Short Essay on Human Society

Short Essay on Human Society – Human society is not only dynamic but also diverse. Differences are found between societies and within the same society among peoples and groups. In fact, society is based on the principle of difference. Society exhibits diversity because; people who constitute society themselves differ.As the popular saying “all fingers are not equal’- all people are not alike. They do differ. Human beings differ from one another in their physical development, in their mental make-up, in their moral, spiritual temperament, in their noble work, intellectual endeavors, criminal activity, and so on.The physical traits of people such as stature, skin, colour, height, weight, and texture of hair and its colour, structure of eyes, perimeter of the chest and so on do differ. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Their…
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Essay on Assessment of Marx's Contributions to Sociology

Essay on Assessment of Marx’s Contributions to Sociology – Karl Marx was undoubtedly a great social thinker, profound scholar and a prolific writer. He was an idealist who committed himself to the cause of welfare of the working community. It is more appropriate to call him a social philosopher than a sociologist.Marx has almost no influence on the development of early sociology which was dominated by the evolutionists, particularly social Darwin­ists. The mid twentieth century witnessed the rebirth of Marxist sociology. He has exerted a tremen­dous influence on a large number of sociologists.He has made scholars discuss the problems which he had raised, and has opened up vast new areas of investigation. “Most of the modern social sciences owe their existence in greater or lesser degree to Karl Marx” –…
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Write a Short Essay on Children's Day

It is said that the greatest need of a person in life is the feeling of ‘being wanted’ and ‘being noticed’. The thirst for wontedness is an unquenchable thirst, found in every human being. It is particularly true in the case of children. They long to be wanted, shown affection and appreciated. Children’s Day celebrated all over India on 14th November every year is an attempt in this regard.14th Nov. is celebrated all over India every year as Children’s Day in loving memory of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of our country. He was a true friend of children. He profoundly loved them and kept them dear to his heart. Therefore children called him ‘Chacha Nehru’. ADVERTISEMENTS: In the Indian context ‘Chacha’ stands next to one’s father and…
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Write a Short Essay on Mahatma Gandhi

India has produced many outstanding personalities who have left behind a legacy of greatness, noble life and sublime ideals. Among these men, Mahatma Gandhi stands in the forefront. Today he is considered as the greatest, the noblest and the finest Indian ever born in our land. He was the brightest star ever raised on the horizon of India.Mahatma Gandhi was born on Oct. 2, 1869 at Porbandar, in Gujarat, in a noble Hindu family. His full name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. After passing his matriculation examination, he was sent to England to study law. In 1890, he returned from England as a lawyer. ADVERTISEMENTS: Soon after his arrival in India, he was called to help the Indians who were facing numerous hardships under the British rule in South Africa. Gandhi…
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Short Essay on the Culture of Anthropology

It is amazing but true that social anthropology does not enjoy a re­spectable status in India and other Third World countries. Among the social sciences it was social anthropology which became a tool by pro­viding a tacit fund of knowledge to the colonial powers for the suppression of the people. The British had their colonial rule in India and many parts of Africa. They ruled over the masses of people with­out doing any substantial good to the common man. This historically made the colonial people quite unfriendly to the general public. The British administrators-turned-social anthropologists, such as Risley and Russell, provided clues to the British Empire for doing all kinds of injustice. It happened in South Africa and other parts of the world. Historically, all this ended in the erosion…
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Essay on Interrelations Between Rural and Urban Sociology

Essay on Interrelations Between Rural and Urban Sociology – Various branches of sociology study the different aspects of the same reality, that is, society. It is but natural that all the branches are interrelated. Accordingly, rural sociology and urban sociology too have interconnections.Rural sociology studies the village and urban sociology deals with the city. The city life de­pends on the village and what it produces. Similarly, the village is very much influenced by the city. Due to the pressures from within and attractions from outside people are flocking towards the cities from the villages.The economic necessity and social deficiency are ‘pushing’ the people out of the village, while the attractions of the city are ‘pulling’ them towards their centres. This has resulted in phenomenon known as ‘urbanisation’. Both rural sociology…
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Essay on Social Evolution

The term ‘evolution‘ comes from the Latin word ‘evoluere’ which means ‘to develop’ or to ‘unfold’. It closely corresponds to the Sanskrit word ‘Vikas’. Evolution literally means gradually ‘unfolding’ or ‘unrolling’.It indicates changes from ‘within’ and not from without’; it is spontane­ous, but not automatic. It must take place on its own accord. It implies continuous change that takes place especially in some structure. The concept of evolution applies more precisely to the internal growth of an organism. ADVERTISEMENTS: Meaning of Social Evolution: The term ‘evolution’ is borrowed from biological science to sociology. The term ‘organic evolution’ is replaced by ‘Social Evolution’ in sociology. Whereas the term ‘organic evolution’ is used to denote the evolution of organism, the expression ‘social evolution’ is used to explain the evolution of human society.…
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277 Words Short Essay on Environmental Pollution

Our earth is the only planet in the universe which has an environment suitable for life. Air and water is needed for survival. Earth provided these essentials and man used them. This usage over the period has led to serious pollution problems that can be hazardous.Many industries have come up owing to rapid urbanization. Furthermore, there is an ever increasing demand of petrol and diesel for running various means of transport. As a result, a heavy amount of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, sulphur-dioxide and many more gases are polluting the air. The major threat to humanity comes from the development of nuclear sciences.The nuclear experiments worldwide are destroying the atmospheric balance. The poisonous gases, chemicals and dust released into the air fall back on earth as acid rain harming crops and…
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594 Words Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Co- Education

In ancient times, co-education was prevalent in Sparta, a city-state of Greece. Both boys and girls were given academic education and physical training together. There was no discrimination between the boys and the girls. They played and studied together.Plato, the Greek philosopher, was also in favour of co-education. He believed that co-education helped in the development of personality of men and women and created a feeling of comradeship between them. He felt that co­education was the only method to make both men and women useful members of society. In ancient India also boys and girls were brought up and taught together. They were not segregated from each other.Nowadays, the system of co-education is in vogue in U.S.A., Europe and other advanced countries of the world. In India also, a number…
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Short Essay on Courage

A person possesses two types of courage, one is physical and other is mental. Physical courage encourages the man to do works of risk like rocket manufacturing, launching satellites.It encourages man to discover the other planets of the universe and all types of laborious works.Moral or mental courage is found in man only. It enables man to select right or wrong and to act according to his will. ADVERTISEMENTS: As moral courage is a rare virtue. By the help of moral courage he selects the right path, may it be opposite to public opinion. He may have to face many troubles for the right path he has selected.In comparison to physical courage, moral courage is far superior. A man with a moral courage always does right under all circumstances. For…
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