What is the Relationship between “Politics” and “Sociology”? – Explained!
There is a deep relationship between Political Science and Sociology. In fact, there is so much interdependence between the two that the study of one essentially demands some knowledge of the other. Modern Political Scientists have used the knowledge of Sociology for developing several approaches, concepts and theories of Politics.All of us know that the State in its early stages was more of a social than political institution. The political is still embedded in social. The study of State and other political institutions requires knowledge of the social system in which these are at work.As such Politics has to take the help of Sociology. Likewise, since political institutions play a deterministic role in the social system, Sociology needs knowledge of Political Science. Image Source: ce85d19d27bcd4580648-f08455577a10cebd8677ed53887ae045.r1.cf2.rackcdn.com ADVERTISEMENTS: Politics is the science…