squarespace.com ADVERTISEMENTS: (b) long life span of many individuals and high birth rate(c) short life span of many individuals and low birth rate(d) long life span of many individuals and low birth rate. ADVERTISEMENTS: Answer and Explanation:1. (a): A population having mostly younger age group means its birth rate is high. If death rate is increased then the proportion of old age group will be increased. But in this case death rate has increasing trend thence in a human population which is heavily weighted towards the younger…
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Biology Question Bank ā€“ 40 MCQs on ā€œAnimal Tissueā€ ā€“ Answered!

40 Questions with Answers and Explanations on ā€œAnimal Tissueā€ for Biology Students.1. Lamina propria is connected with (a) acini Image Source: i.ytimg.com ADVERTISEMENTS: (b) liver(c) graafian follicle(d) intestine. ADVERTISEMENTS: Answer and Explanation: 1. (d): It is the middle layer of 3 layered Mucosa (outer muscularis mucosa, middle lamina propria and inner simple colunar epithelium) of intestine. It is made up of a highly vascular connective tissue containing lymphatic nodules.2. Lymph differs from blood in possessing (a) only WBC ADVERTISEMENTS: (b) more RBC and WBC(c) more RBC and few WBC(d) more WBC and few RBC.Answer and Explanation: 2. (a): Lymph is a colourless, mobile, fluid connective tissue. The lymph is usually a clear, transparent fluid. It consists of two parts: a fluid matrix, the plasma, in which float amoeboid cells, the…
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