Letter to the Postmaster General for Setting up of a Post Office

From DateTo The Postmaster General,Re: Urgent need for setting up of a Post Office. ADVERTISEMENTS: Dear Sir,I____________ (Name), as President of the local Zonal committee, would like to voice the demand of the local people about the urgent need for setting up of a post office at____________ (full address to be mentioned).This area has been developing fast in the recent past connected with a nearby railway station. Many people have started flocking in this area for livelihood and habitation. Shops and business establishments have started springing up. Looking to the speedy development of this area, setting up of a post office has been felt a crying need immediately.The nearest post office from this place is at a distance of a couple of miles away and the local people have to…
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Letter to Development Authority – Regarding Non-Allotment of Flat

To The Chairman, (Development Authority Name) (Address) (Date)Sir,This is to inform you that in response to your advertise­ment____________ (Date), for the purchase of flat in ____________ (Apartments Name), I had also booked a flat in the same apart­ment. My last installment of ____________ (Amount) was paid on ____________ (Date) via a Bank Demand Draft (Xerox enclosed). The ownership of the flat was to be handed over in the first week of ____________ (Month). After doing the rounds of your office, I was made to known that certain fittings in those flats were still there to be completed and so by first week of ____________ (Month) the possession would be handed over. Thereafter I made two visits to the Ghaziabad De­velopment Authority, but was unable to elicit satisfactory reply. As I…
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18 Short Questions with Answers about Reproduction in Organism

Q. 1. Why is reproduction essential for organismsAns. Reproduction is essential:(i) for multiplication and maintaining the identity of a species; ADVERTISEMENTS: (ii) to introduce variation among the individuals of a species;(iii) to maintain and to inherit the genetic constitution or genetic make up.Q. 2. Which is a better mode of reproduction: sexual or asexual? Why?Ans. Sexual mode of reproduction is better because it is biparental reproduction and introduces variation among offsprings and their parents (in a population) due to crossing over and recombination during gamete formation by meiosis. ADVERTISEMENTS: Q. 3. Why is the offspring formed by asexual reproduction referred to as clone?Ans. In asexual reproduction, the offspring is morphologically and genetically identical to the parent and to each other. Hence it is called clone. Image Source: news.mit.eduQ.4. Offspring formed…
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Essay on “Thar Desert”

Deserts extend over 2% of landmass (Olson et al., 1983) with about 1200 animal species from Bustard. Sand grouse species are restricted to Thar (Rodgers and Panwar, 1988). Thar is the most populous desert in world with human density of around 84 per sq. km.Population growth is also very high, for instance, between 1991 and 1981; population growth was 187 %, in the Thar while it was 249% in the whole of India. (Malhotra, 1988). More than 80% people live in villages or scattered settlements called dhanis. But urbanization is increasing. Agriculture and animals husbandry are the main occupations.As animal’s husbandry is one of the main occupations of people, livestock population is very high and increasing. Density of livestock varies from 42 in Jaisalmer district to 226 per Km2 in…
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7 Main Importance of Religious Education in Schools

Main Facts about the Religious Education in Schools are given below:1. Religion is a very important aspect of human life. There is a difference between a lower animal and man, because man can deliberate over spiritual reasoning’s on the basis of religion. In the modern world of materialism man is badly in need of spiritualism. Image Source: kentuu.org ADVERTISEMENTS: Man cannot get peace through worldly pleasures, because there is no end to the same. In worldly pleasures the drive for material things goes on accelerating. Under such a situation religion must be given a place in education, because religion alone can acquaint man with the shallowness of worldly things.History, geography, science, mathematics and other subjects taught in schools lead only to the fulfillment of material needs. They develop the mind,…
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What are the Educational Duties of Religion?

Generally, it is seen that religious institutions do not pay due attention to physical health. They harbor the idea that efforts for having physical health will encourage desire for worldly pleasures and this is detrimental to spiritual development. Image Source: cdn.shareyouressays.comSo it should be a duty of religious institutions to impress on the children that physical health is only a tool for the fulfillment of the ultimate purposes of religion. Being engrossed in spiritual attainments, when we ignore the basic necessities of life, we are unable to meet our daily needs and ultimately it leads to poverty and decay of the people. ADVERTISEMENTS: Our present plight in India is a result of over emphasis on the spiritual to the utter neglect of required efforts for material advancement. So our religious…
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7 Main Impacts of “Existentialism” on “Education”

Main impacts of existentialism on education are given below:1. An existentialist wants the full development of the individuality of the individual. He does not like one-sided development Image Source: 435729.medialib.glogster.com ADVERTISEMENTS: 2. An existentialist does not give too much importance to objective knowledge in the curriculum. This means that he dislikes over-importance given to science and mathematics, etc. At places he opposes them also. However, he does not regard them as useless. Jaspers wants to make objective knowledge as the basis of subjective knowledge.3. An existentialist philosopher can realize the “self’ by being in the world itself. He gives importance to the environment of man. The environment of the external world is the main means for an-individual’s education.By living in this environment he has to understand his ‘self and to…
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5 Major Patterns Modes of Social Change in Every Society

Social Change is a universal process but it works in several ways. Darwin, Herbert Spencer, Marx, Maclver, Sorokin and several other sociologists have tried to explain the modes or patterns in different ways.Major patterns/modes of social change are:1. Social Change through Evolution ADVERTISEMENTS: 2. Social Change through Progress3. Social Change through Development.4. Social Change through Revolution5. Social change through Social Movements Image Source: a4.files.biography.com 1. Social Change through Evolution: ADVERTISEMENTS: Some scholars try to explain the process of social change as change through evolution. Following Darwin, Herbert Spencer, and other 19th century social theorists, tried to interpret social change as a form of evolution. Evolution means a slow and continuous change from simple to a complex. Evolutionary process tells us that social change is like an evolutionary change which occurs…
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Essay on the Structural-Functional Approach to Study Political Science

The Structural-Functional Approach seeks to study politics as a system of interactions, i.e., Political System. It analyses Political System as a set of structures performing functions.The credit for popularising this approach goes to Gabriel Almond and his colleagues. Structural-Functional Approach: ADVERTISEMENTS: Structural-Functional Approach has been a very popular and useful approach to the study of Politics as Political System. It seeks to study Political System as a set of functions performed by several structures which together constitute the system of politics.It seeks to identify and analyse the structures which constitute the political system and perform several functions both internally and vis-a-vis other societies. Image Source: vorige.nrc.nlStructural-Functional Approach seeks to analyse: what basic functions are performed by what political structures? Charles worth explains the crux of this approach in a very…
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Post-Behaviouralism Approach to Study Political Science – Essay

After remaining popular for almost two decades (1940-60), the Behavioural Approach got transformed into Post-Behaviouralism. Twenty years of behavioural research brought to light its limitations and weaknesses.The failure to make any real progress towards the objective of building a scientific political theory compelled the behaviouralists to admit reforms in the light of their experiences with behavioural research. They accepted several reforms and the exercise got the name Post-Behaviouralism.Post-Behaviouralism did not constitute a return to the traditional approach. It accepted the merit of Behaviouralism but at the same time advocated the need to reform it. The Post- Behaviouralists were reformed behaviouralists. Post-Behaviouralism emerged as a reform movement within Behaviouralism. Image Source: cdn.shareyouressays.com ADVERTISEMENTS: Post-Behaviouralism accepted and advocated:1. The need to study all realities of Politics.2. The need to study social change.…
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